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Big FU to RepairPal

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Just lost a brake pad job to because the customer looked up on repair what the national average on what brake pads would cost. All around national average was less than what I was charging for just the rear. LMAO. Hack shops and garbage like repairpal ruin this industry. Once a customer sees stuff like that no matter what you tell them about warranty, quality in parts, workmanship will sway them otherwise. I'll be sure to tell off the next RepairPal rep that calls.




UPDATE: I searched via my zip code and apparently the average for the are is not what the customer said. It would have landed us just outside of the highest range which is fine by me. I guess I should scale back some anger toward RepairPal lol

Edited by mspecperformance
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Just lost a brake pad job to because the customer looked up on repair what the national average on what brake pads would cost. All around national average was less than what I was charging for just the rear. LMAO. Hack shops and garbage like repairpal ruin this industry. Once a customer sees stuff like that no matter what you tell them about warranty, quality in parts, workmanship will sway them otherwise. I'll be sure to tell off the next RepairPal rep that calls.


I don't let any of those site steer me away from what I charge. Next time, just tell them, "You get what you pay for. I can put cheap aftermarket parts on also, but it would be a dis-service and not fair to you. I also wouldn't be able to put my warranty behind the repair." If they don't like that answer, send them to the curb, nicely.

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I've heard this before but repair pal is typically on point around here! I fall dead in the middle most times and still clear 60% with loaded labor prices. Not saying that it couldn't be wrong in your area but around here its pretty close.


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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creepy customer anyway I was glad to get rid of him. I am not one to judge people but literally when he walked in I kind of went "omg" in my head. Either way I figure it was going to be an easy in and out job which is normally not our normal customer. Oh well good riddance but I can't help but get a little pissed off with the customer bringing up the repairpal BS. When this guy said, "why are you more expensive than everyone else" I was very tempted to say, "Because we are better than everyone else!!" Then my adult self took over and and I played the game, gave him the song and dance, put a fat smile on my face and passed the keys off and offered ourselves if he needed any help whatsoever. I don't think I've ever had to lie more in my life.

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I would have went ahead with the response of 'we are better than everybody else'. You have to justify why you charge more, why not start off with confidence. 'we're better than everyone else, don't make mistakes, offer best warranty, best parts, more certs, etc.'


In the end, you may be right though. Maybe this wasn't a customer you didn't want, but don't be afraid to brag about yourself to sell the work

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I would have went ahead with the response of 'we are better than everybody else'. You have to justify why you charge more, why not start off with confidence. 'we're better than everyone else, don't make mistakes, offer best warranty, best parts, more certs, etc.'


In the end, you may be right though. Maybe this wasn't a customer you didn't want, but don't be afraid to brag about yourself to sell the work


no of course not. Certainly not what I would ever say. Its just the feeling that comes over when you encounter those types of customers that really almost insult you with their insinuations.

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This has been my fear from the start. How can a website take the place of what we do when we engage customers. And what in the world is "national average?" This sends the wrong message to the consumer. A business that promotes price only will die by price.


What separates one business from an other is more than price. Just look at Starbucks or Nordstroms or Ruth Chris Steak House. I will bet a year's salary their customers do not choose them for any "national average"


I am sorry to hear, we have enough issues to overcome.


Question: Will RepairPal and others like them paint us all with same brush and make us compete on a level that unsustainable?



I tried explaining to the customer that we are a different service. We have higher standards, better warranty, superior parts, best techs etc. The guy literally shook his head. I really hope programs like RepairPal don't catch on.

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M-spec, like ncauto said, I've found Repair Pals pricing to be pretty accurate for real world pricing. Did you actual see prices on Repair Pals site? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending all of the issues that Repair Pals site raises, but I've always found my prices are within the ranges that Repair Pals site give.

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M-spec, like ncauto said, I've found Repair Pals pricing to be pretty accurate for real world pricing. Did you actual see prices on Repair Pals site? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending all of the issues that Repair Pals site raises, but I've always found my prices are within the ranges that Repair Pals site give.


To be honest I didnt. The customer wanted to show me the prices on his phone but at that point since he didnt really want to listen to any reason i didnt feel the need to feed into justifying his point of view. I very politely apologized that we couldnt help him but would be more than happy to do anything we could for him in the future. Killed with kindness to stave off a potential bad review.

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It was rear brake pads on a 2001 740iL. I charged the 1 hour Mitchell allots for the job and list on the brake pads and sensor. I came in at $271 or so after taxes and fees. I believe the customer had looked up $254 for all around brake pads. Without looking at his phone I explained to him the difference in a blind "national" average and our service. We use the highest quality parts, best technicians, backed by industry leading warranty etc. The responses I got were, "but online its this much why are you so high" and "I don't need warranty." Yeah definitely not a customer that I wanted. Certainly didn't see the value is coming to a shop with high standards let alone a German Car specialist. I guess I took offense to it more or less because I don't get price shopped so blatantly very often. Most of the people even they don't use know the value of a higher quality shop and a specialist. Yes they are brakes I get it, its been beaten into us brakes are something yourself and pick up the parts at autozone. I'm still not going stand being compared to the guy down the block that hardly know what hes doing and ships his cars over to me most of the time because he doesn't have the capabilities to work on them.


