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Thoughts and Prayers For Gonzo

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Full report after Dr. Hacksaw and Nurse Hatchet remove the faulty plumbing and start the motor back up....  it's one of those things that what YOU thought was normal isn't even close to the real normal.. ........  know I know.... the hard way.  BTW ... heart attacks hurt like a somofabitch.  

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12 minutes ago, Gonzo said:

Full report after Dr. Hacksaw and Nurse Hatchet remove the faulty plumbing and start the motor back up....  it's one of those things that what YOU thought was normal isn't even close to the real normal.. ........  know I know.... the hard way.  BTW ... heart attacks hurt like a somofabitch.  

Only in America! Good to hear from you buddy! Been there, done that, was praying for the Big Guy to give me a little more time to see the children married and off to bigger and better things, lucky for me He gave me more time. We are very happy to hear from you! Get well soon, buddy! I am praying for your speedy recovery.

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Don't know if anyone has heard yet, but Gonzo's wife posted that he is out of surgery and in the icu.. The surgery was a little more involved than first thought but the outcome was outstanding.. He still has a breathing tube in but apparently is Good old Gonzo interacting and joking the best he can with his hands LOL.. So now it is just all best wishes for a speedy recovery ! He will be in the icu for two days then in the heart hospital for another 3-4 days 


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3 hours ago, xrac said:

Reckon Gonzo will come out with a story to write?

God willing, once he is well rested, he will tells us all about it. You wouldn't believe the clarity one gains when passing through the repair shop oneself, wish I could write well to share my experience, alas, I am not an eloquent writer.

We continue to pray for Gonzo's speedy recovery.

skm, thanks for the update.

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10 hours ago, xrac said:

Reckon Gonzo will come out with a story to write?

Yes Frank, I am sure it will be a good one... The man knows how to tell a good story... apparently today he is doing very well Joking and caring on..  I think when one can make light of a terrible situation they are in, shows a good spirit, a strong mind, and a will to live and make others smile. I think Gonzo 2.0 will have some good stories for us all ! 

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I know from experience that getting home and having a short walk in your yard after a stint in the hospital makes you feel so much better. I guess returning to normal is what we look forward to and what we respond to. Great to see that Gonzo returned home, surveyed his property and is clearly on the road to recovery.

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Slowly getting back at it. Very sore and low energy... but getting better every day. Thanx for all your caring thoughts. U guys are the best.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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6 minutes ago, Gonzo said:

Slowly getting back at it. Very sore and low energy... but getting better every day. Thanx for all your caring thoughts. U guys are the best.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Glad to see you OK and back Gonzo. 😁 


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Good to see ya up and at em!! Cant keep a good man (or a really ornery one) down!!

3 months is the time table the doctor's give me until I healed up. Kind of a forced retirement. But, now is the best time to sell out...probably at a real bargain too. I'll still write and do the manuals might even do some radio and podcasts.. we'll see. In the mean time...easy does it,

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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51 minutes ago, Gonzo said:

3 months is the time table the doctor's give me until I healed up. Kind of a forced retirement. But, now is the best time to sell out...probably at a real bargain too. I'll still write and do the manuals might even do some radio and podcasts.. we'll see. In the mean time...easy does it,

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I need a Gonzo near me LOL.. actually Im not to sure it is a venture I want to take on anymore.. Too much change and not in the right direction.

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Today, I actually made all day with no pain pills.  Who hoo!  More walking and more activities is the key.  Can't work, still can't stay upright that long.  Probably weeks until I'm allowed to drive anyway.  Slowly healing, keeping up with posts, and everybody's comments.  Thanx for ur thoughts.  It really makes my day to hear from u all.   

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Almost two years ago I suffered a traumatic injury to my left leg in the Atlantic Ocean which required surgery, screws, plates and continued physical therapy to this day. Minimizing or eliminating the pain meds is a great improvement and a milestone which I can relate to. The pills helped me with the pain but they also made me very depressed which for me was harder to deal with than the pain. I found that the recovery phase was like taking one step forward and all too often a half to a full step backwards which can be very frustrating. A good friend of mine told me to write down all the things I wanted to be able to do and revisit the list in 3 or 4 weeks to judge my progress. When I say "a list of things" I mean a realistic list of simple things such as being able to put on a pair of pants. It was very easy for me to identify and dwell on the things I was unable to do. I needed a reminder of the small progressive steps of improvements that occurs during the recovery process and this list provided that for me. Great to hear from you and I wish you continued progress towards recovery.    

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Almost two years ago I suffered a traumatic injury to my left leg in the Atlantic Ocean which required surgery, screws, plates and continued physical therapy to this day. Minimizing or eliminating the pain meds is a great improvement and a milestone which I can relate to. The pills helped me with the pain but they also made me very depressed which for me was harder to deal with than the pain. I found that the recovery phase was like taking one step forward and all too often a half to a full step backwards which can be very frustrating. A good friend of mine told me to write down all the things I wanted to be able to do and revisit the list in 3 or 4 weeks to judge my progress. When I say "a list of things" I mean a realistic list of simple things such as being able to put on a pair of pants. It was very easy for me to identify and dwell on the things I was unable to do. I needed a reminder of the small progressive steps of improvements that occurs during the recovery process and this list provided that for me. Great to hear from you and I wish you continued progress towards recovery.    

