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Posts posted by phynny

  1. That "dentist" is a moron at best. First, I've never seen a $39 exam in my life and a cleaning for $60??? Who's this clown think he's kidding? So does he believe that we are all so math challenged to believe that he charges peanuts and is able to pay his people all 65k/year? Hmmm, really doesn't add up to me.


    I am a former boxer and I just purchased Invisiline braces which cost me 5200 outta my pocket... A year ago I had my teeth whitened for my wedding and it was like $1500 for a couple tubes and a mold that took 15 minutes...


    I'd love to meet this clown and have a real intellectual conversation.

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  2. It's funny because I actually said this would start happening not even 2 weeks ago. So the service manager for a Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge dealership called me today to see if we could swap an engine in a 2006 Dodge Durango with a Hemi. He said he can't find engines and it's too hard for their mechanics... Now this is no small dealership so I'm guessing they can't find mechanics that want to work for peanuts. Of course we accepted so we'll be swapping the engine.



  3. So it seems I keep running into this same conversation (especially with company vehicles) and I'm wondering if it frustrates anyone else. I'll lay out an example of a real conversation.


    cust: My van doesn't run right, it has no power.

    me (after I scan it): There are a dozen codes stored in the vehicle, how long has the check engine light been on?

    cust: A year or so

    me: Well since so many sensors and parts have failed its going to be $950 to fix everything

    cust: WOW WHY SO MUCH?

    me: Because you have negleted the vehicle for over a year, if you would have brought it in when the light first came on we could have fixed the issues that caused more issues

    cust: I just never have time

    me: ...............okie dokie



    And as you all know it can be a nightmare to troubleshoot a misfire when you have 7 codes that can directly cause the misfire. And the best is when some customers just want the misfire fixed and don't care about the codes and when you replace the first part and it doesn't fix the misfire they get all bent out of shape like it's my fault.



  4. GM has announced it will offer free maintenance on all new cars sold. No doubt other car companies will follow. We need to watch this real close, we have discussed this before: How do you comptete with free?


    Here's a link to the article:





    Figures... I drove by a Hyundai dealership the other day and noticed they now have a 200k warranty so this is no surprise. We rarely do any maintenance work on vehicles less than 2 years old so it won't affect us. I do firmly believe that the insane warranties being offered these days is killing the dealerships. I just had a dealership (Hyundai actually) ask me if I knew of any good techs looking for work. He said they've had adds out for months and only received 2 resumes and they were both garbage. Who really wants to try and make a living off of warranty work time? I expect soon we'll see dealerships subbing out the works to local shops.



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  5. I don't think you can get any better than passing out flyers and having giving your customers multiple cards to pass out. My shop is also right next to a used car dealership and we have been preparing a sort of "gift basket" for any new buyers. Maybe a coupon book with some oil changes, coolant flushes etc. We also do a TON of used car dealerships warranty work and we are not cheap. Our key has been quality work and get it done on time. With fleet cars and dealerships you have to understand that everything is going to be last minute and needs to be done immediately so be patient.


    A friend used to tell me in the customer service industry you are always going to eat crap, the only difference is whether you're going to eat crap on a paper plate or fine china.


    Do you have a budget and goals written down?



  6. I know this is an older thread but my opinion would be to rehire. How many of us if asked by a younger tech if he should take a job with more money and better benefits would tell him NO? I believe people should do what's best for themselves and their family. Oh yeah, I would only take him back if he gave at least 2 weeks notice.


    I just had a guy I was going to fire miss 2 days then when he came back he said he got a job at AMMCO and asked if he could use my truck to haul his box... I do not hide my opinions and let him know that you don't leave your shop hanging and then expect it to help you. I also know for a fax that he will want his job back and he will not get it.

  7. I love the customer diagnosed problems the best. If a customer walks in and wants me to replace x because its the problem I normally just do it. Too many times have I tried to explain that more than one system can make it look like x failed and they want to debate it or have me diag it for free.


    More often than not it wasn't the problem and they are so disappointed that they then want to pick my brain and knowledge and have no problem paying for it. I've earned many loyal customers this way and they never question anything I tell them anymore.

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