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Rushing to hire a Technician make backfire!

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  • Joe Marconi changed the title to Rushing to hire a Technician make backfire!
Water Proof And Self Adhesive

Although this has not happened to me, be wary of the techs that seem good for the first 2-3 weeks then go sour. Quite often they are doing this on purpose to force you to fire them as a requirement to allow them to return to their normal life of sitting at home watching cartoons, playing video games and enjoying unemployment benefits. This happened to a friend with a trans shop near me. The new hire was great for two to three weeks then turned on a dime, late every day, extended break time, sloppy work area, poor workmanship. Naturally my friend had to fire him and later found out that this “behavior” was this guys way of beating the system. He would routinely live off unemployment benefits until they expired, get a job and work long enough to again become eligible for unemployment, then get discharged as opposed to quitting to once again secure eligibility for unemployment. On my way home from work I listen to talk radio. The topic last night was what the different states are paying people stay home and collect benefits. In my state, New Jersey, a person with a family can earn $109,000.00 a year in benefits without working! I heard this “news” while driving home after a 12 hour workday. Do we really need to wonder why we have a labor shortage? 

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I feel his pain. We are extremely busy and in need of 2  Tech's. 

However i learned this lesson a long time ago., dont take the first available person. he will cost you dearly. 

2 Technician Positions advertised 2 months ago and still not filled, lots of applications though but none that meets my criteria.

Same with service advisors, it took 3 months to fill the two open positions but in the end i found what i was looking for.

Hang in there, the right candidate will come along.

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