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Check Out Kukui?

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Handson that would be great! In terms of your website, did you provide them with a design document outlining the functionality and aesthetic look you were hoping to achieve with your website? One of the things that I noticed was that all of their websites that they have designed look the same for all of the different shops with the exception of different pictures and text. How detailed were you in regards to what you wanted you website to look like and do?

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I think you guys are missing the point here... First the websites can have as little or as much content as you want but most importantly a website is suppose to work for you 24/7 365 days. For instance if you were to look at my site


www.mspecperformance.com which is one of the earlier templates they were using opposed to the newer templates you would think man this website sucks! I agree it its not as appealing the eye as the newer ones however my site according to the numbers is performing a lot better than most clients. I'd rather have my website show me its working for me by having a lot of opt ins from the website than for it to look pretty and not generate any leads.

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Sorry for the double post. It is good to hear you guys still have e success with them. How do you guys feel about having a tracking number on your website. I am always afraid of losing a ton of customers who memorize the tracking number if I ever switch away from it.



I did not give them any guidelines es for the site design. They did use a lot if my old site to make the n new one. They were in contact with me a lot so far and I made quite a few changes to their original design. My site goes live Friday morning so check it out then.





They said I could use my true shop number for the tracking number so I am thinking of trying to buy another number close to mine or just port over my line 2 number so if I do leave kukui years from now I still own all the numbers my customers ha e been using.

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Hi Handson, It seems like Kukui is for set it and forget it shops.They have lots of great features and reporting . i cant understand why there is no content when you go mobile. I guess it is to make a person take action. It seems when i have tried that in the past it made the bounce rate rocket much higher. Visitors time on site seems like it is connected to getting more leads IE calls, appointments,email and addys from coupons and other call to actions.


I like the features of Kukui but the not have my site on my server seems like a deal breaker.The prices will go up and if you leave you need to make a new site.


Anyone on a Kukui site cut and paste as much content as possible so you have it if you want to leave Kukui


$1000 a month and the site is slowwww

https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ Mobile 62 / 100 Speed Desktop 57 / 100


My site i undergoing a massive overhaul with software similar not as good in some ways but will not cost as much and for sure will and already does search better then a cookie cutter site very light on content .



Want the best call he uses Hubspot. Adam is super smart. http://www.businessactualization.com/auto-repair-shop-inbound-marketing-services

Edited by GermanCArDEpot.com
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Hi Handson, It seems like Kukui is for set it and forget it shops.They have lots of great features and reporting . i cant understand why there is no content when you go mobile. I guess it is to make a person take action. It seems when i have tried that in the past it made the bounce rate rocket much higher. Visitors time on site seems like it is connected to getting more leads IE calls, appointments,email and addys from coupons and other call to actions.


I like the features of Kukui but the not have my site on my server seems like a deal breaker.The prices will go up and if you leave you need to make a new site.


I sujest anyone on a Kukui site cut and past as much content as possible so you have it if you want to leave Kukui


$1000 a month and the site is slowwww

https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ Mobile 62 / 100 Speed Desktop 57 / 100


My site i undergoing a massive overhaul with software similar not as good in some ways but will not cost as much and for sure will and already does search better then a cookie cutter site very light on content .



want the best call Adam is super smart. http://www.businessactualization.com/auto-repair-shop-inbound-marketing-services



I'd like to see some solid results and feedback from the industry at large about this company. Their website isn't too impressive. I like the fact that Kukui is a proven commodity and has been working tremendously well for me for almost 2 years. If there is a company out there that can do even more for me I'd love to hear more.

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Is it possible to have a website both drive traffic and look professionally built without the template look? If I you look at website even like Jiffy Lube, you can tell that there are more design features built into the website to give it more of a professional look as well as easier usability than the websites that are being created by Kukui. That is my only hold back thus far on moving forward with them. If other auto repair shop owners are vouching for their effectiveness in terms of driving traffic and SEO, the back end is definitely being constructed correctly. If only the front end could look better......

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What i have learned over the years is I needed to get it out of my head that I needed the most amazing looking website to drive customers to my door. Honestly... hardly anyone cares. I don't want to say no one because there might be the few out there that will rule you out because you don't have a website that looks like a billion dollar company's site but serious YOUR customer will be coming to your site which is nice, neat, organized, with the right message and information and with the opt in buttons and windows where you need them.


