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Nobody's Perfect

Who - Who - Who's perfect? Not me...


We're all human. We all make mistakes or poor judgments. I know I'm not perfect. I'm probably my worst critic, and the best example of not being perfect. As a mechanic, perfection is something every customer wants me to obtain when I'm working on their car. Sometimes it's easy, and sometimes things just don't go as planned.


A few days ago I was talking with a mechanic from another shop about this very subject. His shop has a steep parking lot in front of it. It's great for getting a dead car into a service bay, but sometimes can be a challenge getting one out. He told me about a customer who came in a few weeks ago with an emergency brake problem. The service writer wrote the work order up and asked the customer where the car was parked.


"I parked it on the top of the incline in front of your shop," the customer tells him.

Just as the service writer looked up from his paper work a red driver-less car was slowly moving down the steep drive towards the service bays. The service writer asked the customer, "What color did you say your car is?" The shocked customer ran out of the lobby only to watch the car smash into the yellow barriers between two of the shop doors. The hood, the bumper, the grill, and the windshield all need mending.


"I guess I should have left it in gear," the bewildered owner tells the service writer.

Nobody's perfect, things happen. A moment of lost concentration or poor judgment is all it takes. Even with the best of intentions, there's no guarantee things won't come crashing down. Just a few weeks ago another shop owner and I were discussing some of the antics we've seen over the years of car repair. He mentioned to me about a guy he had working for him who liked to move his entire tool box to a job site. The mechanic was finishing up replacing tie rods on a car when he started to let the car down off the lift. While lowering the car another tech asked him a question. Totally forgetting that he had left his roll-around tool box under the lift, it came down on top of it with a loud "Crash" and "Smash" as the tool drawers popped open spewing their contents across the floor. The car was undamaged but the tool box, well, it didn't fare as well.

When someone brings parts or components into the shop for me to install I often wonder if they are fully aware of the pitfalls of self-diagnostics, or that what they are attempting to do may not be what they anticipated. Sometimes they find out the results they were told by the person selling the part isn't "exactly" what they expected. One time I had a customer come with an aftermarket horn he purchased at a discount parts store that he wanted me to install. It was styled like an old model T "ah-ooga" horn. The guy asks me, "Can you install this for me, and set it up so I can use my factory horn button with it?"

"Sure, no problem," I said. "Should we see how it sounds first?"


"No, that's OK. I heard one very similar to it in the store, it was shaped a little different than this one, but he said it sounds exactly the same."


Alrightly then, suit yourself... I guess I'll find a place to fit it in. There's not a lot of spare room under the hood of newer cars, and this thing was huge. The only place I could find to put it was just below and behind the headlight assembly on the passenger side. It barely fit in the space, but with a lot of maneuvering I gave it its new home.


Of course, I've gotta hear this new tooter toot for myself. Uh, oh... I don't think this is what he expected. It wasn't exactly a perfect "AH- OOGAH" … more like a sick cow mooing. There weren't any adjustments or anything else that could be done to it... what ya got...is what ya got.

"I don't think this is what you were after, sir," I told the new horn recipient, "What now? You want me to take it back off?"


"It's perfect!" he tells me, "I like this sound better." (Eww?!? - sounded awful to me. Well, then... one sick cow horn it is...). There again, just because I don't think it's perfect doesn't matter... the customer liked it, and that's all that really matters.


It's not a perfect world out there and things can and will go awry. If it was a perfect world out there, who would need a plumber, a doctor, or a mechanic? Nothing would break, nothing would wear out, and nothing would go wrong. There wouldn't be cars gliding down steep hills with bad emergency brakes or horns that sounded like a sick cows.


Of course, in the repair business, there's always the problems generated by missed diagnosis or a faulty new part that adds to the frustration. I've had numerous occasions where several parts in a row are faulty right out of the box. Only to find out that an entire shipment was manufactured wrong.


This brings me back to that ultimate issue... perfection. The ultimate goal. Life isn't perfect; it has its ups and downs just like everything else. If you're not feeling "perfect", you might need to see a doctor. They're a busy bunch of professionals, those doctors are. We as humans are far from perfect, so it's not long before we all might have to go see the old "saw bones" for some repair. At the doctor's office you wait... sometimes for hours just for that fifteen minutes of office time with the doc. In a perfect world you wouldn't need to wait, but we all have to get in line with the rest of the human race when it comes to seeing most professional help with something. (I always wondered how some people can sit at a doctor's office for several hours for their fifteen minutes with the doctor and never complain... but, at the repair shop they can't wait fifteen minutes to get their car in the shop for a several hour repair.)


