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2016 Presidential Elections Thread


2016 Presidential Choice Poll  

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Crazy times we are witnessing. With just 30 days left to the election and the second presidential debate tonight, how's everyone feeling? Don't forget to vote in our poll attached to this thread.


A little SNL humor for you, if you didn't get a chance to see..





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I honestly don't think this is really a very good topic for this forum... Why does it matter who one's choice is? I have observed so much crap and hatred among people who were on the very same page until a topic like this one comes up.. How about we keep these topics for our personal FB or other social media outlets and let this forum not build arguments and animosity among its members. We are all here because of out careers, how about we share those things with each other, and not our political beliefs ?

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I honestly don't think this is really a very good topic for this forum... Why does it matter who one's choice is? I have observed so much crap and hatred among people who were on the very same page until a topic like this one comes up.. How about we keep these topics for our personal FB or other social media outlets and let this forum not build arguments and animosity among its members. We are all here because of out careers, how about we share those things with each other, and not our political beliefs ?


You know, if I were younger, I would whole heartily agree with you.


But now that I am older, and as a businessman, I am aware that our whole economic system is political. That's why they used to called the subject "political economy". See Adam Smith "Wealth of Nations."


"Political" has not been left out of the subject theme by accident but by purposeful design to avoid addressing the subject by its true nature. The Political class do not want the majority of small business people getting involved into politics because it would muddle the interest of the large multinational patrons.


So, by all means let's talk about politics in the context as to how it affects our economic well being, how regulation and tax policy affects all of us and who we can support to help us butter our own bread.

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I think the value of this thread is to see how business owners think. What the poll illustrates is that we have become a divided nation with one portion of the population supporting a different portion. What the working middle class has observed over the last several years is the erosion of their income and wages. Much of this has been taken away and given to the other portion of the population that for the most part either lives off of or is heavily subsidized by the government.


Very polite and elegant way of putting it. I call em leeches. Of course, they all have an excuse why life, the man, or whoever, keeps holding them down. When both parties attacked Trump, I knew he was the right guy.

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Unfortunately Mr. Trump was not my first or second choice, but I now support him as a better choice than anyone else running. I look at what he has exposed as the corrupt news media that I have for years said were not giving real information. He is not a politician and thus has some baggage that some real politician would not have, knowing they wanted to be in the political world. But he seems to get things done and know what it takes to run a business, so he is getting my vote. Worst case he is a flop and we boot him out in 4 years.

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I was a service mgr in Austin at my dad's Firestone dealership, working 6 days a week, bustin that a__ and here comes Jimmy Carter one night telling me I had a problem and should change my attitude(malaise speech).

Knew right then it was political. When election day came in 1980 my wife in I were first in line at the voting place. I was 25 with a mortgage, a family and a good job.

Reagan's tax reductions produced the sames howls of deficits you hear of Trumps now plus Reagan was 'old and stupid' according to the dems.

Yeah, how's young and cunning working out for all of us.

In 1983 when Reagan's policies were implemented(democratic Congress), our business exploded and did really well until we sold it at a premium 5 years later.

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I think the value of this thread is to see how business owners think. What the poll illustrates is that we have become a divided nation with one portion of the population supporting a different portion. What the working middle class has observed over the last several years is the erosion of their income and wages. Much of this has been taken away and given to the other portion of the population that for the most part either lives off of or is heavily subsidized by the government.


I kept wondering how could they keep doing that, then I came across this very disturbing book, it really explained things for me.


This is a link to the pdf file since it's not that easy to get it in print. http://stoptheglobalists.com/FruitsFromaPoisonousTree.pdf LINK

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The easiest way to make things right is to stop allowing those who receive government benefits to vote. Only exception would be for veterans and those who receive social security. When you stop the subsidized citizens from voting, you'll see complete 180

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GO VOTE! ! But... keep in mind, your vote is still one vote. The real issue is the electoral votes that your particular states has. And, there is one electoral vote that your state rep's gets to cast that counts as a FULL electoral vote...not as a single vote. Screwy system ... but that 's how it really works in this country.

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xrac, jeff:


It's not only the guns that keeps us free, it is the knowledge of who we are and what are our principles that keeps one free.


The system has been perverted, it is the institution of central banks that makes it much easier to control the lives of others. I hope we don't come to have a civil war, that would be our next grandest tragedy since the last one.


