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Shop Management Software

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What out there for a decent shop management system? We are a small 2 bay shop that offers a variety of services to our customers. We currently use identifix as well as quick books to quote and invoice. Looking for a management system that will also integrate with quick books. Thanks in advance!

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We use Mitchell manager. Its fast and easy to use and has a ton of useful features. It costs about $200 and change a month for the lease which includes the repair and estimator programs, one workstation. Support is excellent. Whatever you choose think carefully because its difficult to switch systems once you get used to one.

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Alldata and Mitchell are both good but require a monthly payment. Some systems you purchase and do not require additional money a month but you can add modules if you wish for a monthly fee. I currently use TABSAutoBiz, check it out and see what you think. Bay master is another, RO Writer.

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I can only make comment about RO Writer and Mitchell. RO Writer was fairly popular with good reviews when I was I was first looking into shop software some years ago. I bought their lite version which was around $4000 at the time. I believe their full op bells and whistles version is around 10k. Great program, its currently still on an older database. I saved some money using it however moving forward as I was growing I needed more features. It came down to if I wanted to spend $4000 to upgrade or look into something newer. I looked into Mitchell as it also integrated with Bolt On Technology (digital inspections) which is the route I wanted to go in. Both have their pros and cons, Mitchell is subscription based so over many years I will be paying more however is much more manageable from a cash flow perspective instead of shelling out $10k at one shot. What I really liked about Mitchell was their revisions tab (sub estimates). RO Writer does not have this function so it gets to be a pain with estimating different estimate combinations. Otherwise both are good programs.

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My evaluation if what I considered to be good but inexpensive programs were MAxxtracks, TABS, and Baymaster. There were reasons I didn't go with these but I think they could all work depending upon your needs and budget.

I've heard nothing but good things about TABS everywhere I look. I've heard good things about Maxxtraxx as well.

Unfortunately I asked Mike Risich from Bolt On Technology if they had planned to ever integrate with TABS, and he said no.

To me that's pretty much a deal breaker, as Bolt On Tech is 100% part of my future plans.

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What out there for a decent shop management system? We are a small 2 bay shop that offers a variety of services to our customers. We currently use identifix as well as quick books to quote and invoice. Looking for a management system that will also integrate with quick books. Thanks in advance!

We use Mitchell for our shop management system. It integrates with quickbooks as well. Have used it for 20+ yrs. Does all we need.

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I think Bolt on Technology is in bed with Mitchell.


Yes they have a relationship. I think Mitchell was the first SMS that took an interest with Bolt On and in that is why they have such an integrated relationship. Bolt On does work with other SMS although I can't comment on how well. Say what you want about Mitchell, some of the customer service and processes are really annoying however if you are making money and know what you are doing then you shouldn't have a problem with them. I found that when I wasn't making money I would nitpick at the little things. Mitchell works for me mostly in part due to the features are in line (mostly) with what I need over other SMS. WorldPac catalog integration is pretty big for me as well as a serious digital inspection program. Bolt On is what I use with great success.

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  • 2 weeks later...


My problem with Bolt on Technology is that I had a problem with Mitchell and they did nothing to remedy the situation. My plans are to never, ever spend another dime with Mitchell.

I have baymaster and once set up, integration with QuickBooks is great. Lots of add on features available and after adding many features I'm at $75 a month. Tech support is great and quick.


Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

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Mitchell will not stand by its mistakes. We had them for about 12 years and decided to get the quickbooks integration. We have a collision and mech shop that have two p&l's into one bank account. They assurd us that it would work. It didnt work. They kept trying and trying and made quickbooks an utter mess. It create duplicate entries of every customer, every vendor in our qb database. Then they said they couldnt fix it. This was about 2 months into it. Then we realized they never refunded us at least for the integration. At that point they would not give it back and said, "your under contract sir" and refused to refund us our money even though they had their own techs notes indicating it was not working.


