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Health Care Insurance Concerns?

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I don't offer it to my employees yet but I can tell you that my own personal health insurance is planning to more than double because the minimums don't meet Obamacare's requirements. So much for the lie that my health insurance won't be going up. We will probably have to do without sadly because there is no way I can afford to pay double for the crap insurance I already have :(

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I have just added health insurance. I have cut my personal pay to make it work. I am also lowering other insurance bills. I plan to call Comcast to reduce that bill, as well as cut out ALLDATA repair and use identif8x for all repair info.

I will probably raise my labor rate January 1st to cover the cost.

My wife and kids have been covered by CHIP and Medicaid. If they loose that coverage because I offer a plan It will cost me $1480 a month, more then my home payment.  

My one employee that signed up cost another $550. So this is a little over 2000 a month. If I raise my labor rate by $5 and fiddle with my parts matrix a tad it should balance out.  

It makes me sick thinking about the cost so I need to get it lol.

I do hope this will help me attract the better techs out there. If I can get a more efficient employee out of it the costs would be even more offset.

Edited by Hands On
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16 hours ago, xrac said:

At least the deductible is modest.  I am Medicare as of December 1.  My premium (medicare & supplements) drops by over $400 per month and my deductible went from $7,500 to less than $200 otherwise I would still be sweating the health insurance thing. 

I'm with ya Xrac, I turn 65 in April and I'm looking forward to Medicare. My insurance just took another jump of 

$100 to about $950/mo with a 4K deductible. I expect to see a decrease similiar to yours.

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While this is not insurance, I recently learned of this healthcare insurance option.   There is a company here called diamondphysicians.com that offers concierge medicine.  I think it's under $100/month and then most medical issues are covered.  Doctor visits are free, Lab work is about $7, xrays $30, etc.  They have both GP's and some specialists on staff.  I think an insurance agent can make a mint if they find a way to package major medical insurance with this type of medical care.  One is not covered of they have a major medical issue or if you are in a car wreck.  However, if there's a choice between no insurance and this only, it still has value.  The person that told me about this has no insurance and a family with small children.  He's a member of this network and at least he, his wife and kids are getting medical care.    I had always associated concierge medicine with wealthy folks only.  As you can see, this one doesn't break the bank.  

It looks like they might expand to other areas as it is a franchise as well.  

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Health insurance has become a JOKE ! we are not offered insurance through work.. I have to pay out of pocket for my and my wife's insurance. Our monthly bill starting Jan 1st will be 956.00 a month , there is no way we can afford it. We do not qualify for any assistance so it is on us.. Our saving grace maybe that my wife started a new job as a medical secretary for a spine doctor in a hospital so we have looked into their insurance and it looks like we should be able to join hers without having to wait until their open enrollment which is in may and wouldn't take effect until July. They said that they may be able to consider the high payment that we can't afford to be a life altering circumstance. Her insurance will be 400.00 a month cheaper and much much better coverage. much lower out of pocket and deductibles not to mention no need for referrals we can go to any specialist in the network most of which are in our living area so that is a plus as well. We should hear something soon if not we will be without health insurance starting Jan 1st.

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  • 1 month later...

I had to pay a penalty this year because NYS made and error and cancelled a couple of my kids. Their website was broken so they couldn't fix it for a few months. The state got it corrected finally but we still had a gap. How can 6 people be on the same plan, all dependents of me, all signed up at the same time and 2 get dropped mid year? Computer error. Now I have to file another form to get a refund of the penalty, I'm still working on getting reimbursed for some Dr visits. Not to be one of those guys but when I was self insured everybody made more money. The providers and me both. By a LOT! My employees have other halves with family plans thank god because I can't afford to provide health care for them no matter how I figure it. 

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