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Joe Marconi

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Posts posted by Joe Marconi

  1. Newer member and enjoying the articles in this site, they have been informative and entertaining.


    Anyway, I am trying to implement a way to streamline customer's service history so us advisors can easliy look up if or when a particular service has been done. We are using manager plus right now and the only way we can see services history is by looking at each individual visit. Other than using a paper file (which I will not with all the technology out there), I want to have some type of file where I can look up a customer and on that screen, see when the last time a timing belt, trans flush, etc, etc, was done. I do know there are other management software programs that will do it but trying to acclomplish this without changing programs. I have been searching for some time and hoping that someone on here has something that I can use.


    Thank you and looking forward to being a part of this site.


    Tim A.


    Tim, great question. It is vital that each vehicle visit includes a history record search to see what was done, was needs to be done and what was never done. I use Service Intelligence on my Mitchell program. It gives me a quick and easy report on vehicle history; average miles per day driven and the report can be modified to meet your particular needs. SI was developed by E-Auto club and was sold thru Mitchell, but now they are their own again. Your Mitchell Rep can help you.


    Other than that, I don’t know of any other program that does the trick. And, looking back at the history records takes too long.

  2. We just opened a new shop. We are using Mitchell Manager. We got it up and running pretty fast. I'm trying figure out how to enter listed labor times into my estimates ?


    I have been using Mitchell for nearly 8 years. Do you have Manager Plus?


    If you use the Part/Labor guide the labor time is transferred over to the estimate. You can also build "can jobs" for those jobs used on a daily basis. For example, Tire Rotation, Wheel Alignment, LOF, etc. For those jobs you can set up a generic labor time. You can also create vehicle specific can jobs. For example, if you do a lot of work on Honda Vehicles, you can set up a Honda Rear diff service can job, with the parts and labor already set. This is where the program is powerful because it lets you tailor the program to your needs.


    You can also add the labor times as you need if the job you are doing is unique. For example; removing a hitch for a customer. This job is not found in the Parts/Labor guide and something you would not make a can job for. For this, you simple hit the labor tab and add the labor time as needed.


    The Mitchell system has a lot of help screens and video, I recommend going thru them. Also, ask your rep for help.

  3. Alternative to Lead Wheel Weights?


    Has anyone started using alternatives to lead wheel weights? I know many states have already banned the use of lead weights (California, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, Vermont and Washington) and many are soon to follow. There is a lot of talk about zinc, steel and other composites.


    My state, New York, is considering the ban too.


    If any shop is using wheel weights other than lead, I would appreciate any feedback.

  4. A grandson to carry on the family name was born this morning at 3:00 a.m. My son was a proud papa after having three girls.


    Congratulations and the very best to the entire family! These are the things in life you can’t put a price on. The miracle of life and of family.

  5. After almost a month of electrical problems and inspections issues we are scheduled for the final inspections on Monday. If all goes well, next week will be our big move with the Grand Opening scheduled for Dec 4. This is going to be a long week but one I have been looking forward to for years.


    Very exciting news! I wish you the best of luck. keep us updated and ask for help, ASO is there to help in any way.


    Are you planning any grand openning event? Did you contact the local news papers and local TV stations? Get as much free press as you can.

  6. Galactic Wonders


    It’s not uncommon for an owner of a vehicle to come in and explain in detail how the intracepticle flinindelater has caused the gingel spring to drop into the spirozipulator. I would be taking notes right now… but my ballpoint pen melted because I had it too close to my personal atomic reactor coffee maker.


    I hear these extraterrestrial explanations of car problems all the time. Sometimes they bring their buddies, a girlfriend, or maybe even a family member. I’m not surprised when there are three or more loose sprockets telling me about their rendikulators phase shifter while standing at the front counter. I guess they all show up together to make sure that all the reference information is “atmospherically” correct… or to make sure they all maintain a grip on terra firma. (Forgot their gravity boots)


    The really funny part is the guy standing behind the “master of automotive technical words”. They usually have less of a clue than the guy with the anti-matter phase interrupter, but remain content in knowing their place in the universe is safe as the all knowing book of useless knowledge. They’ll stick in some info as needed … depending on the conversation at the counter.


