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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I read or listen to Napolean Hill regularly. Great motivation!
  2. Check for injector pulse...monitor the cam and CRANK sensor for synch. Check fuel pressure for at least minimum spec. Any codes pop up?
  3. Hello! My name is Jeff and I am a tool addict!! I was just thinking last week I need to clean out the tool box and find a new home for my distributor wrenchs, the "c" wrench for datsun (whats that?) valve adjustments, the "s" and "c" wrenches for the carbs and water pumps......and anyone need a good cylinder shorting meter? We are telling our age Gentlemen!
  4. Slow at the shop. May just start this holiday early!

  5. GeeZ before I opened my own garage I worked for Chrysler for 10 years in different dealers. Prior I worked for Nissan and Ford. As the years progressed I got all the factory training I could get. As I became more proficient with the electronic systems I became overwhelmed with the warrenty repairs. At the end of the week I have flagged 25 hours in warrenty repairs (dealer only pays on avg about 60% of book). Other techs that were less experienced and less trained were getting 60-70 hours a week in basic service work. Yes I was paid a premium but 25 per hr X 25 is a far cry from 20 per hour X 60. And it wasn't much better at the independents I worked for in as they didnt like quoting diag time up front. As far as regulation we deal with it dailey now. ASE is great for personal achievement but when was the last time ya spoke to anyone that knew what ASE was outside the trade? I personally have never seen an add promoting ASE in Womans Journal or Good Housekeeping (women are the ones who make most of the decisions ). I feel in a PROPERLY regulated and liscenesed market we PROFFESIONALS would have nothing to fear and the others would pass by the way. WOULD YOU WANT AN UNLISCENESED UNREGULATED DOCTOR?
  6. I wonder if that will work in auto repair??
  7. Now that the elections are over I am wondering if your business plans will change? What are your expectations and plans going forward? I have seen a steady decline in business in my area over the last 4 years. I am a small operation, just me doing it all. I did have a helper but laid them off the first of the year due to lack of business. Just curious how the rest of ya'all are looking forward.
  8. Never dug roots but made a lot of money (in a young mans eyes ) selling the furs. I also sold cock pheasant capes, squirrell tails and skunk scent to companies that made hunting scents and fishing lures. Kinda had forgoten about settin limb lines for big cats, We would bait a hole with a gunney sack full of cheap dog food. Go back a few days later and set limb lines. Go back the next day and gather the fish. Then have a fish fry and throw horse shoes! Some good times. I didnt know I was poor till someone told me I was!!
  9. XRAC I am a Buckeye hillbilly. Grew up near Springfield. As a youngster I trapped muskrats, coon, possum,fox, etc for fur. Love to squirrell hunt. Set trot lines for catfish. To be very honest the land around there is realtivley flat. I cant remember the name of the town/county in W.V. that my great great grandparents were from. I can tell you I wouldnt trade any of it for all the gold in Fort Knox!
  10. I use both strips and an electronic fluid tester. When you explain to owners the potential cost of an abs hydraulic module it becomes an easy sell. And the strips and tester give them a visual they can relate with.
  11. I personally feel flat rate needs to go away! That in itself almost forced me out of the trade. I also believe if their was a well recognized license requirement the public might see us for who we are. Most people still feel that mechanics are "knotheads" that cant do a whole lot else. I think that in itself would allow us to charge a more professional fee in turn making it a more attractive trade. IN the state of Florida you have to be licensed by the state to be a hairdresser or manicurist. Anyone can go to kmart and buy a box of tools and call themselves a mechanic. Yes the shop has to be registered with the state but no regulation on mechanic skills. Just my 2 cents worth!
  12. I am seeing free but more in the line of tires and batteries. BUT in order to qualify for these "freebies" you must follow the dealers recommended service schedule. Much the same as your customer, plugs, injector flushes, trans service, etc at 15k when the factory recommends 60k or later. Whenever I get a chance I will show a customer where they are not "free"! They are paid for in added high profit services that are being performed long before necessary. I have won over a few. I have also added value by using BG products which in turn allows me to add BG provided road service. My cost is in the 5-8 dollar range on an LOF. Many of my regulars have dropped the dealer for the "free" road service I provide! And the road service card expires which keeps them coming back!
  13. Joe you are right! My family roots go back to about the time of the revolution, immigrents from Ireland and Scottland. My "family" grave yard is located on a farm in central Ohio that has stones dating back to 1790. They first settled in the West Virginia hills and worked their way into Ohio and then on into Wisconsin. I am proud of my Heritage and equally proud to say I AM AN AMERICAN! (as well as a hillbilly)
  14. OTC made a craddle "lift" similiar to what you are looking for. Used them when I worked at Ford and Chrysler. They worked great but if I recall correctly were not cheap. It would actually raise and lower the assembly. HTH, Jeff.
  15. Can you say socialism?
  16. Ya know Joe thats what I told a friend. When I am standing I front of St. Pete at the Pearly Gates and he is running down the list of all the, shall we say, mistakes, maybe I will get a few free passes.
  17. Wanted to update ya'all. When I pulled the car back into the shop the valve noise was gone. Pulled the oil pan as the first step ans WALLA full of sludge. In removing the timing belt it was necessary to raise and lower the engine. That was enough to wash all the crap into the sump. Took pictures and called the customer. Gave her an option of cleaning and reinstalling at no charge or paying for the new pump. She didnt have any money so you know the rest. i did have her sign a waiver that removed any liability from me. Did my good deed for the day! Thanks for all your support !
  18. Wendsday I replaced the water pump and timing belt on a Kia with 120k on the clock. Valves were a little noisey when I pulled it into the bay. Checked the oil, was ok. Called the lady and she informs me that it does that, usually when she needs oil ! The car does have some oil leaks, mostly from the valve cover. Now so ya know I generally dont bow down to customers...like ya said ya cant fix stupid. Anyway finish the job, road test ok and call the customer. When she picks up she starts the car and remarks it has to need oil because it only does that when its over a quart low. Check again and it is in the good range. She leaves and in minutes calls me to say the oil light is on. Returns with the same valve noise and an oil light. Check oil pressure and it hardly moves the gauge, needs an oil pump. And of course since I worked on it last......!!! I kinda feel sorry for the lady...single mom, dead end job, no family, etc. So for the sake of good karma, PR, how ever ya wanna call it I am going to install an oil pump no charge. I will say the owner is in contact with hundreds of people a month so I am hoping it will pay back in good referals.
  19. I raised my rate in July from 79.95 to 85.95. Didn't see any real loss in business but it has been a tough go for a while now. Avg ticket is 2.6 hours so it made about a 15 dollar difference in each ticket. Then my neighbor, a used car dealer, told me the local new car dealers were lowering their rates. Took a Focus in to dealer for a security issue I couldn't address. In their service drive the sign that had 110.00 per hour had the 110 crossed out and 89.95 marked in at the bottom. A quick survey found many of the local dealers had LOWERED their rates from over 100 to the 90 range. Makes me wonder if I made the right decision. I know what I need to make based on avg car count. But if I have a slow week then the numbers all go out the door. MR. WIZARD I DONT WANNA BE A SHOP OWNER ANYMORE!!!
  20. I use Mitchell 1 for estimating. Total cost for me is in the 250 a month range. I believe you could get the basic package for less. Identifix also has estimating as well as repair info though the repair info is not as far reaching as Mitchell. Identifix runs around 160 a month. I highly recommend you find something to use. With out an up to date system you could be letting profits get away. And current repair info is more necessary today than ever. Good luck!
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