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We are already seeing a surge in business. Temps are barely reaching normal highs and there's still 3 - 4' of snow on the ground but the suns been out and it's been getting above 20 degrees, which after this winter feels nice.

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I hope you meant inches and not 3-4 FEET of snow! Little bit different for us down here. January and February were good months. I don't know if our area really had that loss of work like you guys did up east.

Oh yeah I did mean 3 - 4' of snow on the ground! Nothing unusual for our area, we've had over 200" of snow so far this year and will likely get another 50 - 60" before it's over. Snowing right now in fact supposed to get 8 - 10".


Here's pic from snowmobiling at my camp last weekend. Snow is bottomless, can't even walk in it without snowshoes.



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