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Don't complain about the Plumber getting $225 per hour

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My entire concept of this business changed the day I was forced to move the first time, about 8 years ago.  I learned that every tradesman gets paid, but us.  That was the day I decided that things have to change if I wanted to achieve success.  To give this some context, we have new lifts and equipment installed in a building we moved into across town.  While having some problems with the heating unit, which was brand new at the time, I was billed something along the lines of $225 for the first hour and then $1xx for each subsequent hour (forgot exact number but it's not necessary for the lesson I learned here).

When I asked about what I thought was exuberant pricing, the explanation given to me was... "My guys need t want to come into work in the morning, in order to do that I have to properly motivate them.  In order to properly motivate them I need to pay them.  In addition to paying them... I need to make a profit." Regardless of how wrong he was in this scenario, because we were discussing new units that broke.... he was right about one thing.  That's the price that his business needed to thrive, not survive.  

It lead me to embarking on a journey of asking a lot of tradesman what they charged and about their business.  The most successful ones, with the most overhead... didn't play games.  They had serious prices, because they had serious responsibilities to adhere to. Most of the ones that didn't, had little to no overhead.  Once I decided what kind of business I wanted to run... the rest started to follow suit.

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