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    Helping you, the auto repair shop owner increase car counts and finally get paid the money you deserve! Get a copy of my new book, "THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO AUTO SERVICE MARKETING" at JustTheBestMarketing.com

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  1. Du Fresnes, "We just keep doing all the marketing that we have always done" Good for you! Everyone wants that "one thing", but you will thrive from the consistency of the little things you do over and over as opposed to that one big thing! Also, so glad to hear that you still do snail mail!
  2. Actually, I was recently on a zoom meeting hosted by Joe (Marconi) and the focus was about selling service and maintenance. The discussion quickly escalated to booking the customer's next service appointment. In the discussion, people talked about educating the customer... you know... why do I need my brake fluid changed or flushed; do I really need to get my oil changed every XXX so many miles, etc. I couldn't agree more! In fact, just staying in touch with the customer is HUGE! Current stats prove that over 68% of repair shop customers leave businesses because of INDIFFERENCE! In other words, they think that you don't care! My comment was based on the fact that because today, video is so easy, could anyone send me a link or show me the bunch of "customer support videos" they made - and I'm talking about YouTube Shorts - 1 minute or less - made on a phone- where you can say (and show) a customer... this is what happens with whatever... this is what it looks like... and here's how to prevent it! Guess what? Nobody had anything! (Boy... that was a surprise!) Lot's of talk - no action. Then they wonder why.... Look, I could go on and on... but I've got work to do. As for your comments on DVI and pictures, I don't know a shop using that technology... I run a Text Message platform that is guaranteed to put car count in the shop... (as in it works your your money back guarantee!) and I can't tell you the struggle it is to get repair shops to even listen! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  3. Ha! YouTube as a sales tool! 100% Agreed! Just can't understand why repair shops don't do a lot more of that. It's not a quick win, but people get to know, trust and like you... then they bring their car in for service. Sheesh... sometimes feels like you gotta literally draw it out for them! Thanks! Matthew
  4. Now me! I got sucked into the photography game. There's always a new lens, filter or something. Almost as bad as golf! Anyway, I move around local car shows and try to create the picture that the car manufacturer may have used when they were trying to get you to buy the car! Expensive hobby, but I enjoy it! Matthew
  5. Joe, I think you hit the nail on the head when you asked… “Can a tech be proficient bouncing from car to truck to EV, to EURO to Domestic, to Diesel.” I agree. Virtually impossible. But now, add into that mix the part about running a business; Most hire a bookkeeper to keep track of the number. But what about keeping up with car count?. Or does that only get important when the money dries up? You’re right! Auto repair has come a long, long way. Without adding specialties, not sure if it’s possible to survive! Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  6. Nice list and strategies. I agree. But the problem I see with most shops is the lack of consistency. It’s not about what you do once in a while; it’s the small things you do, day in and day out. Consistency wins every time. I may have misunderstood it, but the Fall strategy starts with “Re-engage” with customers. I'm reading that as 'you stopped engaging them' Recently. I was at a meeting and the topic came up about the customer. “When people need auto service, where (on their list) do you want to be??“ Most said they wanted to be “First” My answer was a little different; I said “I want to be The Only One they think about!” You can only get there with consistency Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  7. I agree! Great step-by-step guide. Only problem... I thought it all happened in a 15 minute course! I'm not sure I would get too hung up on the email part; most shops don't have a way to get subscribers... and "Join our Newsletter" is not only lame, it doesn't work, because nobody got up this morning hoping they would find another piece of junk mail in their in-box! But seriously, the problem I see is that most won’t start to even put together a plan. What do you really want? Above that, most want the “fast win”! The problem is, over time, the real win comes with consistency. Showing up is worth more than any fancy tricks some guru told you! Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  8. Although I agree that a good location (lots of traffic and easy access) can help, but I can’t ignore the numbers. People will crawl ‘bare knees over broken glass’ to get there… if the offer is right! Heck, just think about the great deals you chased half way across town just to get that big screen TV or whatever necessity you wanted. It’s about the offer. The more I look, the more I see the problems with the offers. And by that I mean, people only buy what they WANT or NEED - and that’s it. Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  9. 100% - If you can't track it somehow... don't do it. Here's a real simple every day example. Every time I put new batteries in something, I use a sharpie and scribble the date on them. Just a quick DDMM/YY. The next time you replace them, you'll be surprised at how long they lasted... or didn't 😞 When it comes to your advertising, track it or don't do it!
  10. Difficult question because everyone wants to jump on to get more new customers - and they don’t realize that they probably already have enough customers. I talk to shop owners virtually every day. My First question - “How many customers do you have on record?” Typical answer…. “Oh… thousands!... Maybe 2 or 3 thousand!” My answer - “If you had 1,000’s of customers we wouldn’t be talking!” Next question - “When was the last time you contacted them?? That could have been a letter, a postcard, an email, a text, a phone call…..?? When was the last time??” Typical answer - “Uh… well… uh… probably about 3 years ago” Really?? No matter what business, it’s always going to be expensive to get new customers. After all, they don’t know you; they don’t trust you; and probably don’t even like you. So you really have to dig deep to get those new customers. After all, why would they consider “risking” anything with somebody they don’t even know - unless it's a deal. Then that leads to stupid discounts and you’re left with nothing! The right way… and you can read that as “The Cheap Way”... is to treat your customers like you would like to be treated… and do that NOT just when you want them to spend money, and they will recommend their friends, family and associates to YOU! Now, there’s smart ways to help that along, but give up getting more new customers. Instead, focus on keeping the ones you’ve got - besides there’s enough of the big box chains doing a great job to attract those customers away from you - but a little effort is all you need. For those interested, you can connect with my on a 15 minute strategy call and you and I will create a “Kick-Butt Offer” That I guarantee will put car count IN YOUR SHOP - and do it all USING YOUR CURRENT PRICING and WITHOUT Discounts or Give-a-ways. And you’ll even make money! Don’t want to be pushy, but this is going away soon- so hurry. Oh, and I’m not selling anything. No tricks - No gimmicks - No Kidding! Use this link: http://we-fix.cc/your-car-count Hope this helps! Matthew “The Car Count Fixer”
  11. Thanks for stopping by! An Extra $6,267 in 7 Days? And a 596% R.O.I? Yes! I detail everything in this short video and show you the Good, the Bad and the Ugly! Hope this help! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  12. You're right. Focus on the people. Now, I'm not 100% sure they're going to remember you for their experience because people shop. But you can help them remember if you stay in touch! I tell anyone that asks... if you want to send a dirt cheap piece of mail that has a guaranteed 100% open rate... send them a thank you card. Goes a long way! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  13. Nice job with the map! Just watched it. What a great resource?? Can you share where/how you purchase them? I know a few shop owners who could really use this! Even if you're not looking for a shop - you can start to do some direct mail into those zip codes. Thanks for sharing! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  14. Cheers! And a big thank you for the work in maintaining this site. Good work and appreciated! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"
  15. Affected by COVID is an understatement! What's really surprising is the number of people this affected - and not just in a "business" way. Everyone has a personal story - good or bad. I think one of the biggest lessons learned (overall) is that we all seemed to get back to what really counts - the people! In the heat of a busy day, we all tend to take a lot for granted. But when it comes down to it, no matter if they're the "penny pinching" customer or the so called "bottom feeders" - everyone has a goal and from what I'm seeing. the goals are changing and there's more respect for those, even if their goals are different from ours. Here's to a safe, healthy and prosperous 2021! Matthew "The Car Count Fixer"

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