We will never use them again. We can understand mistakes or limitations but to not refund us? They took a customer of 12 years and threw us to the side and didnt even care.

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We use ccc as well, its only for collision as im sure your aware and it works great with quickbooks as well. Mitchell ultramate is not a management program, we have it to process Progressive insurance and it works pretty good.

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We use ccc as well, its only for collision as im sure your aware and it works great with quickbooks as well. Mitchell ultramate is not a management program, we have it to process Progressive insurance and it works pretty good.


Yeah I'm just looking for the collision estimating program... I know the CCC one has all the estimating and management together but of course when I speak to reps from both sides, they bad mouth the other. Do you have the CCC One?

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I work in a dealership and have my own shop. My advice on ALLDATA? LOL, well since we are here to make money.... how does this sound? ALLDATA time for an Alt. in a Escape V6= 3.0, Ford Warranty Time 2.8? huh? BUT Mitchelle = 8.0, nothing for nothing but if you ever done one of these you would choose the 8.0, So why endorse and use a labor guide from a auto parts supermarket?. I use AutoSoft Online for my shop and after learning it. It does everything I need and for $300 on shot fee. I'm a happy camper! Hope this helps

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I have baymaster and once set up, integration with QuickBooks is great. Lots of add on features available and after adding many features I'm at $75 a month. Tech support is great and quick.


Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

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I have been using Baymaster for the past five years and I have been very satisfied. Integration with Identifix and major parts and tire suppliers. Ability to send text message when job is completed or when parts arrive (customers love that feature). Completed invoice looks professional. Customers are able to understand the invoice. Uses CarFax to obtain VIN, make, model, sub-model and engine size just by entering the plate. Support is excellent and they are open to suggestions as to what we need and they make changes accordingly.

Before getting Baymaster I looked at Mitchell and found it too difficult comparing it to Baymaster and to what I had been using. The support was nothing like Baymaster and Mitchell lacked features that I needed. I have used Mitchell for repair information for over 40 years and it has been my experience that the product itself is good but the support falls short. I have sent email message from within the Mitchell site requesting help or a concern with functionality multiple times and they have never responded.

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I have been using Baymaster for the past five years and I have been very satisfied. Integration with Identifix and major parts and tire suppliers. Ability to send text message when job is completed or when parts arrive (customers love that feature). Completed invoice looks professional. Customers are able to understand the invoice. Uses CarFax to obtain VIN, make, model, sub-model and engine size just by entering the plate. Support is excellent and they are open to suggestions as to what we need and they make changes accordingly.


Glad to hear our QuickVIN product integrated into Baymaster has been a big help to your shop!


You can find a complete list of shop management systems with CARFAX features built in on our website.




