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Posts posted by lmcca

  1. I have been a tech for 30 years , 17 of them a business owner. I wholly agree with Steve's comments.

    I became a shop owner because I got tired of being somebody else slave.

    Granted , being a shop owner is tough. But at least I am nobody's boy.


    yeah, sure you do. Lets see your numbers, if you are paying your techs that, show us. And also show us their union cards.

  2. Wait, so, we are wrong about hilary and your right about trump, lol, this is what i am talking about, you are wearing blinders when hilary is in question. I guess all those wikileaks are made up too? You think just because she hasnt been indicted that she is innocent? You think the fbi and the justice dept arent protecting her? So, you say she is good to go but trump isnt because you say so, unbelievable, truly unbelievable, she pay you for your post?

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  3. i cannot fathom how anyone supports hilary with all the corruption that has been shown, i mean, what in the absolute f is wrong with people. She is getting a free ride on crimes and people still want that? How is that? Im not talking about the people that are using subsidies, im talking about smart people. there are 4 people here that are voting for her? How can that be possible? Corrupt too? I dont get it....

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  4. Pros and Cons.


    get a piece of paper and draw a line down the center.


    on the left write the pros


    on the right the cons.


    whichever adds up more then that is your answer. Seems simple but it is a good way to judge what you should do. This, from what you have said, seems he needs to go. Make the decision to keep him or replace him first, if to replace, then do like Xrac suggested, find the replacement before you let him go.


    Why is your lead tech leaving?

  5. I agree with the warm atmosphere of the waiting room. The customers get to relax and hide from the world for a while – they then connect your shop to “warm and comfortable.” I also like the idea of testimonials and “family” pictures as static displays to build trust.


    But it’s also the perfect time to build the bigger, deeper trust of the personal connection. Get to know them as a person, not merely a car owner. How is their family? The kids, vacations, things going on in their lives, etc. We do business with who we know, like and trust. You now get to know each other a bit more and they will be more comfortable with you at their next visit.


    exactly, some of you guys seem like you hate your customers, join us in the 21st century and like the fact that people are coming thru your door, engage them, be friendly and then IF something happens it wont be as bad. A customer that has been friends with you for awhile wont be as upset at a mishap as the one that you shun or make them feel like they are cattle.

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  6. that happens that often for you?


    Remember these things:


    the customer is always right, when we want them to be right. ---Meaning, we know some customers try and pull the wool over our eyes so we act accordingly.


    dont raise your voice. ---raising your voice will cause them to raise their voice, thus turning a conversation into a heated argument. Raising your voice we never solve a problem.


    Repeat your statement. ---you may need to repeat yourself more than once, when you do, say exactly the same way. Saying it differently or adding other things to your statement makes the person receiving it confused and frustrated.


    Tell facts not stories. --- dont embelish, dont lie, dont tell them anything that isnt true because when they find out your really in hot water with them.


    Be confident -- People have the ability to pick up the fact you dont know shit about what your saying, so dont say it unless you know what your talking about. If you dont know, tell them you dont know and then tell them you will find out.


    Be polite. --- Always be polite. Some old schoolers may differ from this but we didnt have the internet back then either.


    Put yourself in their shoes. -- they dont understands cars and the mechanics of those cars, you do, so its easy for you to get it that tires have nothing to do with the engine overheating, but THEY DONT, so understand that your are smarter than them in this field and teach them but dont teach them by being disrespectful or demeaning or treat them as they are dumb. Treat them better than you would treat yourself.


    Lastly, do you really need to be arguing about this? If they are arguing about a few dollars, DONT lose a customer over it.

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