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So, what's worse than AutoZone and Advance doing free check engine light scans? You know the answer, installing the part that was sold by these part stores without performing your own diagnostic tests first.


I was at an affair the other day sitting at a table with a few people I did not know. And then the question I never want to answer comes up, "So Joe, what do you do for a living?"


This person told me a 15 minute story about going to AutoZone to have a check engine light scanned, then buying an O2 sensor, bringing it to the repair shop that was recommended by the AutoZone, only to have the check engine light come on the next day. I am sitting at the table attempting to eat a really bad steak, and now I have to save the world.


The more I tried to explain the more distant this guy became. So, I gave up and suggested he go back to the shop and pay to have the problem tested and diagnosed. His eyes lit up, "Pay for something they do FREE at AutoZone?"


We are evolving into an industry where standards are being re written. And, it's not good. This guy went to AutoZone because of all the ads he hears on the Radio, and also speaking to a few of his coworkers at the office.


Is it me or is there a real problem brewing here? Bigger than we have imagined before?







The problem is people who want cheap easy answers where there are none and a business (Autozone) that wants to sell parts regardless as to whether they are needed or not.

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I get a couple a month. I have got to the point I tell them to use the little print out that AZ gives them to wipe with. That don't work well because it's glossy paper :blink: . I have bought a "code reader" like the ones AZ uses. I will do the free code check to determine the starting point. After that it becomes a paying ticket or they can go down the road.

The problem as I see it is there are no "standards" in this industry. Any shmo can go to the hardware store, buy a set of wrenches, and call themselves a mechanic. In the state of Florida there a very strict licensing requirements to be a hair dresser, nail tech, carpenter, electrician, etc. My girlfriend, who is a waitress, even has to take a food safety course. No requirements to be a mechanic and the only requirement to open a shop is to register and pay your fees to the state and county. Better have a handicapped spot and wheelchair accessible bathroom but can you repair the vehicle? No one cares! I have complained to the state, county and city about the un-registered shops in my area. Their response is 1) We are understaffed, 2) No one else has complained 3) I am a disgruntled business owner who can't stand the competition! Until we get the recognition we deserve as PROFESSIONALS I am afraid this will remain the standard. Just my $2.98 worth ( 2 cents with inflation and Obama care).

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I usually handle it like this: "oh ok so just tell me which parts you want me to replace and ill give you a price. If you want me to replace everything in that system then lets start with $1000 tab and go from there. Or pay me $85/hour to narrow your list down from 100 parts to maybe only 3 or less. Im game either way :-)" ive been pretty successful with convincing customers to pay me to diagnose because many mechanics in my area just throw parts and success rate isnt that great..so when customer gets tired of throwing money out the window they give in and are usually happy they did...especially when AUTO ZONE told them they needed a fuel pump because their car wouldn't start and i found a bad fuse from where they straight wired their fan and caused fuses to blow not allowing power to fuel pump. So $450 fuel pump job not needed...$85 diagnosis and $35 electrical repair (my time isnt free) and they are back riding. I love it! Ill make a believer out of them...bring that lil printout to me all day long...I'm easy to get a long with ;-)

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In my area Advance was running radio adds touting free battery testing and free Remove/Replace labor for battery purchases. When Advance acquired Car Quest we were told it was done because Advance needed to increase their trade with professionals since their DIY trade had been faltering. Understandably today's complex vehicles has caused that reduction. When I heard the free battery testing and replacement radio advertisements I quickly informed my Advance salesman that they lost me as a customer. We need unity and the ability to have large corporations realize that when they want our business they need to respect us and not be greedy. They need to decide who they want to attract as a customer and the methods they use to accomplish their goal. When the methods remove money from our pocket or cheapen the value of our labor then we need to remove the money flow to their pockets.


Concerning our lack of recognition as professionals that Jeff wrote about - I agree. Years ago we were told that certification would be required and that it would

professionalize the trade. ASA has the framework in place but the required licensing or certification has never happened except for our states emission repair program.


While on the subject of respect - how about the recent full page Auto Zone advertisements in some of our trade magazines showing a very dirty/greasy tech with filthy hands named Mohamed and a statement about "rusted nuts". The dirty, grease monkey image with slightly questionable dialog about " when your nut's are rusted" has to go, What was Auto Zone thinking when they came up with that advertisement?