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If you are a small shop and just want something simple and free to use, I have created a web app that is free to use. It is pretty basic, but with a few powerful features. It is web based so you can use it anywhere on as many devices as you choose. You can email customers sending them estimates, invoices, pictures or other documents. I is a little pet project of mine. There are about 80 shops using it including several that are doing more than 500k a year. Support is limited to when I can get to your email. If you want to check it out go to www.smotgo.com and use the demo credentials. There is also more info at www.smotgoinfo.com. You can also email me if you have questions info@smotgo,com.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been watching this topic very close for a few weeks, the more people post the more confused i get. I have been on Quickbooks since mid 90s, My brother has been doing the payables and receivables for 35 years at the store. Business has changed so much and volume has increased to the point that Quickbooks is a paperwork and input nightmare for us, although quickbooks accounting is great, we really are comfortable with quickbooks accounting. We have 1 location but maybe putting in 3 or 4 more locations in next few years. We have decided to reach out and find other options for our shop management software, I really do not use a shop management now, because of me and my brothers knowledge of Quickbooks, integration is a must. I have limited knowledge of all the shop programs, it seems from what i have read and been told is Mitchell "we have had for 18 years" INTEGRATES well with Quickbooks. The new Mitchell guy came buy last week and me and my brother discussed adding Mitchell Manager SE with him, It has really gotten mind boggling for me , out of my comfort range , I am in uncharted waters. I realize no one can tell me which program to purchase. This is my idea ,I think, I want a program that I or one of my writers basically can walk out to car scan vin or tag with camera ,write work order, assign to tech , get diag from tech,he can type in and it comes on our tablets, look up parts and tires ,give estimate , order all items, it puts them on estimate or invoice creates it , it automatically enters it in payables and receivables. We are hand typing that today. Mitchell has offered a 30 day trial, I can bail out with no charge. They do all the setup and integration. I have not made a final decision other than the Mitchell guy did come buy and see me. Ok now it gets really confusing to me, what is Bolt On, I am confused on this, I thought it was in the Manager SE or that SE is the same program . I see where bolt on and Mitchell integrate . That issue has me stuck. Is there another program that works with Mitchell labor and Quickbooks that I should look at. I understand I will be buying some tablets for my techs and SW's. I would rather have a program that does not make me own proprietary computers and cash drawers etc. I have 8 workstations now that I can use . Guys, I understand this is a broad and crazy question, as you can tell I am spending a lot of energy on this , I think this is a major decision in the direction of my shop. Has anyone here been in my situation with Quickbooks and made this changeover, if so could you quickly tell me who you went with , why, do you like it. I have read Mitchell support is not the best. I know it will be challenging for all of us , I have put this off for 3 years. I have got to make a move in this fast changing business. I understand you get what you pay for, I do like the idea of pay as you go with all the updates and changes that will come up weekly. Any input is appreciated. Thanks David

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Does anyone currently use Mitchell Manager SE for their shop management software but use All Data Repair for their labor times/repair information? We are currently using All Data Manage and the program leaves a lot to be desired in terms of a complete automotive repair shop management program. I would like to maybe try Mitchell for shop management but our techs like and are used to All Data Repair for the labor times/repair information. Just wanted to find out if this would make it more difficult to use the shop management software in terms of importing labor times, etc.

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Does anyone currently use Mitchell Manager SE for their shop management software but use All Data Repair for their labor times/repair information? We are currently using All Data Manage and the program leaves a lot to be desired in terms of a complete automotive repair shop management program. I would like to maybe try Mitchell for shop management but our techs like and are used to All Data Repair for the labor times/repair information. Just wanted to find out if this would make it more difficult to use the shop management software in terms of importing labor times, etc.


Hey 5 Star,


You may want to check out their ALLDATA Manage Online edition - they've been doing lots of work on it recently, including, (cough) adding in myCARFAX shop tools.


What's New in Manage Online




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We have the CarFax mechanical history in VAST. Is this what you mean, or does myCarFax have more features?

Correct, VAST has integrated both CARFAX QuickVIN and Service History. ALLDATA just last week launched the same features in their Manage Online SMS.


Hope you're enjoying the features!

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Correct, VAST has integrated both CARFAX QuickVIN and Service History. ALLDATA just last week launched the same features in their Manage Online SMS.


Hope you're enjoying the features!

Got it. Was thinking there were some features we didn't have, but it looks like VAST is solid in this area.


Let me tell you, that quick VIN feature is awesome. Being able to pull a VIN from a license plate is so nice. When they demo'd the product to us, we just typed in a license plate number of a car driving by on the street, and sure enough, it grabbed the VIN and completely decoded it. Incredible.


Regarding the service history, it's a bit hit or miss. Most dealerships report history to Carfax, so we get that; however, many smaller shops do not, so there are big history gaps in many customer cars.

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Got it. Was thinking there were some features we didn't have, but it looks like VAST is solid in this area.


Let me tell you, that quick VIN feature is awesome. Being able to pull a VIN from a license plate is so nice. When they demo'd the product to us, we just typed in a license plate number of a car driving by on the street, and sure enough, it grabbed the VIN and completely decoded it. Incredible.


