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Great Tire Deal

Although this may not be popular here, (I'm sorry and not trying to offend anyone) but it's not really about the looks. With that said, no, it shouldn't be 'butt ugly', but here's the real deal.


Google claims that more than 50% or now mobile. I would hazard a guess that for auto repair shops, it's even higher, although I don't have data to support that. It's just a gut feeling - and what shop owners tell me about where their new customers come from.


So what's this mean to you?? Go have a look at your website on your phone. There has to be 5 pieces of information that are available right away. They are:


1) Phone number

2) Location - Map

3) Reviews

4) Coupons

5) Appointments or Quotes


Just to be clear... I am talking about links to these. And all phone numbers must be coded to be 'click-to-call'. That is, as a visitor I don't have to scribble down your number; I just click it and your number is instantly on my phone.


Check your site out. I can't tell you how many I see that miss this mark by yards!


Hope this helps!


Matthew Lee
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Interested in hearing feedback from anyone





Very nice site and I see you are using a wordpress SEO plug-in which is excellent. You are using good page titles and the site is (as most wordpress themes today are) mobile ready. You have a good amount of images, I would consider caching your pages. This can be done with your server/hosting.


Below are a couple of tools everyone can use to see how their site is and correct or share with their developer. Not everything is as important and the reality is that you are only competing with local sites that are in the same market when trying to get to the top of the list in searches, so fix what you see if its going to make a difference. I would type in keywords and phrases you think your customers would use to search for auto repair into Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
http://seositecheckup.com/ - search engine optimization test
https://search.google.com/search-console/mobile-friendly - Google mobile-friendly test, see if your website layout is mobile friendly
The web is changing and primarily because of new/improved coding languages and screen sizes. It is important to keep web site scripting up to date to minimize issues, hacking, and layout issues with modern web browsers. So this means updating the programs/scripts that run your sites or making sure your web developers keep them updated to the latest versions.
Google is giving more weight to mobile friendly pages because of phones and smaller screen sizes. When you look at your site, don't only look at it on your desktop or laptop, check your phones and tablets and see how it looks. Are you happy with it? Is it easy to navigate? Will your customers like it?
Lastly, are you running any analytics on your site? Ask your developer to add in Google Analytics, its free. You can get great insight to how your website is found, what pages are frequented, and other useful info such as ranking, demographics, etc. :D
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Hi Folks!


What I think most are missing about the sites is the 'technical' stuff. Now, I am not here to start an argument, so please accept my comments as part of a quick check I did on a few sites.


First of all, I'm not a website expert. Only been helping shop owners since 2005. I guess I am a rookie, right.


But here's the IMPORTANT Must Have things you need


1) Click to call PHONE number

2) Link to map

3) Testimonials or Reviews

4) Coupons - I know, I know... but people search that stuff

5) Quote form or contact form


So here's the sites I looked at. Again, please accept this information based on what I found. I am here to help!


It's mobile friendly, but misses the 5 critical parts visitors are looking for.
Website at www.CARMandP.com
Tried to have a look... and there's a problem. Can't get to the site. Says DNS address could not be found.
That's really not YOUR website. It's a page on bizjournals.com. You can't SEO it or nothing. Not sure if you're paying for that, but it's not worth the time. Sorry! ;)
Your site at http://fetchnfix.com/ isn't mobile friendly. That means your site won't show up in Google search on a mobile device. You eliminate about 60% of the auto repair searches. That's got to be fixed <sorry> ;)
Bockman's Auto Care
Your site at http://www.bockmansautocare.com/ is mobile friendly, but misses the real important stuff like a tap to call button on the page. See the 'Must Haves' I've listed. Hope this helps
Your site at http://raimotorsport.com isn't mobile friendly either. That means you're cutting yourself out of over 60% of searches that are based on mobile devices. <sorry>
Your site at myautorepairadvice.com IS mobile friendly but misses on just about every point of SEO. Do you calls from your site? I didn't find a phone number. Also, see my list of "Must haves"
Problem with your site. DNS?? Not sure. Google mobile friendly test couldn't access the page either. Hmmm
Tires Too
Your site at http://www.tirestoo.com/ is mobile friendly, but seems to be missing a couple of important issues. See my list above
Your site at http://www.parksindust.com is mobile friendly. Doesn't seem to be the easiest to navigate... but that's just my comment.
Your site at http://www.nicksrepair.com/ is using GoDaddy. Biggest problem is the BIG GoDaddy logo at the top! Yuk! Besides that, there's something in your robots.ext file that is blocking Google. That will mean no search engine traffic <sorry>
Gary A
Checked your site at http://www.littlefallsautoservice.com/ It's NOT mobile friendly... so that's a BIG problem. You're not in over 60% of Google searched. Get mobile! <sorry>
Your site at http://www.botzonsauto.com/ isn't mobile friendly either. Just like the other ones, you're not in Google search on mobile. That cuts you out of over 60% of search traffic
Hope this helps! If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to post or send me a message.
Matthew Lee
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We've created this section here for you to post your shop website. This is a great way to get some more exposure, relative backlinks for search engines, and feedback from your peers.


