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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I will still check iATN on occasion. I do subscribe to identi-fix, although I have been a little disappointed with them recently. And yes the cost is a bit stiff but for the most part they are a GREAt source for info and they provide factory diagrams and repair data. Most of the providers like Mitchell reformat the info. Anyhow good luck and keep us posted on the fix!
  2. I use torque sticks closest to the low side of spec. Then when on the ground complete with torque wrench. On heavy trucks and the such I will road test and re-torque.
  3. It could be an axle. When I worked for Chrysler we would get these. Seems the inner cv joints go bad and cause this problem. Fixed a few like this. Also make sure that the cradle is centered properly. If it isn't it can cause a bind on the shafts. HTH, Jeff.
  4. I tend to believe this DOES NOT enforce the value in our technical skills. Me personally I break it out. If the customer balks I explain it this way. The doctor charges you for an office visit. He "TEST and DIAGNOSIS" your issue. Then he writes the prescription (the repair), which cost additional. Just my $2.98 (2 cents with inflation).
  5. Thanks Joe. I did all that in the beginning. As the years went on I got, or it seems, to busy to keep up with it. Now I am trying to turn it all around and get back into it again. I think I am going to write myself a schedule and follow it. Monday after fixing cars all day I will put on my marketing specialist hat, Tues will be my book keeper hat, Wend my housekeepers hat...... Thanks for the feed back. Ya'all have a good weekend!
  6. Thanks folks. I am going to offer the free rotate for just the reasons Xrac mentioned. And I am considering the rewards, just not sure what to offer. Joe do you offer discounts to return for recommendations, dollars off, percentage off? I am into our "slow" season here and am hoping to ramp up sales. Just today got set up with a postage meter to make it easier to do the mailers and post cards. I admit I been slacking with my follow ups and mail outs. Anyways thanks for the input and if anything else comes to mind let me know! THANKS!!
  7. Ok folks need a little input here. I have signed up for a 3 month trial program in a local coupon rag. Been surveying my good customers as to what gets their attention when they are browsing the sales flyers. Most respond with a FREE anything. Now I have been taught that there is no VALUE in free and I am trying to avoid the free "trap". At the same time it seems that everyone in town has a FREE this or that. And I did have a fellow tell me one time that "Ya gotta play ball in the field your in". I already feel I set myself apart from my competition in my honesty and service. My tag line is "Honesty and Integrity are your guides in caring for your car" What are your thoughts? What is working for you? Thanks for the input! Jeff.
  8. Phone- I get last 4 of social, mothers maiden name, etc. Offer to email or text them the numbers. As far as one drop off and another halting the repair..that's a tough one. In Florida the est has a spot for the customer to put down another person who can auth. repairs. If that wasn't filled out then I might be inclined to tell them to pack sand. I have time in the job and someone will pay for that. OR you could be caught in the middle of a domestic dispute and one is trying to get at the other. I would still make a call to the person who originally dropped the vehicle. Just my $2.98 (2 cents with inflation)
  9. I once told a fellow at my church, in the most basic terms, how to change a timing belt. The following week he approached me and asked what I was going to do to help him with his engine. I looked at him and asked why I had anything to do with the engine as I had never seen the vehicle. Well I guess he and another friend decided it was that simple and they could do it themselves. Got it outta time and bent the valves. Since I am the one that told him how to replace the belt it was my fault. I just laughed and walked off. Oddly the fella never spoke to me again.
  10. Joe I am curious, do you make these calls during regular business hours or in the evenings? I assume it is during reg hours because the advisors are doing it but I had to ask. And is it at their convenience or do you have certain hours of he day that they work it in? I have considered doing it in the early evening but I hate to think I am bothering someone. Thanks, Jeff.
  11. Recently had a person call for a second opinion. Was at the local Dodge dealer and they were trying to sell him a rack for a metallic rubbing noise on tight right turns. Convinced him to bring it in for inspection. Turns out the backing plate was rubbing the rotor on the left side. Tweaked the plate just a bit and the noise was gone. No charged it as it only took a few minutes to determine and repair. Now have a loyal customer. Just to say I will not give a second opinion over the phone.
  12. When I complained to the local authorities about the illegal shops I was told I was a disgruntled owner and they didnt have time to investigate the issue. Hows that for govt intervention!
  13. Trusted Mechanic....first of all I dont think you know me well enough to call me a bigot,and I take offence in that. But if that is your opinion you are welcome to it. I can and have proved that for the time Mr. Obama has been in office I have taken a hit in my business. I dont blame this on his color but his politics. I dont believe any of the programs instituted in the last 4-5 years have really benefited the small businessman. And I do believe that if you will go back thru HISTORY you will find that during republican held White House and congress small business flourishes. I have no problem paying my fair share but lets make it a FAIR SHARE. You do understand that there are more people receiving govt benies now than pay into the federal tax system. this inequity can not continue! As far as follow the money...you guys need to find a hobby! And for the record you can shove your bigot remarks! The longer I think about it How dare you call me a bigot....you dont know me. But that seems to be the norm today, call names before you really know the person! I dont give a flyin flip what color a person is. Some of my best friend are of african descent. So to that end I hope you will consider your words more carefully the next time. Otherwise you can cram it!