If we wish to remain free as a nation, we have to teach our children civics, law, ethics, and to participate in their communities' political process. God willing, we can find our way back.

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Our Founders believed it was our DUTY to correct the situation if it got bad enough...


That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.




Not much ambiguity in this idea. Jeff is correct, Colonists revolted over much less...just a simple fact.

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I honestly don't think this is really a very good topic for this forum... Why does it matter who one's choice is? I have observed so much crap and hatred among people who were on the very same page until a topic like this one comes up.. How about we keep these topics for our personal FB or other social media outlets and let this forum not build arguments and animosity among its members. We are all here because of out careers, how about we share those things with each other, and not our political beliefs ?


Do you really think the rulers of this country are going to give up their power just because a bunch of sheep pulled the wrong lever?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the value of this thread is to see how business owners think. What the poll illustrates is that we have become a divided nation with one portion of the population supporting a different portion. What the working middle class has observed over the last several years is the erosion of their income and wages. Much of this has been taken away and given to the other portion of the population that for the most part either lives off of or is heavily subsidized by the government.

You are right. Some people's lives are very heavily subsidized by the government.


EVERY single penny spent on "welfare" is in fact a corporate subsidy. In other words, the likes of most auto repair shop owners are subsidizing the lives of the CEOs and major stockholders of corporate interests who get away with paying their employees sub-living wages. So how do you reconcile that with your thinly veiled disdain and contempt for those in the working class who are exploited and oppressed by the business and corporate class?


Or are you attempting to dismiss and denigrate our military personnel, police officers and teachers? Many of whom qualify for food stamps,


The truth is out there. You just have to be willing to work to find it and honest enough to accept it when it contradicts your preconceived ideas. I am sorry to be harsh, but every time I read an argument like yours, it's always the same, based solely on one sided information and a refusal to consider, accept or adapt to facts presented that contradict the partisan meme.

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i cannot fathom how anyone supports hilary with all the corruption that has been shown, i mean, what in the absolute f is wrong with people. She is getting a free ride on crimes and people still want that? How is that? Im not talking about the people that are using subsidies, im talking about smart people. there are 4 people here that are voting for her? How can that be possible? Corrupt too? I dont get it....

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i cannot fathom how anyone supports hilary with all the corruption that has been shown, i mean, what in the absolute f is wrong with people. She is getting a free ride on crimes and people still want that? How is that? Im not talking about the people that are using subsidies, im talking about smart people. there are 4 people here that are voting for her? How can that be possible? Corrupt too? I dont get it....


They are ignorant. Simple as that, if not, they are criminals.


We know right from wrong, if you have being desensitized by the public education system to waver and to see truth a malleable, that means one has no principles to stand upon.


We are in very dangerous times, people seem to have forgotten about God and His commandments. They think of Him as being the same as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.


Morality has been thrown out, virtue is no longer virtue, depravity and licentiousness rule the day.


I fear for all of us, and pray He will have mercy on all of us and our nation.

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They are ignorant. Simple as that, if not, they are criminals.

Way to denigrate and dismiss those who disagree with you. The true hallmark of a Christian, which you appear to insinuate to be below. But let’s see if there is another explanation why some appear to dare to think differently than you do. The commenter to whom you replied says that Hillary is corrupt and it’s been shown. That she is getting a free ride.

It is undisputable fact that Hillary and Bill have been investigated for decades and nothing has been found that is actionable. Not a thing, no indictments, no smoking gun, nothing, but the sheep keep bleating, “She’s guilty, she’s corrupt, she’s guilty, she’s corrupt.” All without a shred of evidence except their own notions and blind faith of the partisan lies spewed forth by the propaganda outlets. Meanwhile your God and Saviour Trump has a court date for fraud and managed to avoid another for statutory rape by the victim experience numerous death threats. This is fact. Hillary has been investigated and no indictment. He has been investigated and indicted. So the people who think differently than you aren’t criminals, they aren’t ignorant, they are simply making a choice that seems right to them after considering the facts that seem alien to Trump supporters. Now this is not to say I like her, or support her or will vote for her. It is simply acknowledging the truth. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, which is easy to correct with education. Stupidity is the unwillingness to learn. Seems many who ignore the equal and often far more egregious examples of Trump’s evil and corruption are not simply ignorant but far worse, stupid.