Please post relevent automotive shop websites only. Any posts including non automotive shop websites will be moderated and removed.


Thank you.





I think this a good topic / idea as we might all benefit from feedback, however I don't think it will help with backlinks as only logged in users can see them.



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I think this a good topic / idea as we might all benefit from feedback, however I don't think it will help with backlinks as only logged in users can see them.





Scott, good catch...thank you, I've edited my first post. Since the start of this topic back in 2007, we have changed the strategy here at ASO and only show the first post in a topic to guests. You must be logged in to view additional posts in a topic. You are correct that it will not help with backlinks.

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Hello Everyone!


I am posting this because Bill contacted me and asked me to have a look at his website at http://www.bockautomotive.com/.

I thought this could help others here because there are a lot of issues that are NOT easily seen - just by looking at the site. Here's what my comments were:


1) YOU DON'T OWN YOUR DOMAIN! It's like you took the keys to the front door of your house and gave them to a stranger! Your site is owned by 'Net Driven'. They are probably the people doing your site. That's fine - but they don't have to own the domain. Right now, you can't do ANYTHING without them - because you have no access to the domain. I would STRONGLY recommend that you set up a GoDaddy account and do a transfer of the domain name.
2) You are mobile friendly, but missing a couple of critical links - like links to Get a FREE QUOTE and Appointments. I know the issue with free quotes - but it starts the conversation. That's one of the 'must haves' for mobile auto service sites.
3) On the technical side, I only did a quick check, but most of your pictures are missing "alt" tags. Understand that Google can't "SEE" your pictures. They rely on "alt" tags to understand what the picture is. It's not only ah important part of SEO, but the RIGHT alt tag is important. You can't have dumb ones like "car" or "shop" - they have to describe what the picture is - and can help a lot with your SEO
4) Above that, your site doesn't utilize "multiple-dynamic-home-pages" This alone can triple or quadruple your exposure online. That's a strategy where 'home pages' are created for all of the most important services - or at least the most popular - like "oil change your city", "air conditioning your city" and so on. By the way, I know nobody wants to do oil changes - but it's one of the most heavily utilized search terms across America.
5) Your site is not utilized UXO or User Experience Optimization - and that is critical to today's Google algorithm. Did you know that Google 'tracks' how long visitors stay on your page? When they click back - it's considered a bounce. The more bounces - the lower your search ranking will go.
Hope this helps!
Matthew Lee
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http://autosavetireshop.com/    If any of you guys have a chance click my website and tell me good or bad that you see, I pay good money for this website. At times I really do not think it works although I guess it does at some point. This is a great forum for business owners I really enjoy reading and get a lot of info from all you guys. Thanks David

Edited by tirengolf
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15 minutes ago, tirengolf said:

http://autosavetireshop.com/    If any of you guys have a chance click my website and tell me good or bad that you see, I pay good money for this website. At times I really do not think it works although I guess it does at some point. This is a great forum for business owners I really enjoy reading and get a lot of info from all you guys. Thanks David

Here is one of the most important things.  I did a search on google for automotive tires in Pensacola Fl and you were on the first page.  https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=automotive+tires+pensacola+fl&* and #1 in google places.




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5 hours ago, ScottSpec said:

Here is one of the most important things.  I did a search on google for automotive tires in Pensacola Fl and you were on the first page.  https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=automotive+tires+pensacola+fl&* and #1 in google places.


Scott, would that be done be done by my optimization company or my website developers. Thanks David 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/10/2017 at 5:53 PM, Pat R said:

Feedback is greatly appreciated, Thank you!



Pat, I am certainly no expert on this although there are some guys on here who are really up on this and have trained, or just have a good eye for it. I personally like to see a phone number and years in business even if it 5 years. I also like for the phone number to be highlighted where I can call someone from their web page. One of the biggest thinks I did in my area was made sure I was registered on google maps. that to me seemed to really increase my phone rings. That is just what I like for all it is worth. Good Luck. David

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  • 1 month later...

