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Military Discount

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Customer gets my price down as low as I can go then they ask about a Military Discount. How do you guys/gals handle this. I usually sniff out the takers although these are nice people looking for the best price. I am sure this happens with others , I just have not found a way out. I usually compliment a oil change or a extra service although it always feels odd. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Set your labor rate, your parts matrix, and your coupons (military discount) in your SMS and stick to it. Don't override your labor rate, parts margins, and only allow 1 coupon per ticket. If you wanna give something away, goodwill it and track it on your P&L.

Elite suggests not discounting, but giving a customer something extra for free I believe. Check out their sales tips.

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If you fade at all from your original price, for whatever reason, then they ask if you have a military discount, tell them you already gave it to them. Also, if price is presented as an objection, ask them if they have any coupons or are military before giving up or discounting anything, and try not to discount if they don't have any. Also, don't know how you'd give a military discount on tires. You could price other services so you could give the discount then if they ask say that on services you do but on tires you can't.

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