In a perfect world all car parts would be treated like the different organs a doctor would transplant. Everything is checked, double checked, then and only then, would we use those components. But, that's not how things are in the real world. Some people prefer the bargain priced parts for their car. There's a good chance those imperfect choices for the road missile we speed down the highway in (affectionately known as the family car) could lead to an even bigger problem later on. I doubt you're going to hear anyone at the accident scene say, "Well, he would have made it, if he wouldn't have used those cheap car parts from that fly-by night repair shop."


Let's face it...nobody's perfect.

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There are a lot of deep-rooted lesson in this article. I am not sure if that was intentional or just my perspective.


I often kid with my doctor and tell him, "Hey Doc, you give me medicine when I am sick, it does not work, in fact it makes me sick even worse that when I came to see you. I have to go back two or three times to see you until you get the right diagnoses and the right medicine....and I get charged big bucks each time".


I think it's funny...the doc? He doesn't think it's too funny.


Again, this article has many directions and meanings and enjoyed reading it.


By the way, How's my grammer, perfect or not?


There are a lot of deep-rooted lesson in this article. I am not sure if that was intentional or just my perspective.


I often kid with my doctor and tell him, "Hey Doc, you give me medicine when I am sick, it does not work, in fact it makes me sick even worse that when I came to see you. I have to go back two or three times to see you until you get the right diagnoses and the right medicine....and I get charged big bucks each time".


I think it's funny...the doc? He doesn't think it's too funny.


Again, this article has many directions and meanings and enjoyed reading it.


By the way, How's my grammer, perfect or not?


I played that same game with my dentist. After he did a root canal I had about 3 or 4 weeks of bliss then the pain started back up. Turns out he didn't kill all the nerves on that particular tooth. And YES... he charged me AGAIN.

They really don't think it's funny when I compare their efforts to ours. LOL... actually... I don't care what they think. Those guys spend 10 plus years learning a trade where I spend a lifetime and quite frankly never master it... (Neither do they)


Grammar? (spell check - "grammer" in your post) I wouldn't ask me about that. I write it down, I don't punctuate, my wife proof reads ALL my stories. LOL


Nobody's perfect, but to the auto technician that sees his or her mistakes and does make good on them, is as close to perfect that you can get. That's the guy I want working on my vehicles!:rolleyes:

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  • Have you checked out Joe's Latest Blog?

