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Reputation repair help!!!!! ASAP!!!!!

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I am need of some advise. So the last year and a half we have had an up and down roller coaster of a ride. I have spent pat of my time trying to get our newest location up and running and neglected our original. In that time I have had a rash of "bad" employees, both techs and counter people. Quite a few upset customers and quite a turn over. 1 or 2 in particular have completely destroyed our reputation. We lost our core clientele as well as low car caking l, aro and overall phone calls and business. During this stretch, we would have great months when I or my GM would be there full time, then the complaints, and crash when we relaxed. April this year we had our worst month since 2008 right after 4 consecutive good months. Does anyone have any type of suggestions on how to go about repairing the damage that has been done? 

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The shop next door to us had really really bad reviews. I checked like 3 weeks later and they were above the 4 star mark. I asked the advisor what happened and turns out he contacted every single customer- even those that left a review years ago. It was the same situation, bad people that got fired. Not really sure what he said that changed their mind but it worked. Not sure if he enticed them with a free oil change or whatnot but maybe just be honest and tell them you had bad employees but they're gone now, offer them a free service and have them rate you again with the latest visit

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Hi Brian, if this problem is as bad as your saying, in my mind there is only one way to fix the relation ship with your customers . First make sure your counter  and tech problems are resolved other wise your wasting your time. Second, and this is the most important part either you or your GM must call each and every customer personally and apologize

for your shops failures . Next ask them what you need to do to make it right and then as long as it isn't something off the wall or completely out of line, do it. If a car wasn't fixed correctly, get it in and get it fixed at no charge. If a car was returned filthy and greasy, get it detailed. Your customers won't be expecting it and this will go a long way

towards building a lot of good will. You won't please them all but they will probably stop bad mouthin your shop and you can build the reputation back up.  Good luck.

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Hi Brain. First of all - you've got to respond to these people - and don't take things personally. I know it's hard - but you've got to keep your cool. There shouldn't be any "he said - she said" discussion - just the facts and what you need to do to correct it. 

Now, you\re not specific about how this happened - online reviews? But it's difficult to talk about it when I can't see it. 

Moving forward, you should try to get out of this. You can easily do that with:

1) Follow up calls when a customer has been in (within a day or two)

2) Request reviews my email or text message - link direct to your review page

3) Use surveys - explain you're just trying to do things right and you would appreciate the customer's input. 

By getting out in front of things and being in touch right after the customer came in, you can shift things so they don't explode. I don't know what your capabilities are, website or any of that, but I would be pleased to talk to you one-on-one and better understand your issues. You can do that if you message me through the forum or call me toll free 1-888-772-2069

Hope this helps!

Matthew Lee
"The Car Count Fixer"

Get my book FREE
Fix Your Car Count in 17 Minutes... Guaranteed!

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