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Everything posted by xrac

  1. Joe, it is hard to predict or to stay on top of things. This whole sutuation can change rather rapidly. The one thing that is certain is you cannot predict what the future will hold especially with the group of liars, thieves, and thugs who now run our government (Do you think that is too strong?). In my lifetime I have saw interest rates as high as 18 1/2 percent to as low as 2 1/4 percent (my current mortgage). I have paid as little as 18 cents for gasoline to over $5.00. We can only try to spot trends and plan accordingly.
  2. I cannot see how a EV as a primary vehicle would ever fit my life style. What I love is the people who buy the used hybrid vehicles because they are cheap without a clue as to what it costs to replace a battery in one of those or how long a battery typically last.
  3. Who wants to spend 30 minutes or more for a fill up or wait in line for a few hours at a supercharging station to get hookup? I heard a guy say that a replacement Tesla battery was like $23,000. Those are current realities that don’t fit my life style.
  4. We have an interesting situation on our hands. We have a 2016 Hyundai Tucson 1.6L Eco that needs and engine. There is about 100,000 miles on it. The owner has an extended warranty so I started to price out an engine replacement and call the warranty. First I check with LKQ and found nothing. They had had 64 requests for that engine in the last 30 days. Check with other used vendors and found nothing near us and nothing on Ebay except a couple of used engines around $8,000. I then called Hyundai and nothing was available except maybe an engine at a dealer in Birmingham, a dealer in Phoneix, and possible some in California. At that point we just punted it to the warranty company. We told them what it needed and that we could replace it if they found us an engine. This is a first for me. Unable to find and engine for something that new.
  5. It seems like we are headed to a time that there may not be any true Transmission repair shops but just transmission swappers. In our local area I can think of several different transmissions that almost no one will touch.
  6. Pep Boys in our area is a shell of what it once was and a joke as far as repair is concerned. I can’t see them staying open much longer. I think Icahn acquires companies and sells off assets and real estate.
  7. That is why the faintest ink is better than the longest memory.
  8. I am more interested in selling my business and leasing the property out then I am in selling the property. If I could get a ten year lease from someone who can make the payments I would be set. A lot of people could afford the business. The key is someone who can be successful enough to keep the rent paid.
  9. We raised $25 per hour in December and probably will look at it again in the summer.
  10. On a facebook forum I just read of another shop that went up $20.00 more per hour. The current environmental help wise does not give us any alternative. Anyone who wants to be the cheapest choice in this environment has lost their mind is my opinion.
  11. The company I was working for had to get licensed in all of those states and they knew I could pass the tests.
  12. I do not see that ASE certifications are very valuable. I have employed 2-3 really bad ASE Masters. It is kind of like when I worked in the environmental consulting cleanup industries. I came into the business with no experience. I did have a science degree from a major university and 2 years experience working for USDA where I receive rudimentry Civil Engineering training. Two years later I was an REM (Registered Environmental Manager), a CHMM (Certified Hazardous Materials Manager), a licensed Florida Pollutant Storage Contractor, a licensed California Class A Contractor, and held other license for Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois. I had all of those designations and license because I had enough experience on paper to set for the tests and was smart enough to pass the tests. On paper I looked like a world class environmental consultant but what I was really good at was test taking. ASE is gravitated to by technicians who are good at test taking. The other issue was that most people don't know what any of that stuff that I had meant. ASE is the same way. Unless you are in and around this industry ASE doesn't mean anything. I think it has very poor recognition.
  13. Joe, I have been able to save approximately $25,000 per year for the last 15 years plus lesser amounts before that. It was very hard to do that some of those years but I did it religiously. We also own the property where our business is located which is prime real estate., I am now 69 years old and trying to exit the business. If I I had not saved and invested and if we did not own the property I would be in deep trouble. The proceeds from a sale of the business at asking price would not be something to live on. I would basically be in a position of probably having to work till I can't work anymore. Now I may continue to work at something different if I exit the business but it won't because I have to but because I want to.
  14. We are getting more customers currently than I can handle. Our marketing is mostly word of mouth through networking groups. We are also seeing tons of new construction around us with lots of new businesses and apartments being constructed. We are definitely not running any type of loss leader. I don't see us doing much in the way of advertising unless I can grow our workforce.
  15. If you have techs that have been with you 40 years I salute you.
  16. Joe, are you completely out of your shop? How has it been emotionally to turn loose and walk away?
  17. This can be a really tough business. If you have too much help you can’t make money and if your have too little it gets stressful real fast.
  18. The scandal certainly didn’t help. However, the Bottom Line the whole Sears demise is a management failure, failure to adapt to changing markets and competition. I remember what a giant Sears was and in those days we would have never believed what has happened to them.
  19. The following are no no’s: remote starts, light kits, tuners, and keyless entry for us.
  20. Any time we have ventured to after market accessories we have regretted it.
  21. You're right! I just got to keep working but it’s hard on an old fart.
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