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Cash for Clunkers Law

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What do you guys think about this Cash for clunkers Law?


Some articles to read about it:






In a nutshell, if you are not familiar with this:


Under the House bill, car owners could get a voucher worth $3,500 if they traded in a vehicle getting 18 miles per gallon or less for one getting at least 22 miles per gallon. The value of the voucher would grow to $4,500 if the mileage of the new car is 10 mpg higher than the old vehicle. The miles per gallon figures are listed on the window sticker. Owners of sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks or minivans that get 18 mpg or less could receive a voucher for $3,500 if their new truck or SUV is at least 2 mpg higher than their old vehicle. The voucher would increase to $4,500 if the mileage of the new truck or SUV is at least 5 mpg higher than the older vehicle. Consumers could also receive vouchers for leased vehicles.

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What do you guys think about this Cash for clunkers Law?


Some articles to read about it:






In a nutshell, if you are not familiar with this:


Under the House bill, car owners could get a voucher worth $3,500 if they traded in a vehicle getting 18 miles per gallon or less for one getting at least 22 miles per gallon. The value of the voucher would grow to $4,500 if the mileage of the new car is 10 mpg higher than the old vehicle. The miles per gallon figures are listed on the window sticker. Owners of sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks or minivans that get 18 mpg or less could receive a voucher for $3,500 if their new truck or SUV is at least 2 mpg higher than their old vehicle. The voucher would increase to $4,500 if the mileage of the new truck or SUV is at least 5 mpg higher than the older vehicle. Consumers could also receive vouchers for leased vehicles.


What a great way to take money ($1B) from taxpayers, including shop owners and techs, to give to consumers to purchase new cars so they visit us less often.


Basically, one of the dumber ideas (there are so many lately) they have come up with in Washington.

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It will suck the life out of several business , Resale and rebuilders , cores , restoration shops , Again a law for the big boy's


Well siad, a law for the big boys. We need more legislation/support for small businesses. It's bullshit!!!

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  • 1 month later...
I felt it would have been better as a "Cash to Fix Your Clunker" program. In my area unemployment is over 18% and many people have had homes forclosed on,ergo no credit. It would have been a boom for me to have my customers get a "rebate" to fix their current vehicle. But with the auto makers bail-out the goverment had to figure a way to sell cars. After all they are part owners in GM and Chrysler :wacko:



ASA -- Automotive Service Association tryed working on that and fell on deaf ears , From my knowledge Texas has a $1,500 dollar credit to improve your vehicle.


Was bad enough 1- billion now 3- Billion, Do you really think most car dealers will re fill thier lots with inventory ? NOT!

The other issue if 60% is imports purchased from this program how many nieghbor's will go back to work.

All this bill is hype that will not fix the economy it just switch's support to a different segment and will cause severe harm to the true small business economy.

Watch Nov / Dec / Jan when no car's our sold and made where this economy sinks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Great article. I did see this article and read it too.


The sad news is that the large majority of people do not fully understand the politics behind what is driving policy in this country. Although, I think the tide is starting to turn the other way. Look at Obama's approval rating. The gallop poll as of yesterday was down to 50%.


I will do my best to educate as many as I can.


Let's keep up the fight!


Here is an interesting article now that it is over... http://www.examiner.com/x-12837-US-Headlin...over-whats-next

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  • 2 months later...
Not only was Cash for Clunkers a bad idea and ineffective but the Tire Tariff that this administration signed is also another very bad idea in my humble opinion:




I did hear from a friend that works at an STS Tire, that he is able to sell a more name brand tire since the chinese tire prices went up.

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