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ATI Re-Engineering Program

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I am considering joining ATI Re-Engineering Program, is there any new feedback that can be offered here? I am looking at the program with the goal of better managing my staff, finding more time for myself and being able to take better care of my good customers.

Any feedback would be great. If you know anyone in the program that has been there for six months to a year I would love to talk with them.

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Thanks for your input guys, i will look at the Elite training.


The only thing I can tell you when I was looking for training is that ATI was way way higher in price than anyone else and required a 2 year commitment. I know that you get what you pay for just like the repair business but as well sometimes you pay a lot and do not get good service. I have been through a number of courses and programs. I would check out Elite. They have a great website with training videos and audios etc that are very economical as well as personalized coaching programs to help you with your specific needs. The coaches are still actively involved in their own shop operations so the training is up to date.

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I am considering joining ATI Re-Engineering Program, is there any new feedback that can be offered here? I am looking at the program with the goal of better managing my staff, finding more time for myself and being able to take better care of my good customers.

Any feedback would be great. If you know anyone in the program that has been there for six months to a year I would love to talk with them.



I have owned my shop since 1991 and had went through several management programs. In 2005 I signed up for ATI training and through their training and coaching I was finally able to reach my goal of becoming an absentee shop owner. I also learned that ATI is the #1 rated shop consulting company in America. They won the Frost and Sullivan award for Excellence in coaching and Training repair shops across North America as well. So as as a shop owner who in fact has reached all of your above stated goals, I would strongly recommend that you give ATI a good look. To me ATI was not expensive...it was priceless.

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I can't comment on the other program mentioned, but I can tell you about my personal experience with ATI.. I've owned my shop since 1999. In 2001 I joined a West Coast consulting group. I can't saying anything bad about the experience. My shop stabilized and even grew a bit. However, by 2007 I definitely realized I was stuck in a rut. I was a prisioner in my own business. I was working harder than ever, turning over lots of cash but keeping very little of it for myself. I felt trapped- as if it ran me... not the other way around. Anyhow, in 2007 my wife signed us up for an ATI boot camp. For me & my shop, this was the turning point. We joined ATI's re engineering program and have never looked back!!! It has totally transformed my business and quite frankly, my life. Since 07 the business has grown every year. Despite the economy, 2011 has been my best year in business! The real win is that not only has the business grown every year, but so has my personal income. Maybe the biggest win though has been getting control of my life and my time. Because the ATI training program is so strong, I finally have the right people in the right place doing a great job. I don't have to be at the shop every minute or even everyday and it continues to perform awesome!! More money, more control and more freedom... I certainly can't ask for anything more. Yes, the investment may seem large, but considering what you get in return... 30 month's one-on-one coaching, unlimited classroom training for you and your staff, financial tools, the support, the resources, a guarentee and on and on. For me it's a no-brainer.

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2 new users commenting in heavy favor of ATI...... makes me think they have something to gain. I like what I am learning about Elite. Thanks everyone for your input.


Can't speak for the other post or about Elite. I'm "new" only because you have to become a user to post NOT because I'm new to the site. You asked a question, I had an opinion & experience with the subject of your question, so I thought I should comment. Nothing more to gain than that. Yes, I am highly opinionated when speaking about ATI for all the reasons stated above. However, I do recommend you investigate all your options just as you would any large investiment in your business. I'm sure once you get all the facts, figures & historical results you'll be able to make a decision that's best for you and your business. My only suggestion is, don't let cynicism keep you from objectively looking at all your options. Keep in mind, an investment is only expensive when it's a bad one.


just my 2 cents. Mike

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I have found that for me, Elite's programs and information is in line with how I want to conduct business.


Same here. What I do think is important is that someone takes the time to get to know the individual and the issues he faces and comes up with solutions for that individual. Not all shops are at the same level financially, for me personally I dont like the hard sell that some companies use. It also is not my intention to badmouth any company. They all must be doing something right or they would not be in business. I have been through different management training and I am just stating my experience.

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My Wife And I did ATI , I would say that most critics say they our expensive.

Although I know it is a lot of monies , but it is a lot of monies to go out of business or lose monies each year. We in the Repair industry leave a lot of monies on the table each and every day.

The plus's I like about Ati - Great coach's that hold your feet to the fire , Weekly contact ,Kpi portal, The training on site along with the networking of other shop's on a constant basis if you go to the training. Convention every year if you want a refresher and visit with shops that want change like your self. Need to talk with the owner he is thier.

You talk about commitment of TWO YEAR'S - it take's tow year's to get most pepole turned around , 1- In thought 2- doing processes efficeintly -3- Mindset. 4- [ If you listen and instill the knowledge [ financial gain ] .


ATI did not do everything for us , but it did get me to think and find answer's to my issues . We listened and took advice from many sources of other trainers in the market place.

All Programs have good and bad in them , but many do not hold FEET TO THE FIRE and even when done with our course they help me if I need it.


Our paticular coach Geoff was Great and with Brian which runs the day to day programs great team.


We continue to do mentoring with Score they our a goverment agency of retired individuals , from markeing to cpa's that will help you for free.

If thier is a Score program near you check it out.


We personnaly have a long way to go yet but in six years We went from $900,000 in mechanical to 1.7 Million . Is our bottom line where we want it no!. We our in one of the hardest hit area's with the depression.


If you our ready pick something and go for it . as they say GET R DONE. Hope this helps

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
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