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What does "Customer Expectations" really mean?

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I don’t think we deliver an expectation, we deliver the experience. The customer has the expectation. I would think their expectations would be: fix their car, at a fair price, a good warranty, with a good explanation of what was done, and kept up to date on the repair and it’s cost. A bonus would be a nice, friendly (maybe fun) interaction with the staff, whether service advisor, owner, manager or receptionist.

Too many people “expect” or are afraid of being ripped off, probably more for first time customers. I can’t remember a customer EVER telling me their expectations.

I’m not a fan of “exceed expectations.” What is that: coffee, donuts, toys for the kids as mom waits? A ride? A rental car? And then, how do you exceed exceeded expectations the next time??? I’ve even read “shatter expectations,” with no hint as to what that would be.

What goes a long way are great 5 Star reviews to put (first time) customers at ease.

I answer the phone cheerfully every time. I had a lady customer say: “When you answer the phone, I know everything is in good hands.” A good start on the customer experience.

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