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  • Business Name
    Wilson Motor Works
  • Business Address
    2605 Manatee Harbor Drive, Ruskin, Florida, 33570
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
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    609 Cert, A&P Cert
  • Your Mission Statement
    Convienient and Reliable Auto Care that Goes to You

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  1. Thank you as well. Always good to see successful aimen.
  2. thanks for the advice. youre right, its a business. and I need to think like a business owner. I appreciate any help and advice I can get. As I stated earlier, I will inquire about a policy and see what it offers. What are the basic coverages I would need? I see theres Garage keepers policy, Garage liability, etc. Do I absolutley need them all?
  3. I've never said anyone is hating on me. Just mobile techs. and I would imagine its the shady mobile techs...atleast I would hope so. If youre lumping me into the shady ones automatically (which it would appear is what happened here) then my theory is correct that all mobile techs are hated on. -- "Am I mad that there is a mobile repair tech performing auto repairs at a residential home garage with no access to the service panel which is locked in the basement? Yes, that annoys me because the mobile tech will never have to deal with a fire inspector. That safety hazard goes undetected. We no longer have an even playing field." --" If I cause a spill I own it and the authorities will look no further than my front door. If the mobile tech causes a spill he is gone like a fart in a wind storm." --"I am amazed how mobiles they get away with BAR, Osha, City, Fire, Carb etc..... Sounds very unacceptable to me....." --"If there are any mobile guys reading this, I just want you to know that this isn't personal. But when I applied for my business license in my town... I was explicitly told that I would be given citations for working on the street in the area in front of my business. So it burns me a little to pay taxes, be legal and get these kind of limitations thrown at me and have to adhere to them. I wouldn't even work outside, because it's just not what we do. But to have that limitation thrown at me and have it become a business model all around the country... seems like a point waiting for friction. " All of these are definatley issues worth mentioning, but it would appear that they are also a stereotype derived by shop owners generalizing ALL mobile mechanics. Most/all of them are likely to be true in some way and is the exact feedback I was looking for in order to become a successful, legit, OSHA abiding, non-shade tree, mobile tech. As far as the insurance is concerned, I have done alittle research and found out there are policies for mobile mechanics. I have a friend who I served with and is currently a shop and mobile mechanic business owner and he led me in the right direction. I am currently deployed, and with the time difference it is difficult to get in contact with anyone by phone. Ive inquired via email and received info stating there are policies, but they all want a phone conversation which I want to do. I may just wait till I return to get an actual quote, then I could make an informed decision to which company to go with. I will definatley be reporting the policy details. I want to see how/if they differ from a shop policy.
  4. The more I inquire it would appear that its more of a hate on mobile tech's issue. Some dont like them due to not having as much overhead. Some stereotype by assuming all are the same slimey, backyard, tricksters up to no good. Maybe this is why there is assumed to be no good or decent mobile mechanics. I can honestly see both points of view. When im researching competing local mobile techs on craigslist, facebook etc. I do a search in the florida business license webside and most of them (90%) are operating without a license...atleast not one under thier posted business name. Most of the rest are operating as business, but are working out of a trunk of a civic, and cannot possibly have a legit way of providing a quility service. When I search nationwide on Google, a few that appear to be legit come up. Most specialize in a specific arena. One was tires and they had an entire trailer full of mounting/balancing machines (which i wouldnt imagine would be a very accurate balance being in a moving trailer), but they appear to have a legit, good business going. These are not the norm. However, good scenarios are presented. Like working inside someones personal garage. Seems like a bit of a risk. conflict of insurances i would no doubt be an area of contension. Say I R2 a fuel injector on someones car in thier garage I start the car and fuel sprays everywhere and ignites. Burns down the house. Who's insurance covers it? homeowners? or my garage keepers policy? I see this as an issue. the slimey, backyard, tricksters would undoubtedly dip out leaving the homeowner to fend for themselves. The answer...not sure. Work solely outside to eliminate the home owner liability? establish with the insurance company the intent of coverage inside someones garage? Same with the electrical panel issue. Simple answer for me would be to have my own generator. Theres no way to know that im going to have power everywhere so it would without a doubt be something I would have at all times. Spill kits are mandatory when working with and transporting hazardous chemicals. As well as having an up to date MSDS/SDS with all the potential chemicals one could come in contact with. Labeling on the