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Modern SOP platform for creating/implementing standard operating procedures?

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Has anyone successfully moved to a sop platform like Process Street, Sweet Process, Pipfy or any other. It is time to bring our SOP's into something where they are easier to apply, self spawn, remind, and actually live in a fluid environment. SOP folder trees with word documents on our desktop just don't cut it anymore. I am looking to integrate process's with a calendar and ideally text reminders as well as tracking completions for repeating tasks.


Any input is appreciated



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We've used WayWeDo (waywedo.com) for a couple of years, Works well, easy to manage. BUT.... Getting everyone to view it has not been ideal. So, I'm in the middle of making a move to Sharepoint. It's part of the Microsoft Office programs and allows creating, editing, sharing, syncing, etc with whoever you choose. Great security and ability to have multiple authors. I'm moving all my business files to it for storage and access in the cloud. Syncs to local pc's if I want it to and allows access from anywhere to work on it.


My employees will be allowed to view certain sections of it that contain job descriptions, SOP's relative to them, vacation and holiday calendars, contacts, equipment info, MSDS, etc. My Manager will be able to access special management folders where we can make changes to the files the employees view as well as private sections for all our marketing info. Then there's another section for my wife & I that will have all bookkeeping, tax, contract info in it.

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Thanks Scott


Waywedo also came up in my research. I have looked at sharepoint previously, certainly a fairly complete product. Can you tell me how many users you expect to have? That's part of the issue with these solutions, they charge by user. If I have a staff of 10, do i need 10 licenses. I would really like to get my folks involved in this process, so it has has to be fairly intuitive. I have set up many versions of some aspect of this in the past and the process or my execution of the process with my team failed. Probably the later.


Thanks for the reply

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I've got 7 users. 3 of us are on Microsoft Office 365 plans at $20 per month. It doesn't have to be that much but I wanted full Office versions (Legal ones) on my PC's that were updated with the latest versions at all times. The other 4 are on Microsoft Skype for Business plans at $2 per month per user. We use Skype for Business as our messaging system in the shop between all workstations. It also allows me to work a lot from home that way. I don't believe you need a paid MS account to view material on a Sharepoint site, as I can share with anyone I think. We are no putting all of our projects and documents in the plan, I can view, edit, create from any device and always synced. Sharepoint can also have customer facing info if you need it.

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Thanks Scott


I appreciate the feedback. I have always had this dream of a "self spawning habit builder". The current IFTTT (if this then that) technology seems to have the potential, If we can use it with our SMS platforms and other digital assets we use daily. Can you envision Sharepoint integrating personally with your staff and bringing them around to actions that are the best use of their time and/or drives them down a SOP pathway when appropriate?


Thanks Again for the engagement

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It's great for the digital assets. I have a friend that lives in Oregon, has a shop in Phoenix. He visits every few months and this is his mode of communication. All RO's are scanned and saved in a folder by RO number and can be accessed by any of the staff. I haven't gone to that yet as we already scan and trash ALL paper generated from the shop in a different way. It's been a great system so far and it's growing into an essential part of our routine. We're just getting started, but it's the go-to place for questions like "What days do we have off around Thanksgiving", and "Where's the vacation request form"? Their usage of it is being ramped up now and I suspect we'll be all-in by the first of the year with the shop calendar, online request forms for days off, etc.

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