Besides that "national average" takes into account many markets that cost of living is a lot lower. I'm in New York City which is a very expensive place to live. Therefore products and services tend to be more expensive than almost anywhere else.

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I just checked on repairpal and punched in all info for my location and the average is $199-$262 which puts my price right outside the "average" which isn't too bad. I guess the customer either punched in the wrong info or a lying sack of crap. Not too uncommon in these parts :(

I have a lot of customers who come in and cry "you are higher than everywhere I checked!" And with a little prying they leave embarrassed when they realize you caught them in a lie! It must be a new technique used by cheap skates. Had one pull it and I showed him repair pal and then asked who gave you such a much lower price on 4 ball joints and he replied "advance auto said they could do it for $120" I literally laughed out loud!


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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I guess that was what I was thinking, customers seldom have all the facts correct when pricing out the job. When I've had someone come in with I price I will often bring up the Repair Pal estimator and make sure all the components are included with the estimate. Many customers have a price for a timing belt, but they fail to include the water pump, tensioner, idler pulleys etc in the estimate. Once you include everything my prices have tended to be right in their range.

If you include the price for the brake pads sensor on the Repair Pals estimate, your price is right in line.

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I guess that was what I was thinking, customers seldom have all the facts correct when pricing out the job. When I've had someone come in with I price I will often bring up the Repair Pal estimator and make sure all the components are included with the estimate. Many customers have a price for a timing belt, but they fail to include the water pump, tensioner, idler pulleys etc in the estimate. Once you include everything my prices have tended to be right in their range.

If you include the price for the brake pads sensor on the Repair Pals estimate, your price is right in line.

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I guess that was what I was thinking, customers seldom have all the facts correct when pricing out the job. When I've had someone come in with I price I will often bring up the Repair Pal estimator and make sure all the components are included with the estimate. Many customers have a price for a timing belt, but they fail to include the water pump, tensioner, idler pulleys etc in the estimate. Once you include everything my prices have tended to be right in their range.

If you include the price for the brake pads sensor on the Repair Pals estimate, your price is right in line.

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Rule 1 I have when dealing with customers: They will lie or omit facts because it is "cheaper" for them. I recently had a customer flat out tell me that it was my problem to duplicate her issue ( she simply said it runs weird). Apparently it was her fathers advice. I said ok It will be $85 per hour (diagnostic time) until we find it, then $75/ hr to repair. She asked how long will it take, my response was "Could be 1/2 hour or 12 hours, I cannot price it until I know what is wrong. I will be billing you $85 an hour until we find it." All of a sudden, she couldnt stop giving me information. Customer interview? Nope. It is a customer INTERAGATION!

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I am one of the repair pal top shops. We signed up about 4 month ago. Their prices on jobs I found to be very accurate. I am usually in the middle or a little below with 60 profit margin on parts and labor. The problem is that people that call don't look at the price the website is telling them. They are usually looking for the cheapest guy in town. I've gotten some good customers from repair pal but majority that calls don't come in when you tell them we need to look at the car before giving any kind of estimates (even when I tell them that we are usually in the middle of the price range on repair pal)

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I always say that they can go for the cheap job and then they can bring the car back and we will look over the brake job the other shop did together. I will show you problems seen so that you can ask them for a discount or your money back. A cheap brake price is not worth it if you got to allow an extra 10 feet to stop is it? Let me get you a courtesy ride to where you need to go and we will pick you back up when we are done with your car.


Some walk, most stay, some walk and come back with brake problems the other shop can't seem to solve.

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I dont know why you all guys all cry like little babys.

I would have done that job for $211 and be very happy.

The labor is $180 and it takes what? a half hour to do it?

If I could I would be doing that kind of work all day long .


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I dont know why you all guys all cry like little babys.

I would have done that job for $211 and be very happy.

The labor is $180 and it takes what? a half hour to do it?

If I could I would be doing that kind of work all day long .


That's just plain ignorant lol


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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I dont get it. Ignorant of what?

You guys maybe the only shop in 5 mile radius. If that's the case than you can play hard to get.

In my case there are 30 shops in 5 mile radius.

If I play hard to get , I will go out of business.


Block option?

So if I say Something That you dont agree with. That means I should be banned?

Seems to me that most of you wont survive a month in a large city.

I think Iam wasting my time posting here. Just wanted to see how the red necks would react to my posts.

and the reaction was just as expected. No more different than World Pac forum.

Too bad .



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I dont get it. Ignorant of what?

You guys maybe the only shop in 5 mile radius. If that's the case than you can play hard to get.

In my case there are 30 shops in 5 mile radius.

If I play hard to get , I will go out of business.


Block option?

So if I say Something That you dont agree with. That means I should be banned?

Seems to me that most of you wont survive a month in a large city.

