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Do you use a Digital Inspection process?

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AutoVitals here. I like it for the most part, but seems to be a very rough and "buggy" software. Since it's just my wife and I, we just use the Electronic Inspection System (EIS). Customers love it! The transparency of your inspection sells itself, worth every penny. After implementing digital inspections, my ARO went from $380 to $560. Very happy to say the least, but I'm always open to better applications. We'll be at AAPEX to check some out later this year.



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We are in the same boat right now. Our shop software does not integrate with any digital inspection process (nor worldpac integration). We are in the process of moving to RO Writer and picking up a digital process within the next 12mo.


I've eard lots of short comments on RO Writer. I've been using Mitchel1 (Manager) for 5 years. Does RO Writer allow a data migration from Mitchel1?

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We use Autovitals and are very happy with it. I documented our startup in a thread on this forum. Biggest problem - they are a West Coast company and it took them a while to understand that somebody needed to be on the other end of the phone when we call at 8 AM Eastern if something isn't working. The program creates great digital vehicle inspections that are easy to sell from.

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Stow, I know I'm a little late to the conversation, but we use Bolt On Technology digital inspections. I have never said this about another company, but I will be a Bolt On customer for life. That's how strongly I feel about their product and service. PM if you would like more feedback

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Last week, as part of an ATI 20-Group exercise, my son and daughter-in-law went with the entire group to do an assessment of one of the group member shops in Nashville. They broke up into sub groups and evaluated facilities, equipment, interviewed service writers, reviewed processes and management practices. The goal over the next couple of years is to visit all shops in the group and do the same thing. It's tough to hang yourself out there in front of your peers like that, but the rewards are amazing. Anyway, the point for this thread is that Autovitals sent a rep to the meeting. Not long after the visit started, Uwe Klienschmidt, the head guy at Autovitals showed up and met one on one with the members of the group who use AV (most are users). He took home a lot of first-hand feedback. That's pretty good support and reinforced our belief we made a good decision going with AV.

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Thank you flacvabeach.


I'd like to mention that our SmartFlow service is not limited to digital inspections. It offers a workflow management system, which exceeds any POS' work in progress screen capabilities. www.autovitals.com/smartflow


running back and forth between counter and back shop is thing of the past, dispatching technicians directly from the counter, smart alerts send messages to service advisors, bidirectional texting to motorists and emailing inspection results, diagnosis results, OEM recs and TSB's/Recalls with just two clicks. Freeing up the service advisor from busy work so they can advise service.

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Last week, as part of an ATI 20-Group exercise, my son and daughter-in-law went with the entire group to do an assessment of one of the group member shops in Nashville. They broke up into sub groups and evaluated facilities, equipment, interviewed service writers, reviewed processes and management practices. The goal over the next couple of years is to visit all shops in the group and do the same thing. It's tough to hang yourself out there in front of your peers like that, but the rewards are amazing. Anyway, the point for this thread is that Autovitals sent a rep to the meeting. Not long after the visit started, Uwe Klienschmidt, the head guy at Autovitals showed up and met one on one with the members of the group who use AV (most are users). He took home a lot of first-hand feedback. That's pretty good support and reinforced our belief we made a good decision going with AV.



Awesome! Maybe Bolt On will take a page out of AV's book. Meeting with 20 groups is a great idea.

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We have mixed feelings on bolt on. We subscribed to the services but we are on month 3 of caller id pro being down and the 1 on 1 training is subpar. We see the vision but the operations is causing us to wonder if it justifies the investment.


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk


Hi Matt,


Thank you for sharing your issue. I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced, and have made sure you were not billed at all for Caller ID. You should be all squared away now. We’ll see you Friday for training.


If you need us for anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out. http://boltontechnology.com/contact-us

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Hi Matt,


Thank you for sharing your issue. I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced, and have made sure you were not billed at all for Pro Call. You should be all squared away now. We’ll see you Friday for training.


If you need us for anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out. http://boltontechnology.com/contact-us

Thank you Mike. Staff is good, product is good. We just want to get into a position to use it.


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
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