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Gonzo last won the day on July 15 2021

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Business Information

  • Business Name
    SUPERIOR AUTO ELECTRIC (Retired - sold the business)
  • Business Address
    15031 s. 4150 rd, claremore, Oklahoma, 74017
  • Type of Business
    Auto Body
  • Your Current Position
  • Automotive Franchise
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  • Certifications
    TEA (Tulsa Executive Association) Past president and chairman of the board
  • Your Mission Statement
    Monthly columnist for Babcox magazines. You'll find my column, "Gonzo's Toolbox" in Brake and Frontend, Import Car, and Underhood Service magazines.
    Writer/Editor for Haynes Repair Manual Company. Write and edit as well as research the latest new DIY repair manuals you'll find at every parts store across the country.
    Columnist, on staff editor, and technical adviser for AVI - Automotive Video Innovations
    Consultant for various automotive marketing and franchise companies, including new product evaluations (BETA testing).

    I also do a few training videos for DAYCO and AVI.
    Some of which can be found on You Tube.

    I'm also an author "Hey Look, I Found the Loose Nut" as well as a guest speaker at various local colleges and conventions.
    Nothing like a little humor in auto shop.

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  1. Week 7 from busy shop owner/mechanic/writer to an open heart surgery survivor.  

    Just started rehab.  Oh what fun that is.  Picture this, I'm in a room with a bunch of 90 year old guys with pace makers and wearing a bib with your first name on it which holds your heart monitor while barely pedaling their exercise machines and googly eyeing the pretty nurses.  Yea, those heart monitors are recording their real heart rates.  LOL.  Me, I'm trying to get my strength back so I'm concentrating on keeping the rpms up and let the nurses watch the screen and tell me when I'm over doing it based on the heart monitoring I'm also wearing. (Yea, mine says Gonzo on it) 

    I've got one more day of teaching, which I've got to admit I think I'm really cut out to be a teacher.  Did a quiz on naming A/C components (which is part of the class schedule) along with several A/C gauges mocked up that they have to give the most likely diag. on what the gauges show. (Hi and Lo gauge readings) Then. they have to draw a complete A/C system using a fixed orfice tube and all the components, and direction of flow, showing the liquid and gas.  

        Out of 15 students. 12 got a 100. two with 75, and one kid got a 60 (he has only showed up three or four times. and the ones that got the 75 come in late everyday)  I think that's a pretty good return on a teachers effort if ya asked me. 

    Anyway, I can't go back to the shop until the middle of Sept. according to the doctors. So. I've turned in anything that I have to pay a monthly or weekly fee, such as uniforms, and any other rental type stuff including any cleaning services etc...   no sense in paying for something I'm not using. 

    Come mid Sept.  I've got to decide... go back to work, run the shop, maybe hire in, maybe not.  Or do I sell out, sell off. and retire.  Assuming my other side line work, manual writing, webinars, column, and sub. teaching is a better way to finish out the last of my working years.  Heck, I might even be able to travel a bit and visit all you guys that read all the crappy stuff I write. LOL  The real sad part is its most likely that I probably won't make a whole lot on the sale of the shop or equipment due to the economy, but I've got some really great equipment that has been well cared for considering only one person has operated and cared for most of it. (namely me)

    Any thoughts and words of wisdom or suggestions would be encouraging.  It's a tough decision to make after 33 years in business.   

     But, it's truly something to even be here... when you considered I actually died on two different occasions as they tried to fix my heart problem ... I've got a lot to be thankful for. 


    1. xrac


      A lot of hard decisions to be made but it will all work out.  I am just glad you are still alive and kicking so we can enjoy having you around a few more years. 

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