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Autoshop Solutions Sweeps Away 5 Awards from AutoInc’s Top Ten Automotive Websites!

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Apex, NC - Jan. 4, 2010 For the third consecutive year, Autoshop Solutions website swept the competition away at AutoIncs annual website competition. This year, Autoshop Solutions took away five of the Top Ten award winning sites a feat on it's own, however this is the third year in row! Autoshop Solutions, the innovative website marketing company run out of Apex, North Carolina is completely revolutionizing the independent automotive presence on the internet.


Taking away five of the ten awards available is nothing trite. AutoIncs Top 10 Automotive websites are judged on strict criteria. First impression, website objective, visual design, interactivity, and consumer friendliness are just some of the categories that a website needs to incorporate in order to make it to the top.


"Seeing that two repeat websites in addition to three new websites took away five out of ten awards this year is a huge honor for our clients as well as us," said Danny Sanchez, CEO & Founder of Autoshop Solutions, "Not only does this mean that our customers are successful with their businesses, but that they are helping to make our industry more web-savvy in an already internet driven society. Congratulations to all of the winners for an excellent job with their websites and online marketing efforts!


With beautiful, full color websites tailored for each independent shop, consumers can see what services a shop offers and see first-hand whether or not the shop is right for them. Autoshop Solutions is giving small independent businesses a big internet presence. This is revolutionizing business for the automotive industry.


Thirty years ago, independent auto shops relied on word of mouth, Ad Packs, newspapers, and the Yellow Pages to get the message across that they were the best in their field. Yellow Pages alone could cost a company a thousand or more dollars a month, depending on what type of presence they had. Autoshop Solutions offers a more affordable and effective way for shop owners to reach their target markets.


This years Top 10 competition recognized those websites that maintained a personal connection to customers, along with search engine optimization, integrated marketing campaigns and active social media outlets.


See this years winners and 2010, 2009 winners here: http://www.autoshopsolutions.com/award-winning-designs.php



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