I learned the side of effective web marketing actually through a martial arts school I used to be partners of. At the time we were hung up on getting a website put together that had our instructor bios, info on the classes, class schedules etc etc. What I learned was the most effective martial arts school web marketing included NONE of those things. It was just enough information and areas which were the most effective for people to opt in with their information. That is basically what you want from you website. People to add their Name/Phone Number/email address and for your sales team to follow up with them so you can actually generate an appointment. Get them through the door. Websites need to generate leads. LEADS LEADS LEADS.


If my website looks like CRAP but I am getting a ton of leads from it I wouldn't change a damn thing.

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It's actually 800 a month not 1k and 200 of that goes directly to your google ad words so your truly giving kukui 600 a month. Then consider demand force is 300 a month and now your only giving kukui 300 a month. I did notice the site is a touch slow but my old WordPress site was getting slow also.



I would still like to hear folks feelings on tracking numbers. And my site is live for those curious to see it.

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I'd like to see some solid results and feedback from the industry at large about this company. Their website isn't too impressive. I like the fact that Kukui is a proven commodity and has been working tremendously well for me for almost 2 years. If there is a company out there that can do even more for me I'd love to hear more.

Your doing great think how much better it could be . long load time ? i would call them they should be able to fix the speed easily. Click on thumbnail to see test or test it yourself. http://www.webpagetest.org


Adam uses hubspot it is proven. Give him a call can't hurt.





Edited by GermanCArDEpot.com
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I don't like that website. I see some basic stuff missing. I don't know about that speed test link. Your site took longer to load on my phone then mine did the first time. Why do the reviews on the website showcase reviews from 2012 first? I think you need to tel Adam to do some up dating. Do you ha e a tracking number? How many new leads is Adams website generating you.

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The tracking numbers have been really helpful in seeing where people opt in from. All that information gets graphed and pie charted on my Kukui dashboard. For instance where it has helped me track my marketing efforts is that I have seen a steady increase in Yelp opt in phone calls. I have also seen Organic SEO and Adwords give me a nice share of new leads. I had also added another tracking number to Facebook. I have seen a low return but probably a larger return than most from facebook from what i have seen. Certainly not enough to invest into facebook ads as I have tried a few campaigns with small results if any.


In regards to what happens if you cancel your service with Kukui and what happens with the tracking numbers? I am not sure.



also I haven't had a problem with website load speeds for years. Everywhere you go cell data speeds are very high as well as wifi is available in many places. I don't think how fast a website is relevant unless it has an effect on SEO.

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  • 1 year later...

I've been using Kukui for about 4 years. I love all the back end info I get from them. I don't know of any other source for the kind of data they provide. I can know just about exactly what my ROI on the website and other online advertising I do. Which is not to say that you can't get the same results from any other web site or SEO or pay per click program, but how do you know what's working and what's not?

I just had my daughter sign up with Kukui for her new shop, and I will say that her design experience wasn't as amazing as I had expected. Also, the monthly marketing updates they do were not great. I had begun to just ignore the phone meeting request. A couple weeks ago I requested a new rep for myself and my daughter, and he seems to be doing a better job. He's been more responsive to her requests for changes to tweak her website.

I got an online survey from them in which I skewered them for my daughter's experience, and the fact that it seemed their entire staff had been replaced with valley girls over the last couple years. By chance, I had received a facebook friend request from Kukui's CEO just days before my survey. I got a follow up call from Kaitlyn at Kukui that did result in my new rep, but I wasn't super excited about her attitude when I discussed my daughter's experience with them, and my recent experience with the seemingly airheaded valley girls. During the call, Kaitlyn tried to tone down the valley girl uptalk, but she was clearly annoyed that I had brought it up. Afterward I decided I would have a chat with Todd, the CEO. I sent him a message on Facebook messenger. I know he saw the message, but it went ignored. No call, no response.

Bottom line is that it's still a good service, and still worth the money. But I'm not as excited about them as I once was.