We know right from wrong, if you have being desensitized by the public education system to waver and to see truth a malleable, that means one has no principles to stand upon.

This coming from someone who appears to be supporting the epitome of one who has no principles to stand upon, who thinks the truth is malleable. If you know right from wrong then you know that lying is wrong. All politicians lie, that’s just a simple fact and one that we must unfortunately deal with. But it is easy to mitigate and diminish the apparent acceptance of such lying. Another simple, easily verifiable fact is that Trump does far more lying than just about any other politician. Indeed if you look at Politifact (I know, they’re liberal. I mean it’s right there in their name, “Fact”) you will see that of nearly equal claims rated (293 Hillary, 328 Trump) Hillary told the truth over 3 time more often than Trump as a percentage of the claims investigated and rated. In fact if you combine True and Mostly True Hillary rated 148 (51%) while Donald scored only 50 (15%). Likewise if you combine False and Pants On Fire (blatant lies) Hillary scores 36 (12%) and Trump scores 167 lies (51%). Tump lied a full half of the times the fact checkers investigated his claims, 4 times more often than Clinton. So tell us again how those who support Trump are paragons of truth and know right from wrong.


We are in very dangerous times, people seem to have forgotten about God and His commandments. They think of Him as being the same as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.


Morality has been thrown out, virtue is no longer virtue, depravity and licentiousness rule the day.


I fear for all of us, and pray He will have mercy on all of us and our nation.

I am a Christian. I too fear for all of us. I however know that our nation was NEVER a Christian nation. It’s people were largely Christian but the nation, the government never was. The founding fathers ensured that religion would not dictate to government. But again, many do not believe as you do so they must be denigrated and demeaned, right. What part of Judge not lest ye be judged and not to bear false witness don’t you understand or are obstinately refusing to understand?


Just to be sure, I DO NOT LIKE HILLARY! I just HATE liars and dishonest people. And from my perspective those who wish to complain about all her failings but then appear to excuse the very same and worse from Trump are just as deplorable as he is. Hypocrite comes to mind. I will be voting tomorrow. I don’t know if I will be voting for the office of President or wasting my vote for a Third Party. But I do know that I could not face my God knowing that I voted for possibly the most evil candidate ever to seek the office of President. Therefore I will most certainly NOT be voting for Trump.

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We are in very dangerous times, people seem to have forgotten about God and His commandments. They think of Him as being the same as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Morality has been thrown out, virtue is no longer virtue, depravity and licentiousness rule the day.

I fear for all of us, and pray He will have mercy on all of us and our nation.


You want to play the “Christian” card and pretend to be all pious. Well here’s a quote from a fellow member elsewhere on the web that pretty much nails it to the Cross with the hypocritical “Religious Right”

“If Jesus Christ were the Democratic candidate the conservative media would be calling him a liberal and a socialist and soft on crime. Can’t you just hear a Fox “News” talking head saying, “while the Democrats thinks he walks on water, our sources tell us he’s been consorting with prostitutes and giving out free food to freeloading immigrants and what he did to honest bankers in the Temple that time shows that he hates capitalism”. The base would sit there in front of their TV’s and eat this all up and have signs on their front lawns that read: Lock Him Up.

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Wait, so, we are wrong about hilary and your right about trump, lol, this is what i am talking about, you are wearing blinders when hilary is in question. I guess all those wikileaks are made up too? You think just because she hasnt been indicted that she is innocent? You think the fbi and the justice dept arent protecting her? So, you say she is good to go but trump isnt because you say so, unbelievable, truly unbelievable, she pay you for your post?

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Just to be sure, I DO NOT LIKE HILLARY! I just HATE liars and dishonest people. And from my perspective those who wish to complain about all her failings but then appear to excuse the very same and worse from Trump are just as deplorable as he is. Hypocrite comes to mind. I will be voting tomorrow. I don’t know if I will be voting for the office of President or wasting my vote for a Third Party. But I do know that I could not face my God knowing that I voted for possibly the most evil candidate ever to seek the office of President. Therefore I will most certainly NOT be voting for Trump.


Glenn Beck, get off your high horse. There is never gonna be a perfect candidate, so you pick the lesser of the evils. Jesus is never gonna be a candidate, so come back to the real world and act like an adult. If you think Trump is worse or even as bad as Hillary, you have no business spouting off about morals and so on. You've really swallowed that blue pill and are asking for seconds aren't you?

