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Waiting area ideas ?

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So I have an opportunity to rent out more space at my shop that will be located right on the main road (my shop is currently set back behind the main building). It's is a pretty large area which will be used as my waiting area and main entrance since I do not have one now. My question is how is everyone's waiting area set up ? Is it strictly lounge type area ? I'm thinking of maybe using part of the space and a little show area to sell products maybe wheels, hid kits. Basically aftermarket accessories. Just trying to get an idea of how people are utilizing there waiting areas and extra space in there shops. Thanks !

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Oh that's exciting! I love getting a new space and planning it out. The top things our customers love about our lobby is: counter next to window to get work done on their laptops, coffee machine, and TV with Roku. Want to start selling race gear but waiting to build second floor for more storage.


EDIT: you can see some photos oif our lobby at the bottom of this page

Edited by meowpox
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  • 3 months later...

Peace and quiet is nice. I prefer a place of peace and quit for people waiting a short time for a courtesy ride. I prefer giving my customers courtesy ride options so they are not waiting for larger jobs to be finished. It's harder to make a profit it it was a two hour wait but billing time is 4 hours.

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I agree with the warm atmosphere of the waiting room. The customers get to relax and hide from the world for a while – they then connect your shop to “warm and comfortable.” I also like the idea of testimonials and “family” pictures as static displays to build trust.


But it’s also the perfect time to build the bigger, deeper trust of the personal connection. Get to know them as a person, not merely a car owner. How is their family? The kids, vacations, things going on in their lives, etc. We do business with who we know, like and trust. You now get to know each other a bit more and they will be more comfortable with you at their next visit.

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I agree with the warm atmosphere of the waiting room. The customers get to relax and hide from the world for a while – they then connect your shop to “warm and comfortable.” I also like the idea of testimonials and “family” pictures as static displays to build trust.


But it’s also the perfect time to build the bigger, deeper trust of the personal connection. Get to know them as a person, not merely a car owner. How is their family? The kids, vacations, things going on in their lives, etc. We do business with who we know, like and trust. You now get to know each other a bit more and they will be more comfortable with you at their next visit.


exactly, some of you guys seem like you hate your customers, join us in the 21st century and like the fact that people are coming thru your door, engage them, be friendly and then IF something happens it wont be as bad. A customer that has been friends with you for awhile wont be as upset at a mishap as the one that you shun or make them feel like they are cattle.

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  • 6 months later...

Wanted to share this:  We just remodeled our store area and made a customer friendly waiting area. 

The one change from the picture is we put a picture frame up with our logo, our catch phrase "Setting a new standard in service" and that we are family owned since 2007. 

The picture that is shown is a picture from about 1959-1960.  It is the "original Brainerd car club" and has 4 cars and their owners standing next to their car.  One of the guys in the picture is the shop owner's dad, one of the other guys is a local car "legend" and one guy still owns the car in the picture, he lives elsewhere and had our engine builder work on it when he lived in the same town..... not knowing it was the grandson of one of his buddies. It is a great conversation piece.  This change has been one of the best changes we have made to the shop.  Cost:  Furniture $250 at Habitat for Humanity Restore, Rug $162, everything else was scrounged from our house or was in the old waiting area (TV & Coffee table and Keurig).  Result: happy customers and our question during the whole remodel "is this woman friendly?" helped to guide us.


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