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Is 2016 the year?


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Jeff, I wish you well and much success! Happy 2016!


I think you can achieve your goal, and it is much doable if you focus and wish to pull it through. If I may, let me share a tip for you that may help you meet your goal for 2016.


Take small deposits for the work you can pre-sell, try this and see if it helps you keep busy and profitable. For example, if the customer's car needs a timing belt and water pump for $650, tell them that if you are willing to take $xx off if they leave you a $10 or $15 dollar non refundable deposit. Play with the numbers until you find your sweet spot. Adjust your terms as to what works best for you.


I learned this from another gentleman that told me the secret to this is that people do not like to "lose" little money, they will return just for the sake of using up their deposit.

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I'm in the same situation, I hope 2016 is the year for me also. I've learned a lot in the last couple months, and finished the year pretty good, the last couple weeks hit a rough patch. I'm trying to recoup from that and focus like I was. I'd also like to double my numbers this year, the last 2 months I hit numbers close to what I needed to do that so as long as I can keep going I should be there.

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Jeff, good for you setting high goals for yourself and your shop. I certainly don't have all the answers for you but my company recently put out an e-book that has a lot of information about growing your business and improving sales. We currently work with glass shops, so I am not trying to sell anything but there are good tips that could very easily translate to an auto shop. http://content.gtsservices.com/improve-your-sales-ebook

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Goal setting is important! Set realistic goals that challenge you every day but are not too far out of reach. You need achievable goals that will make you work your ass off to hit but don't make them so hard that you won't achieve them. I have been setting sales goals for my service adviser team and we review them daily (multiple times a day), weekly and at the end of the month. It has really helped us out a lot.

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