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“Wait, so, we are wrong about hilary and your right about trump, lol, this is what i am talking about, you are wearing blinders when hilary is in question. I guess all those wikileaks are made up too? You think just because she hasnt been indicted that she is innocent? You think the fbi and the justice dept arent protecting her? So, you say she is good to go but trump isnt because you say so, unbelievable, truly unbelievable, she pay you for your post?”

I don’t know what’s worse, your lack of reading comprehension skills (I NEVER said ‘you’ were wrong about Hillary.) or your grammar and spelling.


I never said anything except that Hillary has not been indicted so the calls of corruption are all based on fantasy, however Trump has been indicted. It seems there are two standards at play and all that matters is what you “think” and say are true but facts are not. I also never used the word “innocent” because I do not believe she is. There is a world of difference between “not guilty” and “innocent” just as there is a world of difference between right & just and “legal.”

I also never said Hillary is good. There are plenty of legitimate things to be upset with Hillary about. But I defy anyone to give one honest, legitimate example of Hillary being evil that isn’t equally or more egregiously true of Trump. What we seem to have with these two candidates is dumb and dumber, horrible and evil, sinister and vile, deplorable and despicable. The only question that seems so difficult to answer is which is the lesser of two evils? It is crystal clear that the pro-Trump crowd never needed to consider any facts or weigh the evidence when arriving at their support for him.


So I defy you to come up with one provable, legitimate, credible complaint about Hillary that isn’t also true to a worse degree about Trump.

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Glenn Beck, get off your high horse. There is never gonna be a perfect candidate, so you pick the lesser of the evils. Jesus is never gonna be a candidate, so come back to the real world and act like an adult. If you think Trump is worse or even as bad as Hillary, you have no business spouting off about morals and so on. You've really swallowed that blue pill and are asking for seconds aren't you?

If I were Glenn Beck, I couldn't have honestly written that I hate liars. But then again if I were Glenn Beck, I wouldn't be honest no matter what.


Regardless, I see you can't successfully refute the message so you are attacking the messenger. Typical desperate tactic.


You seem to be in the same camp of hindered reading comprehension skills as lmcca because I clearly wrote, "IF Jesus were a candidate," as in a hypothetical situation.

Regarding morals, that's rich to insinuate that Trump is more moral than someone else. If you wrote down every deplorable, despicable, unethical, immoral thing about Clinton, and there's scores of items, you would have a list that applies at least equally to Trump as well. But where Hillary's list ends, Trumps list continues on for miles more.


What "blue pill" are you referring to? Naproxen sodium? yeah, I take it about 3 times a month for the pain we all develop in this business. Or were you referring to the "little blue pill" to help old fools feel manly again? I tried it once. I didn't drink enough water and it got stuck about halfway down. I had a stiff neck for a week.

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We are in very dangerous times, people seem to have forgotten about God and His commandments. They think of Him as being the same as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Morality has been thrown out, virtue is no longer virtue, depravity and licentiousness rule the day.

I fear for all of us, and pray He will have mercy on all of us and our nation.


You want to play the “Christian” card and pretend to be all pious. Well here’s a quote from a fellow member elsewhere on the web that pretty much nails it to the Cross with the hypocritical “Religious Right”

“If Jesus Christ were the Democratic candidate the conservative media would be calling him a liberal and a socialist and soft on crime. Can’t you just hear a Fox “News” talking head saying, “while the Democrats thinks he walks on water, our sources tell us he’s been consorting with prostitutes and giving out free food to freeloading immigrants and what he did to honest bankers in the Temple that time shows that he hates capitalism”. The base would sit there in front of their TV’s and eat this all up and have signs on their front lawns that read: Lock Him Up.


Do I know you? Pretend to be all pious?


What do you know about my religious belief, did I even impose my religious views on you? What even makes you think I am Christian?


My view is simple, we get the government we deserve. If the people would follow the simple commandments we wouldn't be in this mess, that's my view.


What do you stand for? What are your principles? Do you even have any, other than trolling people?

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Here is a pious thought on this:


PROVERBS 17:14-New International Version. Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.

Good thought, but like most blanket statements, this one leaves a lot uncovered.

