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Posts posted by Pjauto

  1. You may have made the same mistake I did. I am paying my flat rate tech too much on the hour and that is was is slowing his production. It seems nice to pay them well but if they are comfortable with say $1,000 a week in pay, they will work really hard for that 1k at $20 am hour or not very hard at all for $30 an hour. You would think that everyone is as money motivated as you are but I've come to find out that is just not true.



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  2. You guys are blowing my mind a bit. I have a six bay shop with 2-3 techs, 140 cars a month with around a $225 ARO. I thought I was doing pretty decent. But by the numbers you guys are throwing around I feel like a peasant! I am currently with Elite and have learned and grown a good bit over the nine months I've been with them. Is RLO comparable to Elite or is it primarily for service writer training? Elite is more business coaching centered.

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  3. Well... I bit the bullet and started the coaching through Elite. I will keep you guys posted as things progress.

    It is embarrassing to say but important as a baseline to note I am currently doing just under 30k a month in total sales out of a six bay shop. (Mind you I just opened last August.)

    Hopefully with their help and a ton of hard work we can triple those numbers by the end of the year.

  4. It was only a matter of time I guess until I got my first bounced check from a customer. It was his first and only time here and of course he is not answering the phone or returning my calls. Is there any course of action I can take from here? It was for $210. It could have been much worse but still that is my money and I want it back!

  5. I had a long phone conversation with Elite yesterday and we have a follow up call next week. They seem like a really great group and I hope they can help me out. I'm just kind of scared to hear how much it is going to cost. I am sure the value is high but there ain't much blood left in this turnip. I will try to keep you guys posted with my experience. Anyone else besides Joe have any experience with Elite?

  6. Can someone please drop me a standard disciplinary form they use with their employees to help keep a paper trial? I've been open for six month and I am on the way to firing my first guy. He has messed up too many cars by not paying attention and I can't afford to keep him on any longer. You can email it to me @ integrityjack @ gmail. I thought this business ownership thing was supposed to be all fun??!!?? ; P

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  7. You can try Craigslist. Before I opened up this place I always used to search for new jobs on there. A bit of a side note to that.... Do not post it under General Labor, instead post under Skilled Trade/Craft. Us "A Techs" find it insulting to be bundled up with ditch diggers.


    Happy Hunting!

  8. This is my first Thanksgiving as a shop owner/ boss. Is the Friday after usually slow? Should we be closed for a four day weekend? My two guys I have working for me have family from out of town and it would be a blessing to them to be gone and not have to come right back, but they will if I ask them. What are your thoughts?

  9. Intermittent problems can be the biggest pain in the butt. Thus far the way I handle them is pre sell the hour diag and spend maybe 15 minutes doing research and trying to figure it out. If I can't zero anything in that time I push the car to the side and either let it run or drive it on my errands. If the issue never occurred I ship it without charging anything. And tell them to come back when it gets worse.

    Its kind of an all or nothing scenario. You either totally devote yourself and spend way too much diag time trying to figure out an issue you may never figure out or you spend very little time which makes it easier to cut your losses. I do not charge when this happens because we did not provide them the service of figuring out what is wrong. I'm sure others will disagree with me on this but that is where we have landed.

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