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John - I read forum's but rarely reply. I saw the message from you and thought. "that's impossible". I looked back though my facebook messages and there you are! That facebook messenger has a feature that a bubble pops up on my phone and gets in the way. It was Dec. 16 at 11:23am and I was getting a ton of shops wishing me Happy Holidays. I humbly apologize. I swiped that bubble down and your message was buried in 60+ message. I am embarrassed because I pride myself on being easily reachable. My personal cellphone, the same one my son calls me on is 925-980-8012. You or anyone else can call (Please leave a message if I'm on another call and give 90 minutes to call back). John I am so sorry. I work 7 days a week. It's 9am on a Sunday and I'm trying to wrap up a few things so I can watch Football. I will call you. I am sorry I missed your message. I appreciate you.


5 Star Auto Spa - We talked a few years back. I just looked at your website you have an amazing shop. Let me know if you want to talk again. My cell phone is 925-980-8012.


- Todd Westerlund

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John - I read forum's but rarely reply. I saw the message from you and thought. "that's impossible". I looked back though my facebook messages and there you are! That facebook messenger has a feature that a bubble pops up on my phone and gets in the way. It was Dec. 16 at 11:23am and I was getting a ton of shops wishing me Happy Holidays. I humbly apologize. I swiped that bubble down and your message was buried in 60+ message. I am embarrassed because I pride myself on being easily reachable. My personal cellphone, the same one my son calls me on is 925-980-8012. You or anyone else can call (Please leave a message if I'm on another call and give 90 minutes to call back). John I am so sorry. I work 7 days a week. It's 9am on a Sunday and I'm trying to wrap up a few things so I can watch Football. I will call you. I am sorry I missed your message. I appreciate you.


5 Star Auto Spa - We talked a few years back. I just looked at your website you have an amazing shop. Let me know if you want to talk again. My cell phone is 925-980-8012.


- Todd Westerlund

Thanks Todd. We'll chat, and I'm sure all will be well. Congrats on the partnership with NAPA. Hopefully that will be a good thing for your company.

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the fact that it seemed their entire staff had been replaced with valley girls over the last couple years...... recent experience with the seemingly airheaded valley girls. During the call, Kaitlyn tried to tone down the valley girl uptalk, but she was clearly annoyed that I had brought it up.

This could not be more spot on! My first account manager gave me the EXACT same feeling! After requesting a new rep, I feel way more comfortable and confident with the service. Todd, please don't ignore this. It's very frustrating and the only reason I stuck around and asked for a new rep was due to other members strongly urging me not to leave and ask for a new account manager

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Thank you for the feedback. We have made a lot of changes. As an example, we have hired alot of folks who have been in the industry for awhile. Lori, Gary, Paul, Rhonda, Ronni, Meghan were all from Customerlink who had amazing client services. Lori was with Customerlink 14 years and worked with thousands of shops. I'm listening and improving. We all are. Please email me at [email protected] at anytime for suggestions. Or call/text my cell.

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I left Kukui. My experience was I was paying 300 a month for access to thier google experts in India and 300 a month for access to their CRM software. Any more I paid went directly to goggle adwords. Things may have improved since I left, but when I was with them this is what I experienced.


When you call into your rep, they take all of your info down then relay it to the website designers and google interface people. Things were getting lost in translation for me and I got to a point where I just wanted to talk directly to the designer. Also they tried to tell me at one point that google did not offer a click to call campaign through adwords.


As long as you realize what you are paying for I think they are great. Just realize that they are interfacing several other companies for you and using a littlw bit of proprietary software.


They do focus most of your new customer acquisition through google adwords. You can call google and they will work you through doing this on your own. Google will also help you set up google analytics and a tracking phone number.


Comparing Kukui you a repair shop is a good analogy. If you can not fix your own car you take ot to a repair shop. If you do not know how to do internets you go to kukui. You probably know the dage a lazy mechanic can do to a car, imagine if you get a lazy programmer that handles your kukui acount.


Those of you with Kukui watch the numbers closely. Kukui claimed responisbility for new customer acquisition when it was people who were already my regulars. They do not remove thenpeople who are already in ypur database from the numbers they show you as revenue generated. Also they are pretty poor with google adwords. They play games with the numbers to make themselves look good and focus on more expensive google adwords campaigns to make their website look better.