Such as, at what point does a discussion end and a quarrel begin?


If we are going to be subject to such a far reaching notion as this proverb, let's apply it to this outlandish, but still realistic (it's happened) scenario.

You are in a room and someone finds a grenade. It's undisturbed, pin still in, spoon still in place. You say it should be put back and the authorities called to handle it. The other person says, "Naw, let's play with, ti's neat. Besides, it's old and probably no good anyway. Why else would they have been allowed to bring it home?" You care about this other person and don't want to see them get hurt. So do you just leave so you "drop the matter before a dispute breaks out" or do you engage the other person and fight for the grenade and risk deploying it? Or do you argue with the person that just because it's unexploded doesn't mean anything, all grenades were unexploded until the pin was pulled and it blew up?


So just exactly at what point does a discussion become a quarrel and the person should drop it? Is it when you are discussing matters of fact and someone tells a lie, a blatant lie? You leave them uncorrected and allow that lie to be retold and retold and soon it becomes more believable that polar bears and penguins are best friends than that they live at opposite poles?


Regardless, I appreciate your effort to diffuse the situation. But sometimes life is too complex for simplistic solutions and witty one-liners. All the same, I thank you.

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Arguing politics is like arguing with your wife. You may be convinced you are right but you can never convince her.




26 Just as snow should not fall in summer, nor rain at harvest time, so people should not honor a fool.

2 Don’t worry when someone curses you for no reason. Nothing bad will happen. Such words are like birds that fly past and never stop.

3 You have to whip a horse, you have to put a bridle on a mule, and you have to beat a fool.

4-5 There is no good way to answer fools when they say something stupid. If you answer them, then you, too, will look like a fool. If you don’t answer them, they will think they are smart.

6 Never let a fool carry your message. If you do, it will be like cutting off your own feet. You are only asking for trouble.

7 A fool trying to say something wise is like a crippled person trying to walk.

8 Showing honor to a fool is as bad as tying a rock in a sling.

9 A fool trying to say something wise is like a drunk trying to pick a thorn out of his hand.

10 Hiring a fool or a stranger who is just passing by is dangerous—you don’t know who might get hurt.

11 Like a dog that returns to its vomit, a fool does the same foolish things again and again.

12 People who think they are wise when they are not are worse than fools.

13 A person who is lazy and wants to stay home says, “What if there is a lion out there? Really, there might be a lion in the street!”

14 Like a door on its hinges, a lazy man turns back and forth on his bed.

15 Lazy people are too lazy to lift the food from their plate to their mouth.

16 Lazy people think they are seven times smarter than the people who really have good sense.

17 To step between two people arguing is as foolish as going out into the street and grabbing a stray dog by the ears.

18-19 Anyone who would trick someone and then say, “I was only joking” is like a fool who shoots flaming arrows into the air and accidentally kills someone.

20 Without wood, a fire goes out. Without gossip, arguments stop.

21 Charcoal keeps the coals glowing, wood keeps the fire burning, and troublemakers keep arguments alive.

22 People love to hear gossip. It is like tasty food on its way to the stomach.

23 Good words that hide an evil heart are like silver paint over a cheap, clay pot. 24 Evil people say things to make themselves look good, but they keep their evil plans a secret. 25 What they say sounds good, but don’t trust them. They are full of evil ideas. 26 They hide their evil plans with nice words, but in the end, everyone will see the evil they do.

27 Whoever digs a pit can fall into it. Whoever rolls a large stone can be crushed by it.

28 Liars hate the people they hurt, and false praise can hurt people.

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Need we say more?

“You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.” - Scott Adams


Also consider that the system, the very system that the republicans attempted to dismantle, the electoral college, screwed the popular vote. Hillary is still ahead, this time by .2% of the popular votes cast. Earlier today it was only .1% btu she still has the greater percentage.

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The election results shows how out of touch the Democrats, the Republicans, the Media, and the Polsters were with the reality of many Americans lives. That someone as controversial as Trump could be elected with the opposition he faced shows how fed up with the way things are many Americans are. Personally I am cautiously optimistic. I think all that any of us on this forum desire is the chance to live free and to profit from the work of our hands and sweat of our brow without being told everything we can and cannot do or to have what we labor for all taken away.

