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Do You Ask Customers for Referrals?

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  • 7 months later...

We offer free conventional oil change for every referral (or equivalent cost towards synthetic etc.). I have one customer who in three years has never paid for an oil change. Has been worth its weight in (black) gold for us! We have a great rapport with our customers and a rep as an honest shop with great prices. We do not do any advertising. The joke around here is we could never imagine what we do if we did advertise. We have more than we can handle most weeks and its all word of mouth. A counter guy at a local Auto Zone is a customer and here refers their customers here regularly as does a customer we have who works at Advance Auto.

Most times - networking doesn't cost a thing and if you have someone referring to you that is someone who is trusted and well liked - it just adds weight to their recommendation.

We have several instances where an entire extended family comes here and they just keep spreading the news! Also, have all the neighbors on one particular local street who all come here for work. Its pretty funny on a Saturday morning when they all show up for oil changes, etc. and it's like a block party in the office.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I made referral cards and put the customers name on the back of them. New customers get $20 off first visit and customer who referred them gets $20 off their next visit. Its been working pretty good so far.

I was wondering, do you actually require the cards be presented, or do you let it slide if a customer comes in without the card, but mentions it?

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I made referral cards and put the customers name on the back of them. New customers get $20 off first visit and customer who referred them gets $20 off their next visit. Its been working pretty good so far.


I was wondering, do you actually require the cards be presented, or do you let it slide if a customer comes in without the card, but mentions it?

Definitely let it slide IMO! What if the customer took a card but referred more then 1 person?

This is a good thing, not something to be strict about.

Maybe you could even say "We usually want the card to be presented, but we'll give you the discount anyways." You just keep looking better and better to the new customer.

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