Could we extend on this topic adding what does an Automotive Repair Shop really need on their site. I have built a lot of websites over the years. I still struggle with what is really needed. There are some nice looking sites here but some of them are quite busy and overwhelming. What do customers want to see? There is a shop across the parking lot from us. They have a one page website that is at least 10 years old. They don't have any social media accounts but if you search for auto repair in our city, they used to come up on the first page almost every time. I just checked and they are currently on the top of the second page. I did a backlink check and there are only 4 to their site. 

I have too many websites, I have considered very basic site with some special offers on the home page to entice people.

What are your thoughts?



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On 10/17/2017 at 8:56 PM, ScottSpec said:

Could we extend on this topic adding what does an Automotive Repair Shop really need on their site. I have built a lot of websites over the years. I still struggle with what is really needed. There are some nice looking sites here but some of them are quite busy and overwhelming. What do customers want to see? There is a shop across the parking lot from us. They have a one page website that is at least 10 years old. They don't have any social media accounts but if you search for auto repair in our city, they used to come up on the first page almost every time. I just checked and they are currently on the top of the second page. I did a backlink check and there are only 4 to their site. 

I have too many websites, I have considered very basic site with some special offers on the home page to entice people.

What are your thoughts?



I have one of those complicated sites. www.wheelingautocenter.com

I think the site has to have your contact info readily available, IT has to list what you do, It has to have a link to reviews, and it has to most importantly build an impression to the consumer. An impression either this is EXACTLY what I am looking for or just the opposite.

I think real pictures are an important part of that. All you primary points of action need to be on the first page (appointment by web, phone call, contact info) and it HAS to be mobile friendly.

I also think you have to have other pages for those who have questions or who like to do more research. The number of pages is not important but I think you need to have more than they want to go thru. Most will only look at one or two before making a decision but having more to choose from might create a more professional impression.

Almost everyone uses the internet in some way to chose, fund or do business. Just sit and think about how you use your phone, computer and pad devices to research, locate, get directions or just find a phone number. To those that think it isnt needed either you are running a (really)small business or nearing retirement age.... IMHO


Oh, one last thing. Most update their technology quite often(phones, ipads etc) dont you think there are valid reasons to keeping your website updated??? Spiders, load times?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem most all of us have we are business guys and gals in the Automotive Business. The one thing that I personally think is important is the ability to google your place and hit a button that dials your phone number without having to dial the numbers. Then it is our job to do the proper phone etiquette and selling. If I can get them on the phone or better yet in my store I usually can handle it from there.













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On 1/2/2018 at 1:43 AM, Martin said:

My webpage URL has changed.


@Martin  I like that you've added Whatsapp as a contact method. On a quick look and not a huge deal, you've got some styling issues in your footer with your links and a little red box coming up on chrome:


Looking at your footer area code, that red box is where your contact form response would be placed. You are using the latest version of wordpress which is good and this is just a template/css fix your designer can make. I would think about moving to https://  you are currently on http://. I would also make your youtube and facebook links larger, they get lost a bit.


On 2/7/2018 at 3:24 PM, risingsunmotors said:


Done by Netdriven out of PA. they do a good job 


@risingsunmotors, nice website. Maybe think about contacting Net driven and moving over to https.


On 2/23/2018 at 7:27 AM, Mosher said:

https://www.swampscottautoservice.com Please feel free to give some feedback

@Mosher Looks good, clean design. 👍 Did you use a third party site like WIX or something like that? 



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I just set up an account with Go Daddy. A good friend of mine helped me make the site from scratch. Very low budget. Cost me around 200 a year compared to 200  a month I was paying with Dex Media. 


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54 minutes ago, autobodyguys said:

Would love to get everyone feedback. Thanks!

folsom orangevale auto body repair

@autobodyguys Nice layout! Looks like you are using a wordpress theme commonly used to build sites which is good. I would consider moving your domain to https:// at some point and checking your slider images for clarity on larger screens. The car image for instance, its stretched beyond its dimensions causing it to be slightly grainy on larger desktop screens, which you can solve by using a larger image for desktop and smaller image for mobile or resizing correctly. Personally, I'm not a fan of using white text with shadowing on white background like in your logo because it gets lost a bit, but that may be just me. 😋

Maybe put a background on the "collision repair" text within the logo image like you have it on your building:


Your slider image text should be moved higher because its at the bottom of the screen on desktops (checked in Chrome browser). You should put that higher towards the middle of the page view.



This is on a quick look of course...😁

You can run a SEO test here: https://seositecheckup.com, you'll find a few things like image alt tags and page caching to improve speed as opportunities.

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
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