      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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      The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion. https://remarkableresults.biz/
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      The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching. https://chriscotton.captivate.fm/
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      How To Get In Touch
      Group - Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind
      Website - shopmarketingpros.com 
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      Questions/Ideas - [email protected]
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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      Unfortunately, most of my old links and links on YouTube videos are going to evaporate! 
      But wait, there’s more! 
      And the “more” part of that statement is pretty crazy! 
      I wanted to start 2025 with a splash, (so you may want to take a step back to avoid the splash!)
      Because of our new digital home and the fact that Google search has made huge changes in what you get whenever you search, we’re starting 2025 with a brand new service. 
      With almost 2 decades in website design, development and hosting, auto repair shops can now get their website done for FREE! 
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      What’s a qualified repair shop? 
      You have to have a customer list of more than 200 customers. 
      So if you’ve read this far, I know you’re sitting back and saying “there’s got to be a catch.”, right? 
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      Can’t wait to meet you!
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      Hire the Right People
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      As the leader of your company, you must create an environment where employees feel engaged, are recognized and praised for the work they do, and feel that what they do matters to the success of the company. Additionally, the responsibility of management is to bring out the best in employees by being responsible for their development and their career path. In other words, creating an amazing employee experience will help create an amazing customer experience. Happy employees create happy customers.
      Identify Your Profile Customer and Build Strong Relationships
      There is no point in business trying to be all things to all people. A much better strategy is to identify your profile customers, cater to them, retain them, and acquire more of the same type of customers. You know who your profile customers are, they are the ones who throw their keys on the service counter in the morning and say, “No need to call me, I trust you, see you at 5 o’clock.”  
      Do all you can to take care of these customers. Find out everything about them and then build a marketing plan around your ideal customer profile. Ideal customers become brand advocates. They are aligned with your culture, which makes them a lot easier to deal with. They are also your most profitable customers.
      Build strong relationships with your profile customers. Find out things that are specific to them, such as their birthday, their anniversary date, their favorite sports team, if they have children, their hobbies, and other specific attributes. Make notes in their customer file in your business management program so that every service advisors can recall this specific information and make small talk when the customer arrives. This is powerful. Connecting with customers on a personal level will create life-long loyal customers, and they in turn will refer more of the same like-minded customers.
      Perhaps the biggest benefit of building strong relationships with profile customers is that they appreciate the recognition and see the value of having their vehicles serviced and repaired by you. This strategy goes a long way in making price less important and puts more focus on the relationship and the experience.
      Find Ways to Make Your Business Remarkable
      When the waiter returned and handed my wife and me leather-bound menus that said Happy Anniversary, I was filled with such positive emotions that it still resonates with me to this day. When a business does something remarkable, people don’t forget. In fact, it makes that business stand out from the rest. When a business is like all others, with nothing to differentiate it, that business is not remarkable, which makes it forgettable.
      Find what makes you remarkable, something unique. But, it has to be something that people care about. In all due respect, performing the best brake job or wheel alignment means nothing to the average consumer.  Think about this; I can’t remember the food I had or how it tasted at that swanky restaurant, but I DO remember those leather-bound menus and the incredible way my wife and I were treated! 
      If you truly want to make your business remarkable, make the customer experience something they cannot get from your competition. Also, follow up with customers on a personal level, not just with texts and emails. When you make your auto repair shop remarkable, people will take notice. Everything you do for the customer must focus on value. When customers see the value you bring, the price starts to become irrelevant.  
      At Elite we understand the challenges and the obstacles you encounter every day. We also know how rewarding and profitable your business can become. If you are a shop owner looking for innovative ways to enhance and grow your business, Elite Worldwide can help. We have world-class, experienced coaches who understand your business. We also have sales and management training, and peer groups that can take your business right to the top. No matter where you are in your business career; startup, growth mode, or looking to retire, Elite will guide you and help you achieve your goals and build a more profitable and successful company!
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      You'll hear insightful stories and practical advice on navigating the balance between guiding your team and stepping aside to let them thrive. Whether you're looking to empower your employees, reduce micromanagement, or create a workplace that fosters initiative and innovation, this episode has something for you.
      Don’t miss out on this powerful episode that could help you take your leadership skills—and your team—to the next level.
      Thank you to our friends at RepairPal for this episode. RepairPal will introduce your shop to new customers through repairpal.com, the largest site for auto repair. Learn more at
      Are you ready to convert clients to members? App Fueled specializes in creating custom apps tailored specifically for professional auto repair businesses. Visit Appfueled.com to get started today. Keep your shop top of mind on the mobile device they love.
      Lagniappe (Books, Links, Other Podcasts, etc)
      https://www.tonyrobbins.com/disc - Disc Assessments
      https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=tpspDwAAQBAJ&newbks=0&lpg=PA1&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false - Extreme Ownership
      Shownotes with Timestamps 
      Introduction to the Episode (00:00:10)  Brian introduces the podcast and co-host Kim, mentioning her recent recovery. Definition of Stolen Leadership (00:01:08)  Discussion about the term "stolen leadership" and its positive implications in team dynamics. Personal Anecdotes on Leadership (00:03:37)  Brian shares a lunch conversation about the benefits of allowing others to take initiative. Kim's Experience with Stolen Leadership (00:04:29)  Kim reflects on her feelings when her responsibilities were taken over by a proactive team member. The Importance of Team Growth (00:06:17)  Brian emphasizes that a good leader encourages their team to surpass them in abilities. Balancing Leadership Roles (00:09:04)  Discussion on the need for both leaders and workers within an organization. Examples of Stolen Leadership (00:10:47)  Brian shares examples of team members who have successfully taken on leadership roles. Acknowledging Contributions (00:14:02)  The importance of recognizing team members who fill gaps and take initiative. Natural Leadership Qualities (00:15:06)  Kim discusses how leadership can be innate and the importance of finding the right roles for individuals.  Rewarding Initiative (00:15:37)  Brian concludes by stressing the need to reward those who demonstrate leadership to prevent them from leaving. Understanding People Problems (00:15:43)  Discussion on the four people problems and identifying the worst issue in team dynamics. Right Person, Right Seat (00:16:10)  Emphasis on the importance of recognizing and nurturing talent in the right roles to prevent disengagement. Mentorship and Growth (00:16:58)  The necessity of coaching and mentoring employees as they transition into new roles and responsibilities. Allowing Mistakes in Growth (00:17:55)  The importance of permitting team members to make mistakes as a part of their learning process. Consequences of Punishing Mistakes (00:19:05)  Discussion on the negative impact of punishing employees for mistakes, leading to a culture of fear. Learning from Experience (00:20:04)  Personal anecdotes highlighting the value of learning from mistakes and the role of mentorship in that process. The Importance of Leadership Recognition (00:23:01)  Encouragement to recognize and support leaders within the organization to foster growth and leadership. Stealing Leadership (00:23:56)  Exploration of the concept of "stealing leadership" and its implications for organizational growth. Appreciating Team Efforts (00:25:02)  The significance of acknowledging team members' contributions to maintain morale and encourage leadership. Closing Remarks and Future Topics (00:25:24)  Wrap-up of the episode and a preview of the next topic related to the importance of effective team dynamics.
      How To Get In Touch
      Group - Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind
      Website - shopmarketingpros.com 
      Facebook - facebook.com/shopmarketingpros 
      Get the Book - shopmarketingpros.com/book
      Instagram - @shopmarketingpros 
      Questions/Ideas - [email protected] 
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio

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