Regarding the service history, it's a bit hit or miss. Most dealerships report history to Carfax, so we get that; however, many smaller shops do not, so there are big history gaps in many customer cars.

Totally understandable. Tell all your friends and we'll get those gaps filled in! We sign up more shops every day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Winslow, I really think it has to do with each individual needs, I myself have researched this for 2 years almost, I tried NAPA Taxx it did not work for me. Everyone's situation is different. I have just gotten on the Mitchell Program some on here hate it some love it, just like in your business, customer support is the key. My previous Mitchell guy had the job for 25 years, I saw him 2 times in those 25 years. My new guy ,Michael ,is fantastic he actually has a teamed up with a tech guy that works with him on installs and there service to me has been unparalleled so far. I personally think Mitchell is positioning themselves to take over this market with the group being all tied together, Mitchell SE, Pro Demand, Snap On, Napa, they all have a piece of the pie. There integration with Quickbooks was a huge deal with me. The cost I felt was very reasonable. I personally think they have the best bang for the buck, the add on features are so nice, example, a little more money you have a CRM program , if you want to go forward with vin decoding tablets Bolt On Tech is there. It is confusing and almost sounds to good to be true over the years, especially after my wasted time with NAPA Trax, although I really think technology has changed so much in 2 years it is amazing. NAPA trax has probably changed there whole operation also. I will let you no in a few months, we start semi live tommrrw, I had a issue friday called my salesman he had his tech guy and Mitchell tech guy on hone in 3 minutes and the whole problem was some issue's my tech guy had installed on my workstation for security and the dreaded virus , he had really hid it. Getting setup and stated is the toughest, i have basically done most of my training in my house on there You Tube module training. You are on the right track, a lot of these guys have told me and what I have read on this forum, If you want to compete today you must have shop management system unless you want to spend 2 hours before and 2 hours after work entering in your info. I am not associated with Mitchell in any way other than I used Mitchell for estimating for 20 years, I still got shelves of old books LOL. As i said, about 2 months ago, before I was about to hang myself, in my store walks a young sharp looking guy and introduces himself as the Mitchell rep for the area, he says I see you been with us for 20 years , when was the last time you saw the prior rep, I said about 15 years ago, he sorta laughed and said i will be around more, i promise, So I say what about the Mitchell shop management program, and my friend, this guy new ever question I had, I buzz my brother in his office , he comes in and starts asking Michael some integrating Quickbooks questions and the light bulb went off, he sent me a simple short length video of how it works and here we are installed and ready to roll . He also calls me back when I call him. The only thing that worries me a bit is if Michael was to leave. He is so good I am sure others notice and you know how that is. For now, I am with Mitchell, if my guy was to leave I will just cross that bridge when I get there, I am sure a lot of these systems that a lot of guys speak about on this forum are very good right now with me customer service is what I like and my guy has surly demonstrated that , the reason I say that is all the forums I have participated in, all these guys seem top notch and would not recommending stuff that does not work. We are all in the same boat at the end of the day. Have a good one and post more. I am always learning. I just got through with the Elon Block selling tips modules that I am about to spring on my guys at work. I am just keep trying to keep my guys FLAME BURNING.

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I have read every thread about this subject, and I have searched the internet also. No decisions are pressing so I have time to research.


My big question, which is also my deal breaker for any software, is can I track inventory with the SMS? We have a retail store and I need to track the inventory of the store and have the ability to make retail sales. Any suggestions, or any that will absolutely not work? TIA

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I have read every thread about this subject, and I have searched the internet also. No decisions are pressing so I have time to research.