    It’s still an important part in the continuation of the space time continuum. Or, he could be there for the free beer his buddy has to offer along with a chance to finally use that obscure tool his fore fathers handed down to him years ago.


    My job for the day is to fill in the small missing gaps of information that didn’t make it thru the time warp. This guy’s main goal is not to upset the balance of the universe or interrupt any high level discussions about matters involving his chance to boldly go where he has never gone before. Besides he may only get this one chance to ever try out that tool his ancestors left him before he hands it down to his offspring.


    So, when these situations come up … watch the dude behind the dude… he’s the real funny one. The “Talker” is too serious to be funny; you’ll find him funny after you try to comprehend the galaxy of galactic information. These guys usual feel that they have reached a higher than needed level of intellectual understanding and are proud to show off their masculinity and technical knowhow to all, alien or any other extraterrestrials.


    It’s a warp drive on the starship of auto repair… I never get tired of hearing these stories from the other side of the galaxy. It’s a break from reality to listen to these stories from so far, far away.


    Anytime I’m out and about in public or at a movie, in a restaurant, visiting the Ball Park, or a store. I’m always curious to see if I can spot these wonders of the Milky Way. I tend to keep quiet and just observe from a distance. People are people and people are funny. They don’t even try to be funny… they just are. So the next time you’re out in the world at large, see if you can spot the absurdness.


    Oh, they’re out there all right…just look around, then again, keep in mind… If you’re in a room full of people and you can’t find anyone that fits the description of the galactic traveler from planet wacky… check the mirror.


    Because we’re all part of the same Universe.



    You must be a Si fi fan, right? I would give a week's pay to see life thru your eyes. You bring out "real-life" witht a spin that most people know may not be aware of.

  7. I just had that case, a customer had his car scanned by AZ and they said he needed and O2 sensor. The customer bought a universal O2 and messed up the wiring. He brought it to us and we installed the correct O2, problem solved. He paid for the Diag, the repiar and the correct O2. He let us know that he COULD NOT return the O2 he bought from AZ.


    I understand that I should not burn my bridges, but in a lot of ways I am old fashion. But business is business, I guess.


    Maybe I will send one of my service advisors to the grand openning. For me, I just can't go.

  8. Oxygen Sensors: $17.99, Brake Rotors $14.99


    Hold on there! I am not selling parts. Please read on….


    There is a well know parts company (I will not mention their name: but it’s not AutoZone, O Reillys, Sears, NAPA or Pep Boys) opening up just around the corner from me and is sending out consumer flyers with dirt-cheap parts, most are common everyday parts: Axles, O2 sensors, brake rotors, alternators, etc. They offer free installation on batteries and even sell scan tools so the public can check out their car, buy the part and then come to US to install it.


    That’s why I deal with CARQUEST. They have their over the counter trade, but they would never think about undercutting the repair shop business.


    The area rep for this new parts store came to me an invited my staff and myself to their grand opening. I laughed and walked away.


    Was I wrong not to accept his invitation? How would you react?

  9. 2010 End of Year Tax Tip


    Purchase needed business assets now


    If you are thinking of buying significant assets, such as major equipment for your shop, you still have two more months to qualify for bonus depreciation for 2010, allowing you to deduct 50% of the cost right away. The other 50% is recovered through regular depreciation. Bonus depreciation can be claimed on new assets with useful lives of 20 years or less; including machinery, equipment and land improvements. Act quickly, this tax breaks ends after 2010.

  10. First of all you have to believe in your techs and the value of a correct diagnosis. It also depends if it is your own customer or a new one. We tell them anybody can read a code, but not everybody can diagnosis what it means. If the customer has been to a parts house and has the code. We tell them this is a system code that has many tests underneath the code. I even draw a circle as the code and then a tree off of it with 4 branches. These are the tests then it should come down to a correct diagnosis. We have had people go to the parts house, they read the code and say it is an EGR Valve. The customer then buys the EGR and puts it in. Guess what it didn't fix it and then they have to come to us. We explain this is a system and we would have to diagnose.


    We charge $49.99 for 1st step. This includes a test drive, a visual, pull codes, check TSB and any other computer program that might relate to his particular problem. We then, most of the time, have to go to our pin point test. This test is an additional $139.99. If it is a regular customer we quote immediately $49.99-$189.99. If a new customer, we only quote $49.99 and tell them it may have to have additional testing, but we will call them 1st for their ok.