You are correct. But one thing that proves out once again is that HATE is an extremely powerful force. It was HATE that propelled Trump to his win. From his acceptance speech I am also cautiously optimistic that he will be a better president than he promised to be on the campaign trail. One thing I am curious of, you say we, "...desire is the chance to live free and to profit from the work of our hands and sweat of our brow without being told everything we can and cannot do or to have what we labor for all taken away." How is what we labor for taken away? Do you mean by taxes? If so do you not realize all of the intangible ways the government serves the people and that we owe a debt for those services, even if we don't realize that we benefit? Or are you also unaware of the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson regarding progressive taxation? If this is not what you meant by having the results of our labors taken away, I apologize and humbly ask that you alliterate your thoughts. Otherwise, Yes, I agree with the rest of your comment.

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your right, 60 million voted for, among other things, a known criminal, hypocrite, bigot and liar. How stupid can you be?

He's arguing just for the sake of arguing.


He quoted Adams “You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.” Basically saying don't trust the stupid general public, then turns right around and says republicans should eat crow and follow the popular vote/general public... He'd probably argue if you said the sun is gonna rise in the East and set in the West. Please stop feeding the troll

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I was pointing out that the Electoral College gave Trump the win despite lacking in the popular vote.. But when the Electoral College wasn't in their favor, likewise with the popular vote, the republicans wanted to abolish it.

Seems they want things ONLY their way. Can you keep up with facts and reality?

Edited by TheTrustedMechanic
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  • Have you checked out Joe's Latest Blog?

      I recently spoke with a friend of mine who owns a large general repair shop in the Midwest. His father founded the business in 1975. He was telling me that although he’s busy, he’s also very frustrated. When I probed him more about his frustrations, he said that it’s hard to find qualified technicians. My friend employs four technicians and is looking to hire two more. I then asked him, “How long does a technician last working for you.” He looked puzzled and replied, “I never really thought about that, but I can tell that except for one tech, most technicians don’t last working for me longer than a few years.”
      Judging from personal experience as a shop owner and from what I know about the auto repair industry, I can tell you that other than a few exceptions, the turnover rate for technicians in our industry is too high. This makes me think, do we have a technician shortage or a retention problem? Have we done the best we can over the decades to provide great pay plans, benefits packages, great work environments, and the right culture to ensure that the techs we have stay with us?
      Finding and hiring qualified automotive technicians is not a new phenomenon. This problem has been around for as long as I can remember. While we do need to attract people to our industry and provide the necessary training and mentorship, we also need to focus on retention. Having a revolving door and needing to hire techs every few years or so costs your company money. Big money! And that revolving door may be a sign of an even bigger issue: poor leadership, and poor employee management skills.
      Here’s one more thing to consider, for the most part, technicians don’t leave one job to start a new career, they leave one shop as a technician to become a technician at another shop. The reasons why they leave can be debated, but there is one fact that we cannot deny, people don’t quit the company they work for, they usually leave because of the boss or manager they work for.
      Put yourselves in the shoes of your employees. Do you have a workplace that communicates, “We appreciate you and want you to stay!”
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      Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Auto Care Dr. John Passante and Dr. Thomas Litzinger, titans of the automotive aftermarket industry, steer through the intricacies of professional development and organizational strategies. Some key takeaways: Innovation is non-negotiable, education is critical, and leadership makes the difference. Dr. John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group. John’s other episodes HERE. Dr. Thomas Litzinger, Chair of the University of the Aftermarket at Northwood University. Show Notes
      Leadership 2.0 (00:02:48) Discussion about the educational programs offered by the University of the Aftermarket at Northwood University. The importance of being a lifelong learner (00:04:14) The significance of being a lifelong learner in the automotive aftermarket industry and personal experiences related to learning. Right to Repair Legislation (00:11:01) The fight to secure data access for vehicle owners and independent repair shops, and the introduction of the right to repair legislation. Leadership development and scholarships for service professionals and technicians (00:16:09) The University's efforts to provide leadership development opportunities and scholarships for service professionals and technicians in the industry. The human spirit (00:18:46) The boundless human potential and the importance of collective effort and positive attitude. Legacy and teamwork (00:19:42) The impact of the human spirit, legacy, and teamwork in achieving common goals. Leadership and culture (00:21:42) The conversation shifts to the importance of culture and leadership in the workplace, emphasizing the value of nurturing and developing employees. Professional development (00:22:17) The need for professional technicians to receive training in financial acumen and leadership for their success. Retirement and personal growth (00:23:26) Speaker 2 shares his post-retirement activities, including executive coaching and writing children's books, emphasizing the importance of continuous personal growth. Leadership 2.0 program (00:24:33) Employee satisfaction and development (00:28:20) The importance of contributing to the life satisfaction of team members through organizational culture and training and development programs. Industry storytelling and leadership (00:31:13) The conversation ends with a focus on industry storytelling, leadership, and the significance of the automotive aftermarket.
      Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Auto Care Learn more about NAPA Auto Care and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting https://www.napaonline.com/en/auto-care Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections    
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
    • By carmcapriotto
      Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Autotech napaautotech.com
      Matt Fanslow and Tanner Brandt discuss the nuances of automotive training and education. They emphasize the importance of selecting relevant classes that address specific areas of struggle within the industry, such as diagnosing parasitic battery drains. They highlight the complexities of troubleshooting and the limitations of current diagnostic tools, underscoring the need for better vehicle monitoring. The conversation also touches on the importance of networking and knowledge sharing, as well as the value of stepping out of one's comfort zone to explore new areas of learning at training events.
      Importance of selecting classes and getting the most out of training events in the automotive industry Choosing classes based on areas of struggle and seeking advice from experienced instructors Different phases of attending training events Value of soft skills and communication courses in the automotive industry Impact of quality training programs offered by NAPA Importance of ongoing training to keep up with evolving vehicle technology Importance of specialized training, particularly in the area of electric vehicles (EVs) Value of specialty classes focused on specific vehicle brands Importance of networking and staying engaged during training events Challenges faced in diagnosing automotive issues, particularly related to parasitic battery drains  
      Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Autotech napaautotech.com
      Email Matt: [email protected]
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A - Z YouTube Channel HERE
      Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/
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    • By Joe Marconi