My big question, which is also my deal breaker for any software, is can I track inventory with the SMS? We have a retail store and I need to track the inventory of the store and have the ability to make retail sales. Any suggestions, or any that will absolutely not work? TIA


Hi PAPShop,


From our experience, the shop management systems we recommend for Repair Invoices (Mitchell 1, ShopKey, NAPA TRACS, RO Writer, ALLDATA and some others) can handle inventory tracking but are not really configured to do the quick check out process typically required by the Retail Side, but do offer the ability to create the Counter Sale invoice to accommodate such transactions.


Hope this helps.

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Hi PAPShop,


From our experience, the shop management systems we recommend for Repair Invoices (Mitchell 1, ShopKey, NAPA TRACS, RO Writer, ALLDATA and some others) can handle inventory tracking but are not really configured to do the quick check out process typically required by the Retail Side, but do offer the ability to create the Counter Sale invoice to accommodate such transactions.


Hope this helps.

Yes it does.


I forgot to say, we currently use QuickBooks Pro, so the check out process is slower that a traditional retail check out. My concern is the thousands of retail parts - that some times are sold bolted on a vehicle and sometimes sold retail. I know, we are unique.

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I have read every thread about this subject, and I have searched the internet also. No decisions are pressing so I have time to research.


My big question, which is also my deal breaker for any software, is can I track inventory with the SMS? We have a retail store and I need to track the inventory of the store and have the ability to make retail sales. Any suggestions, or any that will absolutely not work? TIA

Pap, I

I am a tire store also, the inventory and accounting issue were my issue also , I have been on Quickbooks for years, the Mitchell program integrates with Quickbooks. That is the reason I said in my post it was my choice. I, from what I understand, believe you can run inventory on Mitchell but it does not have the accounting side of Quickbooks you would not have the accounting end of it. As I said I will be integrating Quickbooks, I wiill get both.

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Yes it does.


I forgot to say, we currently use QuickBooks Pro, so the check out process is slower that a traditional retail check out. My concern is the thousands of retail parts - that some times are sold bolted on a vehicle and sometimes sold retail. I know, we are unique.

If you ever get up north, I'll show you how I use baymaster for my inventory. I'm happy with it and the support. My situation is different also because I stock a lot of ATV parts. About $30k in inventory last I checked. All accounted for in baymaster. I also integrate with QuickBooks and it keeps my inventory up to date on the balance sheet.


Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

I work in a dealership and have my own shop. My advice on ALLDATA? LOL, well since we are here to make money.... how does this sound? ALLDATA time for an Alt. in a Escape V6= 3.0, Ford Warranty Time 2.8? huh? BUT Mitchelle = 8.0, nothing for nothing but if you ever done one of these you would choose the 8.0, So why endorse and use a labor guide from a auto parts supermarket?. I use AutoSoft Online for my shop and after learning it. It does everything I need and for $300 on shot fee. I'm a happy camper! Hope this helps


FYI, you can save yourself a whole lot of headaches taking the alternator out from the top between the firewall and engine. The first time (and only, so far) that I did this job, I ran into the same thing with Alldata. I had already quoted the job @ alldata's time, and then went to do it and was like "no way!". So I did a little research and found a youtube of some dude pulling it out of the top. I figured it was worth a shot, and it sure was.

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  • 3 months later...

If you ever get up north, I'll show you how I use baymaster for my inventory. I'm happy with it and the support. My situation is different also because I stock a lot of ATV parts. About $30k in inventory last I checked. All accounted for in baymaster. I also integrate with QuickBooks and it keeps my inventory up to date on the balance sheet.


Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

Revisiting this subject...... again. Do you use Baymaster online? Also, we do progressive billing on our restorations. Does it allow that?