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In my area Advance was running radio adds touting free battery testing and free Remove/Replace labor for battery purchases. When Advance acquired Car Quest we were told it was done because Advance needed to increase their trade with professionals since their DIY trade had been faltering. Understandably today's complex vehicles has caused that reduction. When I heard the free battery testing and replacement radio advertisements I quickly informed my Advance salesman that they lost me as a customer. We need unity and the ability to have large corporations realize that when they want our business they need to respect us and not be greedy. They need to decide who they want to attract as a customer and the methods they use to accomplish their goal. When the methods remove money from our pocket or cheapen the value of our labor then we need to remove the money flow to their pockets.


Concerning our lack of recognition as professionals that Jeff wrote about - I agree. Years ago we were told that certification would be required and that it would

professionalize the trade. ASA has the framework in place but the required licensing or certification has never happened except for our states emission repair program.


While on the subject of respect - how about the recent full page Auto Zone advertisements in some of our trade magazines showing a very dirty/greasy tech with filthy hands named Mohamed and a statement about "rusted nuts". The dirty, grease monkey image with slightly questionable dialog about " when your nut's are rusted" has to go, What was Auto Zone thinking when they came up with that advertisement?


I think you and Jeff hit the nail on the head. I think everyone should read your last paragraph too. I hate that ad too, but I thought I was being too sensitive. I don't know what it will take to improve our image, but what I do know is that it will take more money to be in business in the coming years. And as I see it, AutoZone and Advance need to work with us on this, not against us, or play both sides.


We understand business is business, and we understand the concept of competition. But, we also understand truth in advertising and integrity.


Hey AutoZone and Advance, consider this, What if repair shops started an advertising campaign on the radio or TV that goes like this:


Hey, is your check engine light ? Why waste your time and money getting that so-called free diagnose and then buying the wrong part at the parts store, when you could have your check engine light tested once, the right way and the right part installed at your local professional repair shop, saving you time, money and aggravation.

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That's a great idea Joe. Now if we had a national organization that recognized us that would help it could take off. I NEVER hear ASE, ASA, etc, promoting the indepedents. These are the organizations that are supposed to support us. Ever hear them. The only time I see or hear them is when I am reading a trade rag. WE already get it. How about putting some of those adds in Home and Gardens or Popular Science?

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Let's face it - the guy who goes to the corner auto parts store for a free "diagnosis" is never going to be a good quality customer for your good quality shop. Let them struggle with the misdiagnosed problems and you continue to provide great service to your customers who are interested in professional service for their cars. How many counter guys at Advance are aware that the PCM now controls battery charging on modern cars? They just want to sell a battery or alternator rather than establishing a relationship with their customer.

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Let's face it - the guy who goes to the corner auto parts store for a free "diagnosis" is never going to be a good quality customer for your good quality shop. Let them struggle with the misdiagnosed problems and you continue to provide great service to your customers who are interested in professional service for their cars. How many counter guys at Advance are aware that the PCM now controls battery charging on modern cars? They just want to sell a battery or alternator rather than establishing a relationship with their customer.



Why worry or waste your time over these people


It isn't that I worry about these "customers". I worry about the perception that what we do to diagnose a problem is belittled by the "FREE" diagnosis that is done at the parts store. "Autozone does for free what you want to charge me for" is a common response from theses types. Until we can distinguish what we do from what AZ does we will be labeled thieves and cons.

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I read everyones comments and I would agree its a problem, a problem that has only gotten worse with the electronic age. I really think the problem starts when a person buys a car. Most people buy a car with the thought of how much it costs per month and what the insurance will run, and never give a thought to maintenance or repairs. When something does need serviced they first look at their personal finances and then go to the cheapest source first. Namely... Auto Zone.


Like Joe said about answering the question, "So, what do you do for a living?" For me, I usually get one of those frowns and I start to grumble, because you know.... no matter how good of a tech you are the person who asked the question usually thinks your name is Mohammed and ya keep a can of grease around to rub my hands in.


Hard to change peoples perception if they can't see the need in quality service.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, is your check engine light ? Why waste your time and money getting that so-called free diagnose and then buying the wrong part at the parts store, when you could have your check engine light tested once, the right way and the right part installed at your local professional repair shop, saving you time, money and aggravation


Excellent advertising statement mind if we use it

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Hey, is your check engine light ? Why waste your time and money getting that so-called free diagnose and then buying the wrong part at the parts store, when you could have your check engine light tested once, the right way and the right part installed at your local professional repair shop, saving you time, money and aggravation


Excellent advertising statement mind if we use it

Nice proactive approach. Thanks for the post on such an important topic!


Advance, Autozone, NAPA, and O'Reilly's are within 1/2 mile of my shop, and I get a good many folks that have been referred. Some have had scans, some have just been talked with, but quite often I get some good business (AKA money) this way. Many times I will just be upfront and ask them if they are prepared to invest several hundred dollars on their vehicle. Many say yes.


