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Everything posted by Shopcat

  1. You must beat the bushes, and find them. Here are a few things fleets want... 1. minimal down time, top priority when they are in for work. 2. regular inspections, and keep them abreast of all areas of concern on each unit. 3. easily accessible fleet maintenance records and recent recommendations. 4. competitive prices, convenient processes. there are always other concerns, but if you market with these things presented to fleet managers, you will get clients.
  2. Just a thought. It has worked for me in the past to select someone that is currently a technician and shows the potential for leadership. That would mean grooming someone into exactly what you are looking for. Then replace them with a regular technician. You typically get someone that is a great fit because they already know how the shop functions, what is important, etc.
  3. M-Spec, I am referring to shops that specialize in suspension, steering, brakes, etc. I know many types of specialty shops have worked their way toward being full service. I know a radiator and a/c shop that had to do the same thing. Radiator repair is now more expensive than many new radiators have become and a/c is something that most other shops at least dabble in.
  4. I can only speak for myself, I believe as government expands, freedom diminishes. Add that to the fact that anything the government gets involved in slows down, becomes bloated, and becomes many times more expensive. Remember " The ACA will save families up to $2500.00 ?", Well my health care is much different now, I had to give up may old coverage, my doctor and the cost has doubled. Now Florida is bracing for a 20% rate hike in 2017. Providers are dropping like flies, so the less government the better.
  5. I'm looking to see what K.P.I.'s undercare shop's might track that are unique. I'm also interested to hear about challenges and situations that are specific to the undercare world. Thanks for taking the time to help.
  6. Our Founders believed it was our DUTY to correct the situation if it got bad enough... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Not much ambiguity in this idea. Jeff is correct, Colonists revolted over much less...just a simple fact.
  7. Nice to have you here, The collective mind of ASO is amazing! Welcome.
  8. Welcome to the forum! We are also on the Gulf Coast. ASO is a great thing, hope you like it.
  9. Welcome aboard! Programming is a big part of the future in auto repair.
  10. Bob K, Did you get your money's worth with ATI ? I know $1911.00 is a lot of money, but was it profitable for you? Is there long term improvement? I've often wondered about these long term programs.
  11. Advertising is a part of marketing, and needs to be targeted to your best potential customer. That being said, who is your customer? I would say after seeing your website that you are obviously focused on the carburetor market. You should look thru your sales history and determine who your customers are, What vehicle or equipment they own, what forums they might frequent, where do they live? Once you identify your ideal customer, it will be easier to target them.
  12. Frogfinder you make some great points. I know pricing can be regional, but the idea is solid to charge what you are worth. Folks want great service and they are willing to pay for it. Think about one of your favorite restaurant. Why do you go there? Probably you love the food, great service, good atmosphere, etc. Price is not the primary driver of good clients. They will gladly pay for a great experience.
  13. 3PuttFever , It is smart to develop your company's culture , the procedure and handbook. Your culture is apparent in those positive reviews, and your Facebook page too. Its great to see owners being proactive and making their business better. I say you headed to greater success in you shop(s) !!
  14. Just wondering how many shops that are having technician staffing problems do any or all of the following: 1. Do you have a recruiting strategy and if so is it effective? 2. Do you have a career path for your technicians? Regular written reviews, regular raises based on those reviews? 3. Do you have a written company policy book and /or a written procedure book? 4. Do you just crisis hire one of the first applicants with a pulse, show them where to park their box and hand them the first work order?
  15. Independent shop owners face many challenges to be sure. What is the primary challenge facing independent auto shop owners now?
  16. I agree with bstewart, you must use the same month from the last year to set the bar. If I may say so, also keep an eye on all the necessary k.p.i.'s. Additional 10% in sales means nothing if the gross profit, cost of goods, etc are out of line. The only victory is in having all your KPI's in line AND a 10% improvement in sales. Just as important is letting your staff know what the company goals are, the plan to achieve them, and the all important WIFM.
  17. carolinahighgear is right, spend your time on what you do best, making money fixing cars! Find someone who knows what numbers to watch also. You know, the important key performance indicators that let you know your shop is heading in the right direction. working hard is almost useless if you are not working smart at the same time.
  18. I would suggest considering your unique selling position. What makes your shop different than other shops in the area? The showroom is the place to showcase what makes your business different than the competition.
  19. Also, The top of the W.I.P. ( work in progress) page, there are icons going across, the 9th from the left is a globe, It is a Mitchell forum. Ive used it many times, and its all Mitchell users. VERY handy!
  20. Tyrguy, Most shops eventually hit a income plateau. I was just wondering what your per vehicle average has been thru the years. High car count in not necessarily a recipe for success. I've worked with shops that have a low per vehicle average, and tons of car count. It is far better to have 1 $400.00 car on any given day than 5 $80.00 cars. Lower car count can work for you, if you take the steps to increase per vehicle average. Fewer cars with a higher average is preferred. All that has to be done is use solid systems and procedures to maximize every opportunity.
  21. Stocking tires is no longer very practical. Depending on your area, a good relationship with a well stocked tire warehouse that delivers is probably a better idea.
  22. Not to take this this to a political level, but be careful inviting even more federal regulation into our lives. Lets look at how the government helps. Is healthcare better now that the government forced Obama care on us? How about the department of education? We spend tons on it and get one of the worst results worldwide. The department of energy, formed in 1977 in part to get the US off the dependence on foreign oil. all I am saying is lets police our own industry. If you hire only ASE certified techs and have regular training, your shop will have a competitive edge over your competition. Lets do this for ourselves. Ronald Reagan said the 9 most terrifying words in the English language are " I'm from the government and I'm here to help". I for one an thankful we do not have more "government help". In my humble opinion.
  23. tirengolf, Great points. Small independent shops are where its at today.
  24. I was wondering what your shop has done to identify your ideal client?

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