  14. My Mitchell software tracks it! Thru coupon utilization, source, etc. I always ask a first time caller how they got my number (source). Bring in a coupon or mailer, (utilization). ya could always build a spread sheet and filter it thru excel.
  15. Joe I just had this discussion a few weeks ago in another forum. I was master certified. I have not re-certified. I do intend to when finances permit. I feel that the people at ASE have their heads stuck in their arses to put it bluntly! Why would you pay for the amount of advertising they do in the trades to reach us the techs, and not advertise somewhere the public and learn why it is important to seek out an ASE shop. I already know what ASE is! How about they spend some money to advertise in Home Journal, Better Homes and Gardens, Cosmo, etc. Women control most of the purchase decisions including auto repair! Why not target them? Just my opinion!
  16. 1) The "rich" only control what you let them control! (We already had this discussion and you know my feelings) 2) I will always challenge law enforcement, when I can. It is our duty as a citizen. 3)The greed and debt you mention is by your own fault. No one forces you to go into debt. My father is 77 years old and I don't believe he has ever ran debt over $500. And retired as a hired farm hand with well over 250K in the bank. More that enough to last him the rest of his life! 4)As long as you continue to believe that the banks and government control you THEY WILL!!! 5) The only person responsible for you is YOU!! I love being an AMERICAN!! No I don't trust my govt but not for these reasons!! Until you realize, and again I will say it, only you are responsible for you, then this hate you harbor is going to fester and consume you! And for reference my heritage is Irish and Scottish. As near as I can tell my ancestors landed here sometime in the early to mid 1700's and found their way into the Ohio valley and WV by the late 1700's. I have found gravestones in a family plot in Ohio that show date of death about 1830 aged over 80 years. I believe this was my fathers great great great uncle.
  17. I use Mitchell. I am looking forward to adding their "pro pack" which is an additional cost. But with pro pack it appears to give you a much better defined set of reports and a huge follow up program.
  18. Same to ya Joe, and everyone else. For all it's faults I LOVE BEING AN AMERICAN!
  19. VV carbs..........thats a horror story in itself. Then ya go and throw in the Chrysler Lean Burn!! I am gonna have nightmares for a week! Thanks Gonzo...can I call you when I wake up in cold sweats at 2 am? LOL
  20. Very true. My new by line is "Welcome to Socialist States of Obama"!
  21. The penalties are what worries me. I can't afford insurance so I will be penalized. And I have heard numbers form 3k to 7k annually. I would love to be able to afford a complete health care pkg. Even today I have a miserable tooth ache and I will probably pull it myself!
  22. I don't have health care, just cant afford it. My bigger fear is how the mandatory Obamacare is going to affect me. I am not a person that gets sick often. We were just talking about it last night at the house and I have been to the doctor a total of 4 times since 1993, and that is including 2 trips to the ER ( 1 was a dumba$$ attack not wearing saftey glasses when grinding and the second was a badly pulled back).
  23. I see it here all day. This area was especially hard hit by the recession and is just now beginning to recover. Even my best customers are putting off things like struts and tune-ups simply because it isn't in the budget. I can't say they don't care they just don't have the money. A select few I have offered to finance the labor just in order to get the job and make the part's profit. They pay off over a period of a few months and everyone is happy.
  24. Here again I will say it. Until we have a unified system of being PROFESSIONALLY CERTIFIED that is recognizable by the public we will continue to fight this stigma. I recently debated the real worth of ASE certs in another forum. I was Master certified. When they expired I was struggling to pay bills and recerts were not top on my list. Now if the ASE people were to push certification nationally in places where the motoring public would learn of it I would be more encouraged to recert. But where do they promote certification? In the trades that are targeted to the auto industry. WE ALREADY UNDERSTAND!!! Take that money and put ads in Ladies journal, Field and Stream, Bicycling Weekly, etc and explain to those people the importance of finding and using an ASE certified mechanic. When I explain to someone the ASE process it goes in one ear and out the other. Now if they read that same explanation in a rag they read regularly and whose content they take interest in, and articles they will use in their daily life, then the real benefits of ASE Certs would be realized. In Florida and schmo can buy a tool box, hang out a shingle. advertise the cheapest rates in town, and call theorems a mechanic. And in my area there is little to no investigation into "under the radar" shops. These guys will plunder till the well is dry and move on to another warehouse, change their name and start over! There is currently an ad running on TV here now that promotes a self service AC recharge. Can get your air cold again in 10 minutes. I have to have an AC recovery machine, account for every ounce of 134, and the consumer can go to the DIY stores and buy this set up and if it blows off to atmosphere or leaks out again in a week its OK!! There is not enough value put on the training and experience it takes to repair the modern car. Until that changes we will continueto face these cahllenges!

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