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Service Adviser / Writer Interview Process

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How do you perform your interview process to hire potential service writers? Do you have specific questions you ask? Do you have them role play and actually attempt to sell you an air filter, CV boot, etc.? We currently have a process for hiring technicians (written 21 question exam, practical exam administered by our lead tech, resume questions, etc.) but don't have as a succinct process to hire advisers. Was wondering if anyone uses any specific process / questions that help them determine if the adviser is going to succeed or not at their business.

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Below is in addition to the my basic IQ, aptitude and personality tests that all applicants must take.



Be certain the prospect service writer has the willingness and ability to spend alot of money themselves. If he/she thinks he/she are broke themselves they typically tend to believe the rest of the world is broke too. Broke or poor thinking service writers in my experience over and over again, create a broke and poor operating shop.


Also, look at their possessions and conditions. Clothes, car, watch, shoes, etc. Whatever you can take notice of. Look at what their pride level of appearance is. A service writer should be professional in appearance. Clean shirt, clean pants, shoes in good condition.


Also, communication lag time is an indicator of how well the person can handle communications coming in. See how long it takes them to answer your questions and if any fluff is added to the answer like umm, huh, mmm, or anything else that doesn't answer the question in a direct predictable manner. Your customer will get the same type of answer which can be nerve-racking.


But the number one test:


Who is this potential service writer when they are not under your interview spotlight?


Call the person at a reasonable time of day or night, say you are so and so from so and so, say "We see you have an outstanding balance with our company from 3 months ago and would like to clarify and resolve the issue?"


The responses will be real world responses, since they are not expecting it and are not putting on a show for the interview.


Some people will try to sort it out with you in a friendly manner. And then you apologize for the inconvenience and mistake.


Some people will hang up on you repeatedly. Hiding. They'll hide from your customers too.


Some people will tell you things about your mother you never wanted to know.


But now you have a real insight as to your potential service writer and their attitudes.


Because when your not looking this is how these people will handle things. Even if not overtly, they do it covertly and your customer knows it, feels it and responds to it by never coming back again.


Needed and wanted from a Service Writer -


1. Loves human beings

2. Excellent communicator

3. Takes pride in appearance and environment.

4. Truly believes that people have money to spend.


There are many more that I have on my personal shops list, but these are the basics. Honesty and integrity go without saying and are priority.

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That is a very interesting way to find out how a service adviser would act without you watching over him! Any chance you would post your tests (IQ, Aptitude, and Personality)?

I signed an agreement when I purchased the tests from MasterTech that I would not share them, so I cannot post them. But you can call MasterTech or any other company that offers employee testing. I use IQ, aptitude, personality, and reading comprehension. It is one of the most money saving business decisions you can make for your company when it comes to hiring. You get a good preview.


As for production, the true test is production.


As for general tone and handling of "annoyances" the annoyance test is the truest indicator of civility.


Create an annoyance, observe the reaction. That's your guy. It's like flipping a light switch, you can predict the reaction.

That is a very interesting way to find out how a service adviser would act without you watching over him! Any chance you would post your tests (IQ, Aptitude, and Personality)?

I signed an agreement when I purchased the tests from MasterTech that I would not share them, so I cannot post them. But you can call MasterTech or any other company that offers employee testing. I use IQ, aptitude, personality, and reading comprehension. It is one of the most money saving business decisions you can make for your company when it comes to hiring. You get a good preview of your prospect. And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS call past job references.


As for production, the true test is production.


As for general tone and handling of "annoyances" the annoyance test is the truest indicator of civility.


Some people are absolute gentle souls that want to truly help solve any problems, inconveniences, misunderstandings, mishaps, mistakes, and then conversely some are so harsh and violent in their willingness to confront anything which could have been nothing at all.


Create an unexpected annoyance, observe the reaction.


Anyone can claim being brave, courageous, or an avid bible study but that does not mean that in every given circumstance they will perform that way, only the true test will show it.

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