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    • By carmcapriotto
      The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
      Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo:https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/
      Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/
      If you would like to join their private Facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind
      In this podcast episode, Coach Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching introduces his upcoming book designed to help auto repair shop owners enhance their businesses. The book, tentatively titled "The Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching Owner's Guide to Everything You Didn't Know About Running a Successful Auto Repair Shop," covers topics like goal setting, financial management, staffing, and adapting to future technologies. Cotton invites shop owners to contribute suggestions and request a free copy. The episode, sponsored by Shop Marketing Pros, aims to motivate the bottom 50% of shop owners to grow and succeed in their industry.
      Chapter 1: What Do You Want as a Shop Owner? (00:02:13) Discusses the different goals and aspirations of shop owners and the importance of defining personal success.
      Chapter 2: Define Your Goals (00:03:08) Highlights the process of setting smart goals, understanding business variables, and keeping an eye on market trends.
      Chapter 3: Barriers to Coaching (00:04:13) Explores the common barriers that prevent shop owners from seeking coaching and offers solutions.
      Chapter 4: Essentials of Being a Successful Auto Repair Shop (00:05:20) Covers the foundational aspects of running a successful auto repair shop, including meeting customer needs and financial stability.
      Chapter 5: The Importance of a Good Chart of Accounts (00:06:18) Emphasizes the significance of a well-maintained chart of accounts for financial management and streamlining.
      Chapter 6: The Vital Role of the Income Statement (00:07:26) Focuses on the income statement and its importance in financial review and standardization.
      Chapter 7: Determining the Right Car Count for Success (00:08:30) Addresses the misconception of needing more cars for sales goals and the importance of optimizing existing processes.
      Chapter 8: The Heartbeat of Auto Repair Businesses (00:09:33) Explores profit centers, margins, and the road to financial health in auto repair businesses.
      Chapter 9: Guest Chapter on Car Count and Marketing (00:10:38) Features insights from a guest expert on car count, marketing, and branding for auto repair shops.
      Chapter 10: Profit Margins and Parts Matrix (00:11:43) Delves into profit margins, parts matrixes, and strategies for maximizing profits in auto repair.
      Chapter 11: Cash Flow (00:12:32) Discusses the unique challenges of cash flow management in auto repair businesses and offers solutions for improving profitability.
      Connect with Chris:
      [email protected]
      Phone: 940.400.1008
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
      AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae
      #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros #autofixautoshopcoachingbook
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