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Gathering vehicle information at drop off

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During a recent shop meeting an issue came up regarding getting the vehicle information when the car was dropped off (ie mileage, tag, make etc). Our service advisor thinks that it should be the techs responsibility to bring this information in with the work order once the car has been checked over however the techs think the service advisor should be going out and getting this info after the car is dropped off.


I understand both sides of the argument. On one hand I only have 1 service advisor so her being out in the lot getting this information leaves the possibility of missed phone calls, neglected customers and techs needing parts ordered etc. However, on the other hand if the service writer got this info at drop off then she could have a service interval chart printed and ready for the tech for additional up-sale opportunities.


How are you all handling this and what would you suggest especially with just 1 service writer.

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I know ideally it would he best to send a writer out to the vehicle with the customer, look the vehicle over and maybe even do a pre-work ride. This catches scratches, dents or dings that could later be "your fault". Sometimes this just isn't practical in a small shop, in your case I'd think it should be the techs responsibility! You'll need a way take it official, like adding it to their job description


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With advanced shop management system add-ons, techs can meet the customer at their vehicle and begin the process - without having to take down any information, or report back to the service advisor. A simple scan of a license plate with a tablet or Android device decodes the plate and populates fields for make, model, etc. without the need to write down this information.


Also, and perhaps best of all, Bolt On Technology's automotive software solutions integrate all data back into your shop management system, meaning it does not needed to be added back in at a later time.


Please let me know if I can answer any additional questions, or feel to reach out directly: 610-400-1019.

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With advanced shop management system add-ons, techs can meet the customer at their vehicle and begin the process - without having to take down any information, or report back to the service advisor. A simple scan of a license plate with a tablet or Android device decodes the plate and populates fields for make, model, etc. without the need to write down this information.


Also, and perhaps best of all, Bolt On Technology's automotive software solutions integrate all data back into your shop management system, meaning it does not needed to be added back in at a later time.


Please let me know if I can answer any additional questions, or feel to reach out directly: 610-400-1019.

will this work with the new motoshop sms? We're considering switching.


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1 Service advisor and 2 techs here. The service advisor gets the mileage, VIN, make, model, etc. This is a perfect oppurtunity to go ahead and advise on a 60K or whatever. Plus, if the customer is dropping off for a service, the advisor needs to know what YMM to know how much oil, what filter, etc.


Have your techs answer phones after X amount of rings. It's 2014, how do you know not have voicemail? I seriously didn't know you could get a phone line without voicemail.

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With advanced shop management system add-ons, techs can meet the customer at their vehicle and begin the process - without having to take down any information, or report back to the service advisor. A simple scan of a license plate with a tablet or Android device decodes the plate and populates fields for make, model, etc. without the need to write down this information.


Also, and perhaps best of all, Bolt On Technology's automotive software solutions integrate all data back into your shop management system, meaning it does not needed to be added back in at a later time.


Please let me know if I can answer any additional questions, or feel to reach out directly: 610-400-1019.



So much easier to walk out with a tablet, scan the vin or enter the license plate, take pics of damage, and write up the ticket right there. Plus, your service advisor has canned jobs and labor time right there in his hand, so he can offer prices if the customer asks. Upsell window tint and other sublets that techs might not get paid for.


Now if only Bolt-On offered a stand alone Shop Management System so I could ditch Mitchell all together.

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Our software does not integrate with Motoshop. Have you considered Mitchell1? Our software fully integrates with that shop management system, as well as some others. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Were using all data manage now. Hated Mitchell. Won't be back there. I'll keep in touch


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I feel it is best for techs to get vehicle info. Service advisor can write down customer concern and what type of car it is so tech knows where to find it in parking lot. As to the comment about voice mail. No way would i rely on voice mail lol. Many customers will just hang up and call someone else. I need my service advisor helping customers via in person and phone. Some techs just don't like paper work...oh well. I agree that you should put it in their job description though so they know up front. Service advisor is a crucial part of getting MORE business in the door. If they have no customers at counter, then they need to be making call backs to check on previous customers and relay The specials to them. If that's done, and my front area is clean and appealing, now they can post some ads on web, tweet, facebook, do stock order, etc. there is so much for service advisor to do and keep busy. Once work gets there let the techs handle it and suggest the upsales to service writer. Now its the service writers job to sell it. As for window tint, car washes...the advisor can upsell that without walking to the car writing down vins. i do like the idea that tech answer call after 2 rings. I think a better suggestion would be a head phone ear piece for the advisor so they can answer all calls even if have to put customer on very brief hold. I don't like techs answering phones unless absolutely necessary. Many don't have the same people skills as the service advisor should, and techs susually sound too busy to talk to customer.

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I use Bolt-on Technology's software with Mitchell. They have done a great job of giving shop owners what they need and they listen. The Mobile Manager makes the write-up process easy and with less mistakes with their vin and license plate decoding features. I think they are also working on a product where the customer gives their contact information on a tablet at the counter which then goes directly to the Management system.

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