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Baymaster is not internet based if that's what you mean. It's a program on your computer and can be set up with other computers on the local network linked to it. I currently use just one computer, but am about to add two more to the operation. One for the techs and one for the service writer counter. They will all be linked to the main office computer. I'm not sure about progressive billing. I'm able to process down payments on a job and have had as many as 8 payments made on one work order. It's integration with quickbooks enters those payments as a deposit for the customer, and an invoice is only created when the job is completed and paid for. I operate on accrual accounting method, so the only issue I had with it is that it doesn't show as "income" on quickbooks until the invoice is complete. I'm no accountant by any means, but it was different than the way my accounting worked before integrating. I have added and tried many of their add ons, and some worked great while others I didn't find as useful. For me, the phone app was a complete waste of time. Looked great at first, but to many glitches and issues had the techs wasting time figuring it out. The texting option I was sure I'd never use, but most customers like it. You have to figure out which customers are anti-text and just make the phone calls. I don't use it as often as I should, but when I get a no answer, I text. It's worth the $5 a month for me. I've been thinking about trying bolt on's inspection program, but only if it will integrate with baymaster. Will be making some calls to find out soon. Hope that helps.



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To add another option to the list for you guys/gals to research:



The guys who created this solution are shop owners themselves and have been known to create custom solutions for clients. They also put on an event in association with EFI University called "Essentials of Operating a Shop Seminar". Might be worth reaching out to them. I haven't used the software myself so I wouldn't have any info to share on it besides having heard about it from some other shop owners.

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To add another option to the list for you guys/gals to research:



The guys who created this solution are shop owners themselves and have been known to create custom solutions for clients. They also put on an event in association with EFI University called "Essentials of Operating a Shop Seminar". Might be worth reaching out to them. I haven't used the software myself so I wouldn't have any info to share on it besides having heard about it from some other shop owners.


They did an 1 1/2 hour seminar at PRI called "Essentials of Operating a Performance Shop". It was packed!! One of the attendees had gone to the full class and he highly recommended it. We did learn quite a bit in the short seminar, and the slides were very informative.

