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Employee Breakroom

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Hello all,


How many here have an actual employee breakroom?


We have an office we have dedicated as a breakroom, but now I feel it turned into a bad idea. Several employees seem to be taking advantage of the area. Make them selves comfortable when there is no work, lounge around, take more than the alloted time to eat their lunch, and sometimes even grabbing a book or magazine to read. In our state, we are not required by law to have a break/lunch room.


Thoughts as to how you would handle this? Should we just eliminate the room and have more office space?


Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions.

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We have a breakroom. It is only used for lunch and sometimes my head tech will order parts or write estimates in there if he sees I am busy with something else. Our breakroom is just big enough to fit a desk and a table in it. It wouldnt be a comfortable place to spend an excessive amount of time in. The only reason we have it is because I dont want everyone coming into my office or our customer waiting area to eat lunch and, on the flip side, I dont want the guys to have tgo eat lunch with a customer standing over them or bothering them while they eat.

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