    You have to believe in your self and the value of this service or you CAN NOT sell diagnosis. It is all in how it is presented. We lose very few, because of the value presented.


    Key point: believe in yourself and the value you are selling, great points!

  11. I was recently approached by Alldata about coming back to them. After a lengthy conversation I explained to the lady that one reason I dropped Alldata was their association with AutoZone. They were loaning tools and giving customers a complte repair pocedure AT NO CHARGE. This I felt was a stab in the back. That along with all the free "Diagnosis" they provided soured our relationship. Her reply waas that AZ no longer did that. WELL just this morning I heard an add on a nationally syndicated radio show offering the "freebies". Now I just want to drive my ol truck down to AZ and see if they will Test the check engine light ,battery , and alternator for free. And while I am there I think I will see about gettin them free wiper blades installed <_<:P

    And with that lies our biggest problems. A HUGE NATIONAL chain cant be wrong? If the "Parts Pro" at AZ syas its bad it must be! I try to explain to folks that they are in biz to SELL PARTS not repair cars! BUT they said it needs an oxygen sensor, what else can it be? IT can be a vaccum leak. stuck injector, weak fuel pump......! And that is what we charge for, the true diagnosis. I went so far as to tell a "customer" a few months ago he couldnt affrod to own a car anymore. This after I was told I was a con for wanting to charge for a complete diag after the AZ thing. He only had enuff money for the AZ part, on a fixed income and THE GREENS FEES WERE GOING UP! Sell your car if ya wanna play Golf!!!


    AZ in our area still does the free scan. And, you are right, it kills the diag process when a customer walks thu the door with an O2 sensor from AZ and asks us, "How much to install it". Drives me nuts!

    • Like 1
  12. Joe, my wife and I will be at the polls between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m. tomorrow morning and we will vote. I intend to do something I have rarely done and that is vote a straight ticket.


    You know, I spoke to a few people and they said the same thing. I was never like that. I was brought up to choose who you think is the best choice, no matter what party. I fear we are drawing lines in the sand, don't you?

  13. This is a reminder, tomorrow is Election Day, so let’s make sure we get out and vote. This is an important election and we need to let our elected officials know that the public cares about the state of the country. No matter what side of the isle you are from, voting shows we care about this great nation.


    "It is by their votes the people exercise their sovereignty." --Thomas Jefferson

  14. Another great story, Gonzo! The way you tell these stories is truly a work of art.


    I worked at a Ford Dealer in the 70's as the used car mechanic. I can't tell you how many repair orders I got that stated: "Check Air Conditioner- Blows Hot", only to find that the used car (just sold) did not have A/C. What a scene when the sales person is explaining that to the customer.

  15. There is not a doubt in my mind that we give way too much away. As an industry, we have never charged what we are truly worth. I don't think it will ever change. The motoring public does not know the difference between an $8.00 lube tech and a skilled technician.


    One of my issues is when a shop DOES try to charge the real price for a job and that shop is considered overpriced. But, that shop did the math and knows the true cost of doing business.


    We really need to change our mindset. We struggle too much as a group, and for the most part, too many shop owners are not being fairly compensated for the great job they do. And, as a result, they can't pay their techs what they are truly worth.

    • Like 1
  16. Selling diagnostic time has become harder and harder. You have part companies offering free check engine light scans, which the public thinks is a diagnosis, dealership lowering their prices on diag work to get customers through the door and now you even have independent shops waving the analysis fee if they get the work.


    The fact is that diagnostic work is becoming the trend for the future. No longer are we adjusting timing or carburetors. We need to have the equipment to test and analyze a complicated computer network and many times the fix is a program update. The diagnostic work and fix may take a few hours, and all of which the tech never got his hands dirty. Amazing times we live in.


    And to keep pace with technology, we need to invest in training, tools, equipment; online information sources and we need to hire top techs to perform this work. All of which cost MONEY.


    Some say, keep the diag charges low so you can get the gravy work. Gray work? Look at where this industry is going….more hi tech! If we concede on charging what we are worth we are giving up much needed dollars and jeopardizing our future.


    Now, with that off my chest I must admit that due to conditions that are out of our control, I have “adjusted” my diagnostic charges. In the past all diag charges started at $189.00 across the board, no exceptions. That was the past.