I've got goals to concour. Walking distance is the main thing right now. And yes, the emotional side is a tough issue to deal with. Got it handled for now. ...just one more step...then another.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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On 6/25/2017 at 11:07 PM, Gonzo said:

Today, I actually made all day with no pain pills.  Who hoo!  More walking and more activities is the key.  Can't work, still can't stay upright that long.  Probably weeks until I'm allowed to drive anyway.  Slowly healing, keeping up with posts, and everybody's comments.  Thanx for ur thoughts.  It really makes my day to hear from u all.   

It is good to hear from you Gonzo! Please take it easy, I know it is easier said than done, but you have to let your body rest to heal up real good. Try not to stress and let the young ones make you laugh. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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On 6/27/2017 at 1:54 PM, xrac said:

I am so happy things are looking up for you! One of the good things that has happened to me over the last few years is getting to know you (although we haven't met face to face yet).  That is something that I trust will actually happen someday. 


On 6/27/2017 at 1:54 PM, xrac said:

I am so happy things are looking up for you! One of the good things that has happened to me over the last few years is getting to know you (although we haven't met face to face yet).  That is something that I trust will actually happen someday. 

Harry....u made my day.  Thank you for the fruit basket.  Never a more proud moment to be associated with such a talented group of guys and gals.   Ya made my day.  Thank you.  

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2 hours ago, Gonzo said:


Harry....u made my day.  Thank you for the fruit basket.  Never a more proud moment to be associated with such a talented group of guys and gals.   Ya made my day.  Thank you.  

You are welcome, Gonzo! Hope it cheers you up, even though I hear you are tough as nails. Keep your spirits up, and we are asking and praying the good Lord gives you and your family strength, wisdom, and love to endure this test. Hugs and cheers form my crew, family and I, be well buddy.

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If you look at the "V" of the shirt you can just see the start of the scar.  There's a bump at the top of it.  That bump is from what I've been told, is part of the zipper they pull your chest back together with.  They insert some sort of key there and turn it until the chest is pulled back into place.  It's supposed to go away in a few months.  The scar runs about 8 inches and yes... everything hurts... but I smiled for the camera for you guys.   Love ya ALL.  

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On 6/29/2017 at 9:48 AM, Gonzo said:

If you look at the "V" of the shirt you can just see the start of the scar.  There's a bump at the top of it.  That bump is from what I've been told, is part of the zipper they pull your chest back together with.  They insert some sort of key there and turn it until the chest is pulled back into place.  It's supposed to go away in a few months.  The scar runs about 8 inches and yes... everything hurts... but I smiled for the camera for you guys.   Love ya ALL.  

Ouch! Did you nickle and dime them?Asked them how much the service guide allows for service? Did they try to pass you aftermarket parts as OEM? Kidding, just some dark humor from the peanut gallery. :)

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I don't think anything was free.... the nurse told me the Tylenol was 40 bucks a pill. How come we can't get away with these charges and they can??? And they say mechanics are rip offs. Pfft

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4 hours ago, Gonzo said:

I don't think anything was free.... the nurse told me the Tylenol was 40 bucks a pill. How come we can't get away with these charges and they can??? And they say mechanics are rip offs. Pfft

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Did you have a wrist band on that they scanned before giving you anything? When my wife was in hospital that is what they did. Everything even a new pillow they scanned her then a code in a book.. Amazing .. Well glad you are doing better Keep up the good work !

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Well, I'm on my 3rd week after surgery.  I've had some great days and some not so great days.  Had to go back to the ER a few days ago because the pain on the incision was just too much.  They gave me some pain pills which allowed me to sleep.  Now, I'm off the pain pills... again...and only on Tylenol.  The pain, which is better described as a nagging pressure is made worse by lifting your arms over your head or trying to twist or pick something up heavier than a gallon of milk.   Each day it does get better, but now and then it does like to sneak up and remind you how much work was needed to crack this old mechanics chest open.     

According to the doctors I'm not allowed to drive for 2 more weeks, and no golf for another 6 weeks.  Luckily, I've got a manual to write and my usual column to write, and in 2 weeks I'll be substitute teaching at the local tech college.  I'll be teaching A/C diag.   easy stuff...no lifting required.  

As things progress, I do believe I'll be ready to get back at it in about 2 more months.  Although, I've decided to sell my shop.  I just can't imagine crawling under a dash after this.  So, it either sells quickly, or I'll sell things piece by piece.  I'll give it a few months or when ever the cash flow gets too tight.  Anyway, things are progressing as well as to be expected.  

Guys, gals... if you feel like your slowing down, a bit of chest pains...even if it seems minor (like mine did)... get a stress test and find out for sure.  I'm telling ya from experience... this open heart surgery stuff.... ain't fun... ain't fun at all.   



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