Last week I did a $1972.00 job on a referral from O'Reilly's. It's all in how it's handled and whether they have access to the funds and/or financing.



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I really think it's in how you present it to the customer. Take for example an oxygen sensor heater circuit code. If I had a customer walk in that had just left auto zone and said their car had that code, I'd start asking questions like "did they tell you if it was the actual sensor itself, or JUST the circuit or wiring to the sensor? Did they make sure the computer wasn't misinterpreting the data? Did they check for rat damage?" Usually questions like these help the customer understand the value in diagnosing the car. If they persist, you can always put the code into all data, Mitchell, or whatever you use and explain to the customer that codes really only tell you what tests need to be performed. Scroll through and show them how it could be the circuit, fuse, module, or component. Tell them you'd be more than happy to let them guess and spend money with you, but you'd rather see a happy customer leave you're shop and refer friends and family. Not everyone can be convinced though. Those are better left to their buddy who just bought a tool set and $50 harbor freight scanner and wasting 3 hours in their driveway making a mess.

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Funny story. We had an elderly lady come in on a hook a few weeks ago. 1999 cavalier. Quick evaluation revealed a locked up engine. After explaining to her that the cost of a replacement engine would far outweigh the cost of the vehicle. Especially when you consider the rest of the car was roached out and full of issues. So we advise her to have it towed to the boneyard in the sky. Still she insist that the engine could be somehow cheaply fixed. Long story short we didn't charge her a dime. Mainly because it was a super quick diag for me and also I'm a softy for old folks. So the tow guy gets to the shop to pick it up and she tries to get the driver to haul it to autozone so they can do there free diagnostics. Obviously he refused and also tried to explain to the lady that this is not how any of this works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow I've never had someone ask the tow driver for a tow to autozone that's a first, guess it takes all kinds. Agreed on a no charge same here on the elderly big softy.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This free Autozone Diagnosis is a real problem. There is a large segment of the population who think that that is all there is to diagnosis. I had one of those people this week and when I tried to explain otherwise to him it was no use. He knew more than I did.

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They have been doing it for years. Although i dont agree with it for obvious reasons, its not a problem for us. We get 1 to 2 a week and once we explain it properly and politely we usually are diagnosing the problem.

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My post today strays a bit from the Auto Zone code testing topic but instead addresses some comments made within this thread concerning our image and how it is portrayed to the public. Lately Ford has been running advertisements in our trade publications and on the web for FordParts.com. Ford is clearly depicting us all as a group of workers with dirty, greasy, oil soaked hands. That image is an insult to me and it should be an insult to all of us in the trade. I personally will never use FordParts.com because of this blatant disrespect from a company that should know better. I have emailed my feelings to FordParts.com and I urge everyone else to do the same.




Our commercial rep for Advance told us our local stores have stopped doing CEL diagnostics. They will not pull codes, but will refer the customer to a local shop. This is apparently a test by Advance. He is hopeful it will catch on and become company policy. I say about time.


Just talked to manager at the Carquest/Advance store I use. He said he had not heard this yet. After the buyout they were told to do the free scans. He trys to discourage it and I tend to believe him. Seems they get the DIY folks in and they want the freebie scan and the parts to go with it. Then when it aint fixed guess whos the bad guy!


Wow, such venom against the code readers. I LOVE it when people call up and tell me they had it diagnosticated at the Vato Zone. I am glad to perfom your parts swap for this price. If you want us to be sure that we are repairing your vehicle, we will need to properly diagnose WHY the part went bad. Your parts store will gladly SELL YOU PARTS, I am here to fix the problems.


When a customer comes in from auto zone with a printout and wants us to replace that part I tell them a story of a customer that had replace $700 worth of oxygen sensors and other items before they became so frustrated they brought it in for diagnosis. What we found was a broken vacuum line that we repaired for less then $50 .

Also we tell them to think of the code pulled from their computer as a room full of 1600 people and one of them is raising there hand and telling you something is wrong up ahead of me and needs to be looked at.


Or we tell them to think of the code like the zip code they live in and is the code telling you it is your neighbors front door that is broken , is it a piece of sidewalk that has collapsed , is it a tree that is caught in the power lines. etc.


Yesterday I told a customer from comcast who had a free autozone test to think of him getting a repair order for someones cable system , is he going to just go in and replace the box or test all the incoming signals first , this was something that made sense and was an easy way to realize how us diagnosing his problem was the best approach


I try and use examples that fit their profession which helps them understand what needs to be done first.


