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Everything posted by KMS

  1. Is it mainly social media these days? What about service shop locator websites?
  2. He greets the customers, writes service, writes estimates, sells service, cashiers, manages parts, answers phones, writes thank you cards, and manages the shop.
  3. We mark up all tyres 30%, and charge to roadforce balance with $3.00 disposal fee per tyre. The real money I see is in selling road hazard warranty on all tyres at 9.75%. Dealers use dealer tire to buy in bulk, and it is hard to beat their prices. We do not try to compete with dealer pricing. We earn our customers with great customer service!
  4. I believe that is way to low to pay a service advisor, but our service advisor works 50+ hours a week. It is worth it if they are really good. He also takes care of all the front end including parts.
  5. All we can do is try! We will never be able to please everyone, and some people don't will never be please no matter what you do. You don't want those customers anyway.
  6. It is a lot about performance. If a tech is turning the hours that you require, than it shouldn't matter. For that reason, you wouldn't mine if he was on SM. I do agree though when it's time to work, SM is shut off! If you don't listen there will be consequences.
  7. i try not to use the word "No" ever, but I do tell customers that if they can drop it off, I can try to fit it into our schedule today. If I am unable to get to it today I will gladly get to it the next business day. I hardly ever have an issue with this. If for some reason it turns into an issue, we have loaner cars to offer. Understand it is your business, not the customers, but whatever you do, don't promise something you can't deliver on.
  8. You can only stay calm for so long. The guy put his own foot in his mouth when he told you about the switch. Call him out on it. This is what I do. I found it easier to ask if there are any other concerns or issues during customer write-up. That way these thing get nipped in the butt up front (most of the time). I will never let any customers downgrade our employees or ethics. I always say, "We repair cars, not break them."
  9. Salary is around $50k, then the commission is matrixed by percentage of gross profit. The higher the profit each week the higher percentage they make. They must hit above 60% gross profit though before commission will start.
  10. You have to be careful with commission. This is one of the reasons why we all are in business at independent shops. Customers are getting sick of getting taken advantage of at the dealerships. I have these conversations with new customers daily. You don't want to put excessive pressure on your service writers. Your service writers are the face and voice of your business. Keep them happy. I do agree with not over-paying them. We do salary plus commission with a majority of their pay coming from salary.
  11. Thanks for your response Mini4U. Are you just talking about "your" website? Do you use any external websites to advertise your company? Do you have a lot of BMW and Mini shops near you?
  12. I have been thinking of doing some advertising online? Anyone else have any thoughts of this? I have found some places, but they all seem like stationary websites. They don't actually advertise for you. (Example: www.bimmershops.com). Sorry, I accidentally posted this in the wrong section previously.
  13. Comebacks due to negligence are not tolerated. This is how customers are lost. Verify all repairs every time.
  14. I have been thinking of doing some advertising online? Anyone else have any thoughts of this? I have found some places, but they all seem like stationary sites and very plain for the money they are asking for. (Example: www.bimmershops.com)
  15. It is a lot of money, but well worth it. I see all aspects of running a business differently. It definitely takes the fear out of what you think may be over-charging. Charge what you want. We are in business to make money, not just pay bills!
  16. I have actually had to tell a few customers to get rid of their BMWs. Some people just don't understand what it takes, ex: cost, to repair some vehicles. I had one in today that needed front brakes, almost metal to metal. I gave him a price, and he told me his friend down the road can do it for cheaper. I agreed with him. I also told him to make sure his friend uses ceramic pads, new sensor, and new rotors. I found out a long time ago once you sense this type of customer there is no reason to try. Just send them on their way.
  17. You just have to understand that these customers cost you money. We are not in the business to work for free. I can see maybe taking care of something little for a customer that does spend money for free, but a customer looking to try to manipulate my repair shop - I don't think so. You don't need those customers. This is one reason why I don't do free oil change services.
  18. If the service advisor wasn't able to calm the customer the owner should get involved to see if he/she could salvage the relationship with the customer.
  19. Been there! You don't need a customer like that anyway.
  20. I would just start using the time clock correctly. If they didn't already ask me to take extra time, and I didn't approve it prior I would deduct it from their paycheck if they get an hourly wage. If they are flat rate deduct it from their time that way. If it keeps happening, double it, then triple it, but write them up first with the consequences added to it. Have them sign it. I doubt it will last long. Good Luck!
  21. I don't let any of those site steer me away from what I charge. Next time, just tell them, "You get what you pay for. I can put cheap aftermarket parts on also, but it would be a dis-service and not fair to you. I also wouldn't be able to put my warranty behind the repair." If they don't like that answer, send them to the curb, nicely.
  22. That is a good lesson to live by. You need to start telling them you just don't have the time. Sorry. If you want to help them out, tell them after hours. Don't let anyone crush your dreams. They aren't true friends if they don't understand. I learned that a long time ago.
  23. When it comes to friends and family - Only after hours. You have to separate business and personal. You have bills to pay also. Are they going to help you pay an over-due bill if it comes down to it? Probably not! Your true friends will understand. Family - good luck.
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