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Everything posted by mmotley

  1. That's a pretty serious accusation, selling your database... Any way to back that claim up?
  2. Exactly what this guy said. I haven't read how to win friends and influence people, but E-Myth should definitely be at the top of your list
  3. I'm curios if anyone here has any comments or feedback on Autoshop Solutions. I'm looking to increase my marketing, particularly online. Maybe someone knows how it compares to Kukui, which I have heard great feedback on. Or if you know of another similar service that you are happy with.
  4. Just a quick response, I have to agree with waiving the diagnostic fee if the repair is done the same day at the shop...... but then again, I ALWAYS charge over book time so I'm not really losing anything. In that sense, it is all about perception. Installing parts with no warranty or customer supplied parts though? That's just asking for trouble. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I'll sweep the shop and twiddle my thumbs before I go down that road again.
  5. ALL great advice!!! I'm getting ready to build a new location, and I thought I wanted to build a separate office for car sales and really get into it. After doing it for a little bit, I'm not sure it's worth the time/headache.
  6. I don't sell that many cars, but I would say I definitely agree with this statement. I've had a few cars over 10K and they don't move very quick. All my 3-5K cars wen't QUICK though!
  7. I just closed on 1.5 acres yesterday to move my shop to a much better location. We've been open for 22 months. I started out by myself and now have 2 full time employees. The number 1 complaint we get is our location. All of our customers live more than 5 minutes away.... ALL! Most probably live over 10 minutes away. Half probably live 15 minutes or further. I've had too many customers come to our place, say how much they love the service, but can't justify the drive. A lot say they would rather pay more at the local dealer than drive all the way out to see us, even after they say our service is way better and refer all their friends to come see us! So for us, location is important. I've managed to grow in a terrible location, but now I'm ready more. I think it's different for every business.
  8. My service advisor is paid based on how many hours sold with built in guarantee for any real slow weeks. I'm currently tweaking my email surveys, and those will work as a bonus or multiplier. I was taught to keep incentive pay plans simple and easy to understand and track. If too complicated, they lose their effectiveness.
  9. I have to agree with others here, I try to stay competitive with other local shops on oil changes, but they are definitely nothing I will retire off of. They are however, a great opportunity to look the car over. Using digital multi-point inspections and top quality oils and filters as selling points, I'm able to charge on the higher end and also not be in such a rush. My customers have come to expect their digital inspection report with every oil change and they know we set spare tire pressure (even the ones buried in their trunk). All that being said, I still barely break even on just an oil change. As for A/C service, that is something I need to get on top of ASAP. We're in the 80s already in Texas, so cars will be showing up soon with A/C complaints. Look forward to hearing other's feedback
  10. shorted sensor or circuit to ground. There are probably about 5-10 sensors that are checked before starting will happen. If any of them are shorted, the ecm will shut down, no communication will occur, and check engine light will NOT be illuminated when the key is turned on. You will have to unplug each sensor one by one, turn the ignition back on, and see if comes back on. Once it comes back on, the last sensor you unplugged is the culprit. If none of them fix it, you have a circuit shorted.
  11. We just started emailing customer surveys in hopes that we can find out where we can improve, which in turn, should lead to less negative reviews. I'm not expecting to eliminate ALL of the negative reviews and I know it doesn't help with any negative reviews already left. I hope it at least gives us a little more insight on how we can do our best and avoid these situations.
  12. Don't know about the coolant flush, but mightyvac makes the best brake bleeding tools I know of for a lot less than $2500
  13. I would say a printed repair order with the tech on a test drive should suffice, like ATLauto suggested. Definitely recommend an air freshener for your waiting area, regardless of what it currently smells like in there. Customers will notice and appreciate it. Not sure where you are located, but you might be able to prop open a door to the outside if the weather is nice enough and it doesn't create too much of a draft.
  14. I think he may be more concerned when there are multiple non-smoking guests in the waiting area. Some places don't let their service advisors smoke tobacco cigarettes because that one service advisor is in contact with multiple customers who might find it offensive.
  15. I think he is more concerned about how it impacts other customers in the waiting area
  16. What software are you using to send out the email blasts?
  17. I should clarify that when I say tracking hours is easy, I also mean it's easy for the employees. Techs and service advisors can manually track their hours for the day/week so they know where they are at for the day/week. Trying to get an employee to know how they are doing with GP, markup on parts, etc makes it tough to calculate quickly and they might lose motivation...
  18. Agreed. If you are a small, independent shop, techs are gonna be cautious about coming to work somewhere that they might not get a ton of hours. This pay plan will provide a guarantee that they wont go home without a paycheck but that they also have an incentive to hustle. I still have yet to become comfortable with paying employees commission off of gross sales, gross profit, net, etc. In my mind, it creates too many opportunities for employees to want to see the numbers of the business. It also automatically gives employees pay raises if you raise your labor rate, parts matrix, etc. Third, it's just too easy to pay techs by labor hours. It's easy to track, it's easy to understand, it's easy to get techs to compete against each other, it's easy to set bonuses off of, etc. Just my opinion though, lots of guys on here seem to pay off of Gross Sales, Profit, Net, etc and are fine with it.
  19. Not to argue, but I could say the same about a customer I just sold a tire rotation to and got over $1000 in recommendations. I think M-spec hit it on the head, wonder what the ratio is of time wasters to people who actually buy recommendations is. Also, how are you paying your employees to rotate tires for free? If you are using a low-end lube tech/hourly guy, is he REALLY looking over the brakes, hub, etc all that well? If you are rotating for free because other places rotate for free, will you also price match the other services they offer? Sorry, but if I'm rotating the tires (ASE Master Certified with L1) then I am charging for it. If I'm gonna put it on my lift, use my electricity, use my tools, I'm gonna charge. The people I hire I feel are worth paying for their work, so I will not rotate for free. I've started telling my customers that if they want the high school drop out down the road making $8 an hour to rotate their tires, and have to wait while he does it, go for it. Or they can spend a few bucks and let us rotate their tires while we change the oil and filter. Also something to remember, when you take the wheels and tires off, you are now responsible if a wheel comes off after they leave. Your also on the hook for cross-threaded lug nuts you might come across. I've made my decision, it's not worth it to rotate for free.

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