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    Kool Holdings
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    3909 Witmer Road, Niagara Falls, New York, 14305
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    Auto Body
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    Helping you, the auto repair shop owner increase car counts and finally get paid the money you deserve! Get a copy of my new book, "THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO AUTO SERVICE MARKETING" at JustTheBestMarketing.com

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  1. Hey, just had a quick look at your website. Videos not working? Need some help? 
    Let me know, I've got nothing to sell - but I'm not going into a long explanation until you tell me you want to hear. Shoot me a message at [email protected] and we'll connect!

    "The Car Count Fixer"

  2. Hey Zenas! Quick hello! I'm Matthew, "The Car Count Fixer" 
    Did a quick google search and found you... you've got great reviews, but you don't have a website. 

    Look, I don't have a lot of details right now, and I don't want to write it all out and make you read it, but if we can jump on a zoom call (I posted a response to your post on the forum) I'd be really happy to walk you through a few things, and even show you how to create an offer that you'll be able to use time and time again - all year long!

    I don't want to be pushy, (I'm scheduled on a zoom call in 5 minutes so I can't take too long here) but here's the deal - I'll get you a custom website, designed, developed and hosted... for FREE! 

    I know it sounds like a scam, but I'm not joking. No tricks! No gimmicks! No Kidding! ;)

    What I would do if I were you would be go over to GoDaddy and shop for a name. Don't buy anything else, just the domain name. Buy it for one year and get your name. This is really important, but I don't have time to detail it all out. 

    In short, if Google don't know about you - you don't exist! I promise!
    Have a look and let me know. You can shoot me an email at [email protected] 

    I'm not looking for clients - I've got nothing to sell - I'll help you the best way I can. 
    Besides, If I'm lying, you can just hang up! 

    Look forward to talking.
    My current zoom calendar is here: https://carcounthackers.com/zoom/ but all my site are being moved, so this will go away soon. 

    Look forward to talking to you! Take care!