Using these approaches I have been able to convince them of how important it is too their wallet to have a complete diagnosis first.

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I use these free diagnostics to my advantage. When a potential customer wants a free diagnosis, I tell them to go to AutoZone, get the diagnostics report and bring it to me for analysis.


I will tell them that for $15.00 I will do a reset, re-scan and explain the codes I get.


After showing them how many unnecessary parts were listed on the AutoZone list, 90% of them will become loyal customers which of course increases my customer base.


I have a Commercial account with AutoZone, the only benefit being not paying Sales Tax and free and prompt delivery. Having a good relationship with this department has resulted in getting an average of 2-3 weekly referrals.


Here in Idaho it's still the old West.


We have been doing free code readings since we have opened. We then charge for diagnosis. I figure why charge for read a code if others are going to do it for free. It is also a way to meet and greet the customer. 80% of them let us do the diagnostic and repair.


We do the same thing. Free code read, diag costs money. It's not my first choice but sending people away unhappy is not an option.


The fact of the matter for some low income people is if the light is on for an evap code they might let it go until inspection. Cigarettes & scratch tickets or a purge valve? No cash for both. Tough times.

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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      Show Notes with Time Stamps
      Introduction to the Podcast (00:00:01)  The podcast episode begins with an introduction to the Auto Repair Marketing Podcast.   Welcome and Topic Introduction (00:00:10)  Brian Walker welcomes listeners and introduces the topic of making great first impressions in auto repair.  Secret Shopper Concept (00:01:03)  Kim discusses the idea of offering secret shopper services to evaluate first impressions in auto repair shops.   Frog in Boiling Water Analogy (00:01:20)  Brian uses an analogy about a frog in boiling water to illustrate how business owners can overlook issues.   Personal Experience with Shop Cleanliness (00:02:26)  Kim shares a personal story about noticing cleanliness issues in her shop after sitting on the floor.   Origin of the Episode's Topic (00:03:13)  Kim explains that the episode's topic originated from a class she taught about hosting events in auto repair shops.   Creating a First Impression Checklist (00:04:08)  Kim mentions her intention to create a first impression checklist based on customer journey insights.   Importance of Online Presence (00:04:51)  Discussion shifts to how potential customers first experience a business online, including websites and Google profiles.   The Grunt Test (00:06:39)  Brian explains the "grunt test," where a stranger should easily understand what a website is about.   Evaluating Website Impressions (00:08:04)  Kim emphasizes the importance of assessing what feelings a website evokes in potential clients.   Social Media's Role in First Impressions (00:10:12)  The conversation covers how social media contributes to first impressions and customer perceptions.   Content Strategy and Audience Alignment (00:12:08)  Brian shares a client's unconventional marketing strategy and the importance of aligning content with audience expectations.   Google Business Profile Importance (00:12:59)  Kim highlights the significance of maintaining an accurate and complete Google Business Profile for attracting customers.   Customer Experience in a Hurry (00:14:01)  Kim discusses how potential customers often search for auto repair services quickly, emphasizing the need for accurate information. Improving Waiting Area Appearance (00:15:02)  Discusses the importance of updating photos of the waiting area to enhance customer impressions. The Importance of Phone Etiquette (00:15:38)  Emphasizes listening to phone calls to ensure service advisors are friendly and professional. First Impressions Over the Phone (00:16:38)  Highlights how the tone and manner of answering calls can significantly impact first impressions. Customer Experience During Calls (00:17:18)  Explores the importance of a welcoming greeting and attentive service during phone interactions. Listening to Recorded Calls (00:19:22)  Encourages shop owners to review recorded calls to improve customer service quality. Customer Experience in Shops (00:21:36)  Discusses a personal anecdote about poor customer service and its impact on first impressions. Evaluating Online Scheduling Experience (00:24:26)  Stresses the importance of user-friendly online scheduling systems for customer satisfaction. Drive-By Assessment of Shop Appearance (00:26:23)  Encourages shop owners to evaluate their business from a customer's perspective for first impressions. Parking Lot and Vehicle Presentation (00:27:27)  Discusses the significance of a tidy parking lot and appropriate vehicles for attracting customers. Signage and Branding Consistency (00:29:03)  Highlights the importance of maintaining updated and clear signage to reflect the brand accurately. The Story of the Old Shop (00:29:52)  Brian shares a humorous anecdote about visiting an old shop and its rundown appearance. The Importance of Cleanliness (00:30:46)  Discussion about how exterior cleanliness impacts first impressions in auto repair shops. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere (00:31:27)  Kim emphasizes the significance of the waiting area’s atmosphere and sensory experiences for customers. Sensory Experiences Matter (00:31:47)  Exploration of how smell and touch affect customers' perceptions in an auto repair shop. Comparing Experiences (00:34:29)  Kim discusses how customers compare their experiences to other businesses like Chick-fil-A. Details Matter (00:35:28)  Highlighting the importance of small details in creating a positive customer experience. Creating a Family-Friendly Environment (00:36:55)  Discussion on accommodating families and making kids feel welcome in the shop. Comfort in the Waiting Area (00:38:39)  Brian stresses the need for comfortable seating and a welcoming environment for customers. Responsibility for Cleanliness (00:39:23)  Discussion on who is responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the shop. Bathroom Cleanliness (00:40:20)  A personal story about the poor state of a customer-facing bathroom and its impact. Thoughtful Amenities (00:41:24)  Kim talks about providing thoughtful amenities for female customers in the bathroom. Impression of Cleanliness (00:43:19)  Discussion on the importance of maintaining high standards of cleanliness in customer-facing areas. Shop Area Cleanliness (00:44:11)  Importance of maintaining a bright, clean, and organized shop environment for clients and staff. Efficient Shop Layout (00:45:02)  Discusses the necessity of an efficient layout to enhance workflow and client experience. Client Interaction (00:46:05)  Emphasizes tailoring conversations with clients based on their vehicle ownership goals. Permission for Inspections (00:47:58)  Importance of asking for permission to perform inspections to enhance client trust and experience. Client Follow-Up (00:48:59)  Discusses the significance of following up with clients post-service to ensure satisfaction. Team Appearance (00:49:48)  Highlights how professional attire of staff can impact first impressions on clients. Importance of First Impressions (00:50:45)  Stresses that consistent positive impressions lead to long-term client relationships and referrals. Final Thoughts and Checklist (00:50:46)  Introduction of a PDF checklist for staff to enhance awareness of shop cleanliness and organization.
      How To Get In Touch
      Group - Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind
      Website - shopmarketingpros.com 
      Facebook - facebook.com/shopmarketingpros 
      Get the Book - shopmarketingpros.com/book
      Instagram - @shopmarketingpros 
      Questions/Ideas - [email protected]
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
    • By carmcapriotto
      Thanks to our Partners, NAPA Auto Care, NAPA TRACS and Automotive Management Network "I had mistook tasks for servant leadership. Servant leadership is critical. If I'm not there to serve the people that work for me, to empower them to do the best possible job that they can do, then I'm holding them back." Connor Tracy, Director of Partner Development at KUKUI, discusses leadership challenges in auto repair shops, the importance of delegation and empowerment, adapting to industry changes, and the role of technology and data in modern shop management. Discover practical tips to transition from being a micromanager to a leader who can drive business growth effectively. Connor Tracy, Director of Partner Development at KUKUI Show Notes Watch Full Video Episode Introduction and Episode Overview (00:00:00) Connor Tracy's Background (00:01:42). The Homecoming Story (00:02:01) The Importance of Delegation (00:04:41) Micromanagement Pitfalls (00:06:08) Learning from Mistakes (00:09:09) Shifting from 'Me' to 'Us' (00:09:40) Empowering Team Decisions (00:10:36) Challenges of Leadership Training (00:12:22) Personality vs. Leadership Skills (00:13:06) Customer Review Management (00:17:12) The Need for Coaching (00:18:58) Peer Mentorship and Outside Perspectives (00:19:51) Sales Territory Engagement (00:20:42) Industry Resets and Agility (00:21:13) Proactive Leadership (00:22:27) Data-Driven Decision Making (00:26:18) Trends and Business Performance (00:27:27) AI Integration in Business (00:28:43)
      Thanks to our Partners, NAPA Auto Care, NAPA TRACS and Automotive Management Network Learn more about NAPA Auto Care and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting https://www.napaonline.com/en/auto-care NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Get ready to grow your business with the Automotive Management Network: Find on the Web at http://AftermarketManagementNetwork.com for information that can help you move your business ahead and for the free and informative http://LaborRateTracker.com Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Virtual Toastmasters Club: https://remarkableresults.biz/toastmasters -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/ Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion. https://remarkableresults.biz/ Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life. https://mattfanslow.captivate.fm/ Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest. https://huntdemarest.captivate.fm/ The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level. https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/ The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching. https://chriscotton.captivate.fm/ Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size. https://craigoneill.captivate.fm/         Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio

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