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Technicians are hard to find

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It's hard to find techs. The other problem I am running into is my customers trusting my other tech to work on their car.




I've been looking for well over a year now.

The last jerk I hired was fresh out of prison and stole a bunch of tools... So much for second chances.


I've had plenty of wannabes with little to no experience come knocking, but as alfredauto said:


I've been trying to get a 2nd tech that is experienced and have had no luck. Tech school kids are good employees but require a ton of supervision to build them up where they can actually work independently.


and being a one man shop I have absolutely No time to babysit nor can I afford any mistakes or comebacks... I have a reputation that I've worked hard to build.

Edited by rjbradlow
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Persistence is key. I just hired a second tech and things are going well. Use multiple methods, it's just another marketing effort. You have to have what a good tech is looking for as well. Craigslist seems to be the most amount of bang for the buck, you just have to weed through and interview many. Have a good interview process in place and keep practicing it. It gets easier with experience just like anything else.


Hope this helps, Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its true this industry does not attract enough young talented people, but its also true that some of those it does attract, wind up opening there own businesses.


I've seen this a lot not only in the auto industry, but also in the machine shop and fabrication industries. Keep in mind median income here is roughly $40k, and home prices are $300k-$400k. In our area, if your a good, experienced machinist you can get a job making the median income, or open your own shop, take on all the risks and hopefully reap the rewards. Auto techs with smog licenses can make a bit more than median, but if you really want to try to make money you need to start your own business.


Think about it, most shop owners were techs at one point.


Just some food for thought,


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