  3. Hey Zenas! Congratulations on your shop! I remember those days! Look, I could talk and write and talk for days, but the fact is you need a simple strategy that doesn’t take you away from what you do best - and what you do best is “fix cars!” It’s not about tactics! It’s about a strategy. It’s not about sneaky ways of covering up prices - it’s about showing people who you are. I hate to do this because I’m moving (digitally) so if you wait, this link will go away. https://carcounthackers.com/zoom/ check this out and book a totally free strategy call with me. I don’t have anything to sell you, so you can sit on you wallet - but I promise I’ll show you the strategy. In short, you’ve got to make more offers. Offers = Car count. No Car Count. No Business. I’ll show you the strategy and make it dead simple. You’ll do it once and then just rinse and repeat! Go ahead and book a call. Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  4. Welcome! Hope everyone had a great holiday and Christmas! It’s been a struggle around here but that’s only because I had to bite the bullet and move! So now, I’m proud to say that we’ve moved… well, digitally that is. Unfortunately, most of my old links and links on YouTube videos are going to evaporate! But wait, there’s more! And the “more” part of that statement is pretty crazy! I wanted to start 2025 with a splash, (so you may want to take a step back to avoid the splash!) Because of our new digital home and the fact that Google search has made huge changes in what you get whenever you search, we’re starting 2025 with a brand new service. With almost 2 decades in website design, development and hosting, auto repair shops can now get their website done for FREE! When I say “done”, I mean “done”. Qualified auto repair shops never pay for website design, development or hosting… EVER! What’s a qualified repair shop? You have to have a customer list of more than 200 customers. So if you’ve read this far, I know you’re sitting back and saying “there’s got to be a catch.”, right? I don’t want to keep you, so click the link and visit my new website and I’ll fill you in there. Can’t wait to meet you! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer” What’s a qualified repair shop? You have to have a customer list of more than 200 customers. Matthew “The Car Count Fixer” https://gomodigital.website
  5. You’re welcome to grab your own copy of this newest report, “The Ultimate BadAss Car Count Machine”! It’s like a car count cheat sheet! It’s free! You can grab it here! Questions? Let me know! Happy Car Counting! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  6. Good info! Thanks for sharing. Actually, never thought about it... the "Virtual Shop Tour"! Like that would be difficult... uh... start with... "Take out your phone, press record". So simple - potentially so effective... and what a great way to demonstrate who you are - what you do - and it can all be on a YouTube short - so that's a minute! Look, I know you've got a lot to say about your shop... but edit it do who we are... what we do... and why we're the best and you're done! Now, most guys won't want to hear this... but script it... you don't have to do record it word for word... but at least an outline. Then record it 2 or 3 times... you'll get better every time... and the viewer will see it. Great info! Just press record! Happy Car Counting! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  7. Effective? Absolutely! And like you said, when you think about it, social media is really the same - it’s word of mouth. And yes, it's really strong and effective! Just look at some of the stats! You’re also correct about building strong relationships too! The only change we’re seeing is that it helps (lots!) when you provide incentives or rewards. After all, everyone is listening to the same radio station WIFM… “What’s In it For Me?” When you think about it, you’re going to buy your customers. So you can pay for a bunch of advertising… or just share some rewards with your customers. When you refer a friend, I’ll give you “X”. Besides, you won’t believe how far a $10 or $20 Subway gift card goes! Really! Just take the reward “outside” of your business, In other words, the reward can’t be a discount off your next service. It’s something OUTSIDE of your business - something they wouldn’t typically get - and it doesn’t have to be really expensive! Happy Car Counting! Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  8. Frankly, I’m puzzled. This was a totally free LIVE event I hosted and there was even time for a live Q&A at the end. Responded to all questions, thank you to anyone who asked. The total training was about an hour and contained a slide deck of 320+ slides; so it was detailed. I was surprised when your first post was “Anyone got the 3 sentence or less summary?” My response detailed everything,.,, and I took the liberty of stretching to 4 sentences. Afterall, like I said, it was a one hour presentation! I appreciate your response to that where you said: “Thanks.”... followed by”What works exactly?” The live presentation took an hour and 320+ slides to explain it to all (I think 22) that attended. So being that I don’t have an hour to respond, what part is it I should explain? -The part about the way to create offers that are structured on VALUE, not price (so shop owners don’t discount or toss in free services or give-a-ways)? -Or the part about the fact that you don’t have to fork over thousands of dollars UP FRONT to create ads or postcards (that capture new customers at a cost of $140 each - That’s the shop owners details I took a screenshot of from a forum.) -Or the part about shop owners don’t have to spend a dime to acquire the new customer until that new customer is in their shop? (So there's no guess work!) -Or the part that it works even if everything you’ve done before was a flop; or you operate with a shoestring budget and think it’s too risky to layout all that money (in the range of $3,000+ as per examples provided on the training) or you don't think your shop is big enough to compete with the big box repair shops, franchised or chain operated shops, or even new car dealers? -Or the part about the delivery system that guarantees response? or, the fact that nobody else can do it? The response was so good I’m thinking about turning it into an “On Demand Training Course”. I’ll try to post it back here if I do that. Thanks for your interest! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  9. Hey, Hands On! Matthew, “The Car Count Fixer” here… I’m the guy that hosted the call and I’ll try to help. My first comment is that your question or comment is a tall order. That’s because the call was about an hour long, so I think you’ll see that it’s a lot to jam into 3 sentences… but I’ll try. #1-I detailed my Perfect Offer lets you build an offer based on VALUE (not pricing) to the customer so you instantly stand out from the crowd (even big box repair, franchised shops, national chains or even new car dealers!) #2-I detailed how to get more new customers without EVER forking over money up front for postcards, printing, postage & distribution or hiring a digital ad agency to run your ads (that are usually full of discounts and free services that attract the bottom feeders and car owners without money!) - and I even showed real actual forum posts where shop owners detail spending $2,900.00 UP FRONT just for postcard printing, postage and distribution; without ever having a guarantee of getting a customer. When the dust settles, and you do the math and showed it was a cost of $140.00 just to get the new customer #3-Why My strategy is The Most BadAss? Because when you follow My Perfect Offer strategy, it means you never risk your money up front hoping that your ad works. I showed ways that it has actually proven to work - and it doesn’t cost you dime until the new customer is IN YOUR SHOP! And if I can be so bold as to add a fourth sentence…. #4 This works even if you’re never done it before, or your last promo was a huge waste of money and a flop, or you only have a shoestring budget and don’t think you can compete with the big box repair shops, franchised shops or new car dealers, or you don’t think it won’t work because you don’t have a main street location, or even if you don’t have enough reviews. The big issue is… Nobody else can do that, PERIOD! If you want more details, I’d be happy to show you on a quick zoom call. You can schedule it here for a day/time that works for you! Hope this helps! At least I tried to get it all in 3 sentences, no? Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  10. The Most Badass Way to Get More New Customers for your repair shop Without Wasting a Dime on Advertising This is The Most Badass Way to Get More New Customers for your repair shop Without Wasting a Dime on Advertising…even if your last promo, postcard orf digital ad was nothing more than a Big Waste of Money! I’m hosting a brand new LIVE Training Sunday, September 29th at 7:00pm Eastern. It’s totally free and you’re welcome to join! I’ll show you things nobody else will! I promise Register here: https://carcounthackers.com/badass Can’t wait to see you on the call! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  11. Du Fresnes, "We just keep doing all the marketing that we have always done" Good for you! Everyone wants that "one thing", but you will thrive from the consistency of the little things you do over and over as opposed to that one big thing! Also, so glad to hear that you still do snail mail!
  12. Actually, I was recently on a zoom meeting hosted by Joe (Marconi) and the focus was about selling service and maintenance. The discussion quickly escalated to booking the customer's next service appointment. In the discussion, people talked about educating the customer... you know... why do I need my brake fluid changed or flushed; do I really need to get my oil changed every XXX so many miles, etc. I couldn't agree more! In fact, just staying in touch with the customer is HUGE! Current stats prove that over 68% of repair shop customers leave businesses because of INDIFFERENCE! In other words, they think that you don't care! My comment was based on the fact that because today, video is so easy, could anyone send me a link or show me the bunch of "customer support videos" they made - and I'm talking about YouTube Shorts - 1 minute or less - made on a phone- where you can say (and show) a customer... this is what happens with whatever... this is what it looks like... and here's how to prevent it! Guess what? Nobody had anything! (Boy... that was a surprise!) Lot's of talk - no action. Then they wonder why.... Look, I could go on and on... but I've got work to do. As for your comments on DVI and pictures, I don't know a shop using that technology... I run a Text Message platform that is guaranteed to put car count in the shop... (as in it works your your money back guarantee!) and I can't tell you the struggle it is to get repair shops to even listen! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  13. Ha! YouTube as a sales tool! 100% Agreed! Just can't understand why repair shops don't do a lot more of that. It's not a quick win, but people get to know, trust and like you... then they bring their car in for service. Sheesh... sometimes feels like you gotta literally draw it out for them! Thanks! Matthew
  14. Now me! I got sucked into the photography game. There's always a new lens, filter or something. Almost as bad as golf! Anyway, I move around local car shows and try to create the picture that the car manufacturer may have used when they were trying to get you to buy the car! Expensive hobby, but I enjoy it! Matthew
  15. Joe, I think you hit the nail on the head when you asked… “Can a tech be proficient bouncing from car to truck to EV, to EURO to Domestic, to Diesel.” I agree. Virtually impossible. But now, add into that mix the part about running a business; Most hire a bookkeeper to keep track of the number. But what about keeping up with car count?. Or does that only get important when the money dries up? You’re right! Auto repair has come a long, long way. Without adding specialties, not sure if it’s possible to survive! Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”

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