I think Iam wasting my time posting here. Just wanted to see how the red necks would react to my posts.

and the reaction was just as expected. No more different than World Pac forum.

Too bad .



Hi, Gene!!


I'm glad you posted here! I am a fairly new member here, but I'm not new to the automotive service world. I am in a suburban area about 10 miles from a 100,000 population city. A pretty good-sized city for South Carolina. I see that you posted yesterday, and I bet lots of shop owners have read it, but only a few responded negatively. I believe we all will learn something from your postings here, as many of us are in smaller population areas, and will like hearing someone like you from a highly-competitive, densely populated area. As far as the rednecks go, I guess I'm as Southern as they come, and sometimes joke that I have more fun doing the "redneck" activities vs. the "Golf and Tennis" crowd type stuff. I have raced dirt track cars, been to mud runs, love to fish, but also occasionally attend The Masters Golf Tournament, and am a trained opera singer. We are all unique individuals with unique businesses. I value the differences that we shop owners have. Please come again!!

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I never said I wanted to ban you... I could just do without seeing anymore comments from you.


You've called people 'rednecks', you've told shop owners on here that all they want are 'slaves' and nobody wants to really work for them, mentioned owner's 'fat wives', admitted that you are a negative person, and now you're admitting you got the same responses/comments on another forum...


Maybe it's your piss poor attitude and lack of respect for others. If we're no different than the worldpac forums, why do you continue to waste your time?

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Very sensitive arent we. I am thinking you are one of those who is looking for slaves and your wife is fat.

As I said before , truth hurts and most can't take it.

I got emails from people saying that I should continue posting.

I guess I am not that bad after all.

and remember tomorrow is saturday, so when you get drunk , stay away from your cousin. or at least wear protection.


For the rest of the people.

Running an auto repair shop in a big city is very tough to say the least.

One needs to be a hustler in order to make rent.

I have been doing it for 28 years and getting tired.

Like I said before , I got 3 other shops right next to me.

Being a princess just aint going to work.

For the most part I like rednecks , except the ones who have cousins for parents.


Waiting for all the feedback , positive or negative.


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Very sensitive arent we. I am thinking you are one of those who is looking for slaves and your wife is fat.

As I said before , truth hurts and most can't take it.

I got emails from people saying that I should continue posting.

I guess I am not that bad after all.

and remember tomorrow is saturday, so when you get drunk , stay away from your cousin. or at least wear protection.


For the rest of the people.

Running an auto repair shop in a big city is very tough to say the least.

One needs to be a hustler in order to make rent.

I have been doing it for 28 years and getting tired.

Like I said before , I got 3 other shops right next to me.

Being a princess just aint going to work.

For the most part I like rednecks , except the ones who have cousins for parents.


Waiting for all the feedback , positive or negative.




Since we are taking out the measuring sticks my shop is in a much bigger city than yours, the population in my city is larger than your whole state. I know plenty of shops that run their business's like yourself. They are either too old to change or blissfully ignorant like yourself. Don't even know what more to say other than please find some better use for your time because no one here wants to hear your BS. thanks buh bye.

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This has been my fear from the start. How can a website take the place of what we do when we engage customers. And what in the world is "national average?" This sends the wrong message to the consumer. A business that promotes price only will die by price.


What separates one business from an other is more than price. Just look at Starbucks or Nordstroms or Ruth Chris Steak House. I will bet a year's salary their customers do not choose them for any "national average"


I am sorry to hear, we have enough issues to overcome.


Question: Will RepairPal and others like them paint us all with same brush and make us compete on a level that unsustainable?



When cars drive themselves Homeland Security will dictate the repair prices for our safety.

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Just lost a brake pad job to because the customer looked up on repair what the national average on what brake pads would cost. All around national average was less than what I was charging for just the rear. LMAO. Hack shops and garbage like repairpal ruin this industry. Once a customer sees stuff like that no matter what you tell them about warranty, quality in parts, workmanship will sway them otherwise. I'll be sure to tell off the next RepairPal rep that calls.




UPDATE: I searched via my zip code and apparently the average for the are is not what the customer said. It would have landed us just outside of the highest range which is fine by me. I guess I should scale back some anger toward RepairPal lol


Does the customer also want the national average of problems that come with a cheap brake job?

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I dont know why you all guys all cry like little babys.

I would have done that job for $211 and be very happy.

The labor is $180 and it takes what? a half hour to do it?

If I could I would be doing that kind of work all day long .



The customer and i both cry when i get to see the car and the wheel has stripped/broken off lug nuts, spun hub bearing and frozen caliper. But they did not tell repairpal or me that when asking for a price.

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Since we are taking out the measuring sticks my shop is in a much bigger city than yours, the population in my city is larger than your whole state. I know plenty of shops that run their business's like yourself. They are either too old to change or blissfully ignorant like yourself. Don't even know what more to say other than please find some better use for your time because no one here wants to hear your BS. thanks buh bye.

  • Middle Village, NY a large city?
  • Tell it to some one who never been there before.
  • Gene.
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