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Everything posted by HarrytheCarGeek

  1. Family pay full price, no discount, they are time sinks that complain too much. "Friends" the same too, full price. Good customers? Yes, they get compted, once in a while. I will give you my best tip that was passed on to me by my best mentor, -when you quote a job, quote it with the tax and eveything else, when they come to pay take a dollar and a few cents off, those customer will keep coming back to you. For example the whole job with tax is $108, quote $110 and when they come to pay charge the $108, leaving the customer $2. With practice you will come to master this, customer will choose you over the shop that quotes $99 and end up charging $108.
  2. My son sent this link to me, he explained that the creator of this application show mathematically why those of us that care for our customers win, and also why some cheats prosper so much. Great application, worth your time if you want to understand why developing trust and excellent communication with your customers is critical. http://ncase.me/trust/
  3. Gonzo, I really enjoyed this piece, you made me recall memories when I used to go to Sears and their professional tool sections. I felt like a kid in a candy store! Thank you for sharing, I hope you are healing well and feel even better. Out thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  4. Last week's heat brought in a phenomenal amount of work, we made up more than the first two weeks of this month in a few days. Yes, the weather is affecting us, a heat wave would bring in a lot of cars that are basically running on rubber bands and bubble gum. We are finding out that people are financially streched, except for the upper tier, they are spending money on the classics and customs like if there is no tomorrow. Being pro active and seeking out the work wins the day, so stay the course and keep mining your list.
  5. How is this a valid example of not being responsible if someone gets hurt? We come across this very issue all the time with contractors and their light trucks, they register the trucks for 5k pounds but label them for 10,000GVWR and overload them over the rated capacity from the manufacturer's. You betcha we are on alert on this issue, an many a time I have a customer leave for the shop down the road that will install parts that are not rated for the vehicle. If you teach them and they don't want to hear it, good ridance I say, those are the type of people that hurts others out of stupidity.
  6. Awesome update, Jay. Great attitude too. You will certaily have much success with that outlook. Thanks for sharing.
  7. I have a different experience from you that in court, waivers have worked for us, they are grown ups and they have to take responsibility for their actions. we always make sure they sign a work order, as it has notices, terms, and conditions under which we provide service.
  8. Same here, any heat related demand has been very weak. July is running on par with last year's numbers, could change if we get a heat wave but I am not holding by breath.
  9. Gonzo, great news you are doing so well! It is good that you are staying active, keeps you in focused in getting well. You are in our thoughts and prayers, and your family too. Be patient with people and yourself, give yourself extra time and don't rush to heal, even though it can feel frustrating not being able to do some simple tasks and chores. Soon enough you will be all heal up, God willing. -Harry
  10. Greetings, Gonzo! How you feeling? I have been tied up, but dropping by to see how you are doing. I hope you are feeling much better and keeping up your spirits. Cheers from me and my crew!
  11. June was a slow down from the previous pace we were on, it was up 2.9% over last June. People are telling us that they are uncertain about the economy and they are only spending on "must do" items.
  12. Great article, Gonzo! I have been in that same situation, and the things that crosses your mind are all about the kids and loved ones. I hope you help to save many lives with your writing, because your words of wisdom are priceless!
  13. Ouch! Did you nickle and dime them?Asked them how much the service guide allows for service? Did they try to pass you aftermarket parts as OEM? Kidding, just some dark humor from the peanut gallery.
  14. Great smile, Gonzo! Thanks for sharing it with us!
  15. You are welcome, Gonzo! Hope it cheers you up, even though I hear you are tough as nails. Keep your spirits up, and we are asking and praying the good Lord gives you and your family strength, wisdom, and love to endure this test. Hugs and cheers form my crew, family and I, be well buddy.
  16. http://www.wcax.com/story/32218137/vt-mechanic-takes-plea-deal-in-alleged-faulty-inspection
  17. It is good to hear from you Gonzo! Please take it easy, I know it is easier said than done, but you have to let your body rest to heal up real good. Try not to stress and let the young ones make you laugh. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  18. Anyone know how Gonzo is doing? Does anyone know where we can send a get well basket?
  19. Happy Summer Solstice 2017! Your marketing should be going strong, due to the rain and cooler weather A/C servive demand has been soft, no worries. Your 4th of July specials should be on customer's hands and road trip special for August should be heading out the door.
  20. Thank you, and likewise from me to you dads!
  21. Great news! I am really happy for him to be up and about, thank God!
  22. skm, You are right, these guys pretty much all they can do is the basic maintenance stuff, some of them cannot even afford the scanners to do brakes on the most recent vehicles models. So, yes, time is coming where these guys will not make enough to stay in business.
  23. Yesterday, went for a drive through North Jersey, was very concerned to see that independent shops are putting permanent signs with the $19.95 oil change offers, the $59 A/C recharge, and the $5 dollar flat fix. This reeks of desperation, clearly the industry is coming due for a strong correction. At my shops this month we are starting to see price resistance from the lower income segment, we are having to exert price flexibility for price discovery which we are finding to be 10% to 20% from list pricing. The mid to upper segments are still going strong.
  24. Like expected, the little bit of heat we are having brought out the air conditioner work. Your Father's day special should already be in your customer's hands, and your Summer Special, Road Trip Specials should be heading out the door. Fourth of July is coming up, and all other air conditioner work offers should be clearly displayed for your customers. "Steady as she goes," says the Captain.
  25. God willing, once he is well rested, he will tells us all about it. You wouldn't believe the clarity one gains when passing through the repair shop oneself, wish I could write well to share my experience, alas, I am not an eloquent writer. We continue to pray for Gonzo's speedy recovery. skm, thanks for the update.
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