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Are you using our chat rooms, please vote


Chat Room  

21 members have voted

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Lately our traffic and participation in the forums has been rising but the chat room, especially Sunday chat is not being utilized as much. The question came up whether we still even need a chat section or Sunday night chat. Please take a moment to vote, so we can poll our community on this topic. 

Our chat room is located here: https://www.autoshopowner.com/chatroom/ (if you don't see it, please clear your cookies/cache)

Please feel free to comment on this topic.


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  • 1 month later...

Sunday evening chat is great, but I think a lot of people may go to church on Sunday evening, which may make this lower. Perhaps a Saturday Morning, or evening might be considered. If ball games come into play, perhaps a Monday or Tuesday night might be considered?

Edited by Capital
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  • 2 months later...
On 7/9/2017 at 8:07 PM, Capital said:

Sunday evening chat is great, but I think a lot of people may go to church on Sunday evening, which may make this lower. Perhaps a Saturday Morning, or evening might be considered. If ball games come into play, perhaps a Monday or Tuesday night might be considered?

@Capital our new chat has the ability to set up multiple rooms. Currently we have a general room and a Sunday night chat room. I can easily add a room for another day or if anyone would like to create a group for lets say a Tuesday chat, you can easily just create a group in the groups section and add your own chat room as well.

Also, in our weekly topic email we include a blurb about Sunday night chats where we can easily add another day to see if it catches on. Just let me know if there is interest or PM me. 😁

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  • Alex changed the title to Are you using our chat rooms, please vote

No changes as of yet.  Same two or three show up.  I'm not sure it's the day, the time, or lack of preset discussion that's the issue.  I think it's just, people have better things to do.  It may never increase, but as one guy suggested... go to a "skype" type format.  That to me, is a bit of over kill, but that also throws the "typing" skills out the window.  

If there was a way to have the chat as an open forum for non-members ... well that might work.  That way a consumer could find a good tech on line with some helpful answers. 

Something to think about.


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Assuming you guys mean video, because the chat we have is the same as most chats out there currently in terms of speed, functions, and usability....I'm not sure we can effectively do video without some third party integration. Something to think about down the road. 

As far as promoting, we can try and send a different message out regarding chat and put something up to advertise it better.

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I have added a 2nd weekly event for Wednesday night chats, open to any members. I'll get on to see if anyone joins and we'll see if it start something and then hopefully pass it off. I'll also send a note out to everyone this week for both Sunday and Wednesday group chat sessions. 😁


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