My bottom line point is, you could des8gn a website with wordpress, and use 600 a month directly on adwords and generate twice the number of calls the kukui will generate, but you would have to learn how to do all that, or you can throw money at the problem and make it seem to go away. Either way works as long as you relaize what your getting.

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I had a great conversation with Todd Westerlund yesterday. He's working hard to improve some of the problems that he's been having of late. I think a lot of it may be some growing pains that anyone who's been through a rapid expansion knows about. That doesn't relieve him of the responsibility for some of our experiences, but it does give me great hope that things are on the upswing.

We also talked about some of his future plans for expansion into better shop management for our shops. I'm sure it will be a couple years for him to implement some of the things we talked about, but it could turn into some really great things for us as shop owners.

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My bottom line point is, you could des8gn a website with wordpress, and use 600 a month directly on adwords and generate twice the number of calls the kukui will generate, but you would have to learn how to do all that, or you can throw money at the problem and make it seem to go away. Either way works as long as you relaize what your getting.


I don't disagree, you could do it all yourself, and I used to. After moving into my new building and working hard to expand the shop, I found that I lacked the time to manage it. Now that things are running smooth for me, I do have the time, but not the desire. So I pay Kukui to do it for me.


As far as the tracking goes, you have to go into it knowing that there will be overlap. I don't know about counting old customers as new, and I suspect that may be due to the way Kukui and your shop management system interface with each other, but I don't look at the new vs old all that much. I know for a fact that people who get my mailer are going to be driven to my website. The mailer will get credit, and Kukui will get credit, and I don't care. What I care about is whether people are being driven to my shop.

Some people would say that I should care very much if dollars spent by the customer gets counted by both my mailer tracking and my website tracking. It's true that if you want to know the exact ROI on each of these, you'll have to assign the dollars to one or the other, or split it. What I want to know is, are people seeing my mailers and my web site, and are they influencing people to come to my shop and spend money? Since people are calling both the tracking number on my mailer and the tracking number on my web site, and they're using the mailer coupons, and to a lesser degree the coupon on my web site, I know for a fact that both are working.


The combination of a relentless mailer campaign and a good web site have allowed me to take my shop from 700K in 2010 to 2 Million last year. I do some marketing to my existing customer base, but it's small potatoes compared to the revenue generated by the mailers and web site.

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The mailer program is simple. Good looking full color stand alone oversize postcard. Cheap oil change coupon which is the main driver, a progressive savings coupon (buy more, save more), and something seasonal. I send 15,000 a month to the same addresses, and I don't exclude anyone. Some guys want to exclude existing customers, I don't. I've been mailing the same addresses every single month without fail for 4 1/2 years.

Get a good mailer company, set it up to happen automatically, and don't monkey with it.

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I love it except I hate cheap oil changes.

Everyone hates cheap oil changes. You have to change your mindset about the LOF. It's not a Lube Oil and Filter. It's a Labor Opportunity for the Future. It's only purpose is to get the car in the bay so my techs can inspect the car for other work.

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Who do you use for your mailers? What do they cost per piece.

I use Mudlick. There are others that do an equally good job. I've been mailing with them long enough and with enough volume that I get a really good deal. It went up recently, so I think I'm paying 0.35 each. But don't quote me on that.

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  • 3 months later...

I went with CW Taylor about 1 1/2 years ago to design a new website, do ongoing SEO, tracking, etc., and am pretty happy with them. They're very responsive and everything is taken care of at their location as far as I can tell. No outsourcing. They are $698/month for that. 

I also signed up with ReviewDriver to handle customer follow-up and generate reviews. They have been GREAT and we have gotten over 30 new reviews in the last month, almost all 5-stars. ReviewDriver is $149/month, but we're down to $109/month because I referred two other shops and we get a $20 credit for every referral. Lady named Krystal Burroughs runs ReviewDriver and she handles my customer service, she's very good. 

We do NOT outsource responding to reviews, we do that ourselves. I do not want anyone else speaking for us, it takes less than a minute to give a personal reply, and I have never understood why any shop would want a third party to be responding to the shop's customers. It's just another opportunity to make a personal, favorable impression. Why would I ever give that away to someone else? 

We never run specials or coupons, they don't attract the kind of customer we want to have. We sell the value and experience of our shop. 

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
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    • By Joe Marconi

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