    Here is what we do now. I customer comes in for a check engine light with no obvious performance problems and wants to know how much it would be to check it out and repair. Well, we don’t even have a clue of what the problem is until we at least scan the code. So, we offer to scan the computer, obtain the code or codes, and explain what the code is and the tests necessary to determine the cause of the problem. We tell the customer upfront that only the scan is on us and you could be looking at anywhere from $89.00 to $189.00, depending on what the code is and how many codes are logged. We also tell the customer that only after the anyalysis is done can we give them a price on what the repair will cost. We started this approach Jan 2010 and so far it is working out great.


    In the past when we would tell a customer that the fee for the diag was $189 before we even looked at the car. The customer would object and we were losing diag jobs; mostly because the customer sees no value at that point. BUT, the customer sees a lot of value to have his car scanned first, at no charge, and then have the scan data explained to him.


    Do we stand of chance of people walking away after the scan is done? Yes. But so far we have been successful.


    This diag policy does not apply to driveability problems, no start problems, stalling problems, missfires problems, loss of power, ABS, Air Bag, intermittent problems,etc. For those issues we have base anaylsis charges and sell the diag up front before we start.


    My approach will no doubt raise some eyebrows with a few members as it has in the past, so let the discussions begin….

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  17. Hey has anybody used the new Snapon Verdic yet?I'm test using one for a week.I had some issues.I think some of the screen I con are small and hard to see thy are hard to use w/ you fingers somtimes the pen seems to work better.It should be on all the time because booting up time isn,t made for flat rate tech.I like all the features it has .But it has some issues hooking up to some chrysler products.You can't get the data screen to say up.I called tech line and I got the immpression that snap on has got kinda erregant in its old age.I was ready to spend big bucks on what I wanted to beleive in.The Rep that visited me left me feeling like oh well I m sure it works on everything else and the'll probly fix this.And it isn't supported by Suzuki,Saab,volvo why? but Landrover is in it.I,d think that the adverage shop would see a Suzuki or volvo before a land rover can't they ever explore the possibility? They want and claim to be the best they should act like it ,at least make me feel like there trying .I was really going to buy it,but if I,m not getting support now what can I expect down the line.Id like to hear from some of you maybe I can be swayedI know one scanner can't do every thing but..so close..


    I saw a demo of the Snap On Verdic and it looked pretty nice. The only problem with a demo is that the sales person is going to show you all the nice features to make it look impressive. I think you did the right thing by using it for a week and you bring up some valid issues. my concern is that the scanner debate is getting more confusing: should we go we OE? Or are there acceptable aftermarket scan tools that we do the job?


    Let's hope more people will get a chance to use it and we can get more opinions on it.

  18. Hello everyone, I am looking for input from those of you that replace windshields. I have dealt with several local installers and they are all flighty and hard to deal with. I would like to find a source for technician training and a wholesale supplier in my area ( Ventura County in southern California.)


    I've poked around on the net and haven't found much of any value, just links to all the glass replacement companies etc.


    My shop is general repair and maintenance, so I have plenty of customers to market glass repair and replacement to, I do suspension repair, electrical and alignments for a couple of body shops, and they would like me to do their glass work also.




    We have many glass companies in our area that come right to our shop and perform the glass replacement. It works out pretty good. We work with the insurance company on behalf of the customer and get a percentage of the job. We handle the paper work only. The only problems we have is the insurance companies and what they are willing to pay. But, as far as the job is concerned, I am happy with the work these sub contractirs do. We used to make more money a few years back, but the insurance companies have gotten tougher to deal with. If the customer does not want to go thru insurance it's a lot easier and more profitable.

  19. If the Bush years was the cause for all this mess, then why are things worse now? And, why has there not been steps to get us headed in the right direction? At this point, I don't think putting blame on the past is the answer. If a ball team lost in the past with players from the past, how does that affect the team and how it plays now? I understand residual effects, but that only explains the issue to a certain point.


    I think there are vast amounts of people today that do not like the direction of where this administration is headed. I am one of those people. Spending boat loads of money is not the answer, and I really don't care if a democratic does or or republic does it, it's just wrong. Plus, moving toward bigger government is not the answer either.

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