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Everything posted by CARMandP

  1. I am reworking my budget in the shop to figure out how I can make a little more money in the shop. How do you guys figure your own pay? Is it taken out of the labor cost? Parts markup? or an overall profit?
  2. Love this one. There are several things in here I need to take to heart. Thanks for sharing Gonzo.
  3. Welcome to the site. Its good to have you here. The shop owners on here are more than willing to help and give advice if you are willing to ask for it.
  4. I am part of the Oreilly's Certified auto repair and they offer 4 different training classes a year taught by BWD. Very good information.
  5. I have charge accounts with both auto parts stores in town but both with a limit.
  6. I just went by the auto parts store to get parts (yes, working late again tonight) and hit my charge credit limit for the second time this month. I just looked at the numbers and I am already over for this year the total of what I did all of last year. Very excited about that one and thought I would share with those who would understand. I moved into a bigger building the last two months of last year so I had to make more but never anticpated this much.
  7. This is one of those times I am glad to live 500 miles from the coast. The only thing we worry about here is the ocassional tornado
  8. Those numbers are when most people change their oil anyway so you are right its just a marketing ploy. All they did was let the customer do what the customer was already doing anyway and make the customer think that they were in control. LOL
  9. We have an emissions inspection in a few counties around Nashville. The county we live in doesn't have one. I REALLY don't see the point in an emissions test. So what if the car will pass a smog test if its unsafe to drive. I am not sure if the government should be involved in a safety inspection. I am becoming more and more skeptical that most of what the government gets involved in they screw up. It would be just another way to waste money. The government is already involved in forcing us to buy fuel efficient cars off the hoax of global warming and look how well that is working out.
  10. This is great idea. I just wish I had parking spots left in my lot. I have so much work doing a promotion would really be rough for me
  11. Make sense? Ha. Good luck with that. I wonder if I can use the excuse that the government uses. I waste money and now I need more so that means the banks must give me more with no change in my spending habits. Good to know that the government hasn't fixed the problem.
  12. Welcome to the site Matt. You will find a lot of great information and advice on this site. Don't be a stranger.
  13. I agree. Great stories and easy to read.
  14. Welcome to the site. I love your website. I am starting to branch out and do a little diesel in this area since its becoming a larger part of the market in this area. I may have to pick your brain occasionally for diesel information if you don't mind I personally use Mitchell Manager SE. I don't have much inventory so I am not sure if it will help you but I have had great luck with their program.
  15. Gonzo, I grew up in NY and can assure you that the nut jobs are already there. LOL I think most of them work in government.
  16. Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful holiday weekend. Almost got away work free but one (must have) customer came back early from vacation before I was done with his car Only a few hours this afternoon while the kids are sleeping and then I can have a few more days off.
  17. I agree with both of the guys above. I can tell you personally (as a tech gone shop owner) I was a little nervous about charging what I thought was too much for parts. Since I have moved to a bigger building with a LOT more overhead, I am quickly realizing that the 45-55% is what you will NEED to be able to pay the bills and make any money. I personally use a matrix like Joe said. The Mitchell1 manager system that I use allows me to easily do this.
  18. Welcome to the site. Its good to have you here. The business owners on here are always glad to help you.
  19. I went to a mitchell training class last summer when they were talking about the changes to the new program. I was very excited to get my hands on the SE version last fall. I have been using it for about 6 months and so far love using it. I am sure that there is a lot more of this program than I use but for what I need it for, the program works perfectly.
  20. Love Robinair products. I have a "regular" machine since I don't do a lot of A/C work but the machine works well for what I need it for.
  21. The 0w20 from Honda isn't synthetic (I don't think) but its probably the cheapest price you will find for that weight oil. Time for most of us to start thinking about a "better' oil change.
  22. Welcome to the site. Good to have you here.
  23. Welcome to the site Ray. As a young shop owner myself (35) I am encouraged by your success in this business. I have also learned a lot from the "older" owners on this site that have been doing this business longer than you and I have even been alive. Ask questions and don't be a stranger here.

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