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Marijuana is legal in my state of Rhode Island (I am sure it will help things). 2 to 3 times a week I have customers in my waiting room who stink to high heaven. This stale pot smoke is extremely smelly and lingers long after the customer leaves. How do I handle these idiots? My gut tells me to boot these inconsiderate morons out the door but lately I need the money.


I am also concerned about my techs getting pulled over test driving a car containing marijuana, which would be illegal with no pot license.


How would you handle this situation?



I am pretty sure most police officers are going to understand if there is an incident. other then that I think you might have to febreeze your customers as they come in.


Better learn to deal with it. Hopefully, the law enforcement officers will know how to deal with this. I don't this you will have anything to worry about. When it comes to the smell, better get use to it. A lot of people are going to be jumping on that band-wagon.


Get your techs a pot license, problem solved.


hahahaha, nice.


If our techs are ever test driving a car with expired tags / no tags / headlights out / etc, we print out a copy of the RO to bring along. Never had a problem yet, but if they get pulled over, at least they can show that they are with a shop in the middle of a repair.

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i wouldnt do anything about a customer simply sitting in the waiting room waiting to pay you money. what harm are they causing? the smell? big deal. make your money and they will go on.

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i wouldnt do anything about a customer simply sitting in the waiting room waiting to pay you money. what harm are they causing? the smell? big deal. make your money and they will go on.


I think he is more concerned about how it impacts other customers in the waiting area

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I am very concerned about other customers. What happens when this burn out leaves and the 68 year old grand mother walks in? She may not want her vehicle fixed if she believes it is me or my staff smoking weed.


I am getting Fabreeze today.


Look into an ionic air purifier. It uses an electrical charge to enhance air filtration. They also offer filters for these machines that specifically target smoke. They are small , quiet and very effective. These machines work great. Just a little tongue in cheek here, but maybe get a snack machine too! LOL.

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I could care less about the pot issue but I can comment on odors. Our bathroom isn't well ventilated - we use a wax warmer that uses a night light bulb and scented wax cubes.

As far as smoke smell, sounds like you just need some basic ventilation. If you've got central heating and air, cut the fan on.


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I don't understand the logic of telling someone to leave and not get their business and money to prevent someone else from leaving and not getting their money. You are just trading one person's money for another, nothing gained and nothing lost. Also I find it very hard to believe that, unless they are smoking in the chair, they are leaving the scent behind when they left, and if they are, I am even more hard up to believe that it is so strong that a little air freshener doesn't resolve it. Sounds like you are just taking personal issue with marijuana, and that sounds like a bad idea to apply to your business, because their money is green too.


I don't understand the logic of telling someone to leave and not get their business and money to prevent someone else from leaving and not getting their money. You are just trading one person's money for another, nothing gained and nothing lost. Also I find it very hard to believe that, unless they are smoking in the chair, they are leaving the scent behind when they left, and if they are, I am even more hard up to believe that it is so strong that a little air freshener doesn't resolve it. Sounds like you are just taking personal issue with marijuana, and that sounds like a bad idea to apply to your business, because their money is green too.

I think he may be more concerned when there are multiple non-smoking guests in the waiting area. Some places don't let their service advisors smoke tobacco cigarettes because that one service advisor is in contact with multiple customers who might find it offensive.


I would say a printed repair order with the tech on a test drive should suffice, like ATLauto suggested. Definitely recommend an air freshener for your waiting area, regardless of what it currently smells like in there. Customers will notice and appreciate it. Not sure where you are located, but you might be able to prop open a door to the outside if the weather is nice enough and it doesn't create too much of a draft.


I've been stopped during test drives due to expired inspection stickers. I always have my uniform on, they let me go. One time a rookie demanded the registration, I refused. I don't have the glove box key, I only got authorization to drive cycle this car. No way am I opening a customers glove box that I don't know what's inside.

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