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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    • By carmcapriotto
      Thanks to our Partners, NAPA TRACS, AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching, and Today's Class Join Dan Bryant and Heather DePriest as they discuss the transformative power of Mike Michalowicz's 'Profit First' methodology. Heather and Dan share their success stories and discuss the essential principles of cash management that have helped them grow their businesses sustainably. Tune in for insightful discussions on budgeting, cash allocation, and the critical role of business coaching. Heather DePriest, American Garage, Chinook, MT. Heather's previous episodes HERE Dan Bryant, American Pride Automotive, 5 StoreS, VA Show Notes
      Starting Profit First (00:03:01) The challenges of starting the Profit First system and the benefits it brought to their business. Impact of Profit First (00:04:11) How Profit First helps with budgeting, tax payments, and managing expenses, leading to significant improvements in their business. Issues with Managing Cash (00:06:15) The consequences of not managing cash properly and the stress it can cause for business owners. Need for Coaching and Education (00:08:38) Heather and Dan emphasize the importance of coaching and education in implementing Profit First and improving business management. Core Principles of Profit First (00:10:15) Dan Bryant explains the core principles of Profit First, including setting up main accounts, allocating percentages, and removing temptation. Rhythm and Account Setup (00:15:06) Heather discusses how they simplified their accounts and the importance of finding a supportive bank for setting up multiple accounts. Inconvenient Bank and Transfers (00:16:48) Dan explains the concept of the "inconvenient bank" and the purpose of transferring funds to it, emphasizing the removal of temptation. Success and Expansion (00:18:57) Dan and Heather share their success story and how Profit First helped them manage cash and expand their business. Struggles in Business (00:19:25) Dan and Heather discuss the struggles of business ownership, including talent acquisition and financial challenges. Business Expansion and Financial Management (00:21:12) Dan shares insights on business expansion, financial management, and the importance of sustainable profit. Team Building and Family Inclusion (00:24:51) Dan discusses team building activities, including the importance of including family members for better participation. Profit First and Budgeting (00:25:17) The conversation delves into how Profit First aligns with budgeting and financial planning for the future. Tax Allocations and Financial Security (00:26:13) The importance of setting aside funds for taxes and the peace of mind it brings to business owners. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA TRACS NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Thanks to our Partner, Auto-Fix Auto Shop Coaching Proven Auto Shop Coaching with Results. Over 61 Million in ROI with an Average ROI of 9x. Find Coach Chris Cotton at AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching on the Web at https://autoshopcoaching.com/ Thanks to our Partner, Today's Class Optimize training with Today's Class: In just 5 minutes daily, boost knowledge retention and improve team performance. Find Today's Class on the web at https://www.todaysclass.com/ Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Virtual Toastmasters Club: https://remarkableresults.biz/toastmasters -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections                                  
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    • By carmcapriotto
      Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive
      In this episode, Hunt Demarest, CPA with Paar Melis & Associates, discusses the importance of regularly analyzing your financials. Learn how to effectively use daily and monthly reviews to drive your shop’s profitability and productivity.
      Key Takeaways:
      Daily Reviews: Focus on productivity using shop management software. Monthly Reviews: Focus on profitability using financial statements. Key Metrics: Track productivity, profitability, and parts gross profit. Scientific Approach: Identify problems, hypothesize solutions, test, and analyze outcomes.  
      Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive
      Did you know that NAPA TRACS has onsite training plus six days a week support?
      It all starts when a local representative meets with you to learn about your business and how you run it.  After all, it's your shop, so it's your choice.
      Let us prove to you that Tracs is the single best shop management system in the business.  Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at NAPATRACS.com
      Paar Melis and Associates – Accountants Specializing in Automotive Repair
      Visit us Online: www.paarmelis.com
      Email Hunt: [email protected]
      Get a copy of my Book: Download Here
      Aftermarket Radio Network
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    • By carmcapriotto
      The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
      Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo:https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/
      Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/
      If you would like to join their private Facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind
      In this podcast episode, Coach Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching delves into the multifaceted benefits of adopting a four-day workweek within the auto repair industry. He underscores significant enhancements in employee morale, work-life balance, and overall productivity, while also noting the potential to attract and retain top-tier talent. Chris provides an in-depth analysis of various structural approaches for implementing a four-day workweek, including staggered shifts and rotating schedules, ensuring that operations run smoothly without compromising service quality.
      The episode, sponsored by Shop Marketing Pros, is a treasure trove of practical tips for auto repair shop owners contemplating this transition. Chris emphasizes the importance of developing a customized plan that meticulously balances employee satisfaction with operational efficiency. He discusses the nuances of different implementation strategies, such as ensuring adequate coverage during peak hours and maintaining customer service standards. Additionally, Chris shares real-world examples and success stories from shops that have successfully made the switch, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the potential challenges and rewards.
      Listeners will also gain insights into the financial implications of a four-day workweek, including potential cost savings from reduced overhead and increased employee retention. Chris highlights the importance of clear communication with staff throughout the transition process and offers advice on how to gather and incorporate employee feedback to fine-tune the new schedule. By the end of the episode, auto repair shop owners will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to make an informed decision about whether a four-day workweek is the right fit for their business.
      Boosted Employee Morale and Productivity (00:02:19) Shorter workweek leads to increased productivity and higher job satisfaction, improving employee morale and focus. Improved Work-Life Balance (00:03:28) A four-day workweek allows for more family time, hobbies, and rest, reducing burnout and maintaining mental and physical health. Attracting Top Talent (00:04:23) Offering a four-day workweek can attract top talent valuing flexibility and work-life balance, setting the employer apart. Operational Efficiency and Financial Benefits (00:05:32) Streamlining operations, reducing turnover rates, and potential cost savings with a condensed workweek. Structural Approaches to Transitioning to a Four-Day Workweek (00:06:34) Staggered shifts, extended hours, rotating schedules, and seasonal adjustments to implement a four-day workweek.  
      Connect with Chris:
      [email protected]
      Phone: 940.400.1008
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
      AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae
      #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros #autofixautoshopcoachingbook
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