vehicle are also mandatory if carrying a certain amount. There is nothing I can do shy of renting a building to increase my overhead to be equal to any brick and mortor shop. I dont think hating on mobile tec's because it costs less to operate is the answer. I do agree that there needs to be something done to make them legit business and to operate within the established standards. Looks like I still have tons of homework still to do. I need to get smart on laws and policies, and come up with a way to operate within thier standards. There has to be a way to navigate this thing. Does anyone have references for anywhere to start looking for this information? OSHA/safety standards I can find, but I believe the laws of zoning, working, and conducting as a business in varying scenarios would be a good place to start. Im in Hillsborough county, Florida, hoping to serve the greater Tampa area.
  5. Are these just a simple abide and comply within the standard for normal mechanic businesses? Why wouldnt this concept work with mobile? Any specific standard that would be broken if I were working in someones yard/driveway parking lot etc? other than the city ordanences that would state weather or not its specifically allowed. I wouldnt imagine it to be difficult to have a fire extinguisher, eye wash station, gloves/goggles and all appliccable ppe, etc. available on the site. Is there a major item im missing. Cant be too much different than working on an airplane on a ramp as far as spills and safety.
  6. these are all answers im trying to figure out. As I origionally stated, there are established brick and mortor shops everywhere, the information to become a successful traditional garage is there. Just not alot about having a successful legitemate mobile mechanic business.
  7. interesting. theres alot of good points in this topic. For me working for someone is out of the question, if im not working at an airline. Im just done with big planes. Obviously I will do whats required to pay the bills but the whole purpose for me opening my own business to do something new that I enjoy on my own terms. Maybe a mobile small/light private aircraft mechanic? Maybe for me it is better to find an actual garage to work out of, just seems like that business model has been figured out for the most part. I am not entirely closed off to the idea and I can see how as brick and mortar business owners it can be frustrating to see someone out on the street doing work, But I dont honestly see an issue working with a vehicle on someone elses business or home property if given the permission. Obviously, these would be quick jobs and not clutches, engines or rear ends etc in the business park. To be honest the messy driveway is a concern of mine, and I dont have a fool proof plan on how to avoid those spills and this combined with the convience of being out of the weather, and being able to raise the vehicle above my head is a major player in reasons why I shouldnt do it mobile. However, I cant help but think that there is a way to be successful while doing it mobile. Is it a popular choice? no. and judging by some responses on here its pretty much blasphemy. lol Also, as I dig into this veture of mobile mechanics I come across alot of shady backyard mechanics and it is frustrating when I know im going to ask for more money, but then I think about me providing a warranty on parts, and having an actual tax paying and registered, legal business. Will this be enough to provide myself with a decent flow of customers? I dont know. From some of the above statements, it seems nearly impossible to navigate through the rifraf.
  8. that seems to be the constant. undercutting. Do I "Have" to undercut myself to stay competitive? Thats what I do not know. I would imagine that if I provided a decent service at a convienent time and place for the customer, they would be willing to pay atleast the same as a brick and mortar shop for the convience. Hopefully word of mouth gets out and more people trust me as a legit business vs a fly by night backyard mechanic working out of the back of a station wagon. The working environment is a concern of mine. I am currently in the USAF as an aircraft mechanic and have spent most of my 23 years outside in the elements. While I dont mind it, I dont like it. But, being in florida, makes it bearable for most of the year. Mobile is definatley not something I want to personally do forever. Eventually I want my own shop, and a few mobile mechanics to keep that angle going (as long as its profitable).
  9. WMW


  10. WMW

    Wilson Motor Works

  11. Are you currently a mobile mechanic? Does it help to market and advertize as a mobile mechanic? You say occasionally get a call for someone looking for a mobile mechanic. That says one of two things to me... either 1) You have a permanent shop and occasionally someone calls for a mobile mechanic or 2) Youre a mobile mechanic who occasionally gets calls. Uber is out of the question. So I guess I better get my butt in gear and figure this thing out. Is insurance really $600/mo? There has to be a way to be a successful mobile mechanic. Is there an easy way to start an actual shop?
  12. I know this is a resurection of an old thread but, I need input on this matter as well. While doing my own research on becoming a mobile mechanic it has become apparent that if a mobile business is started with the exptectation to maintain a high work load there is also a high probability for failure. All transparency... I plan on working mobile until I can get a shop, but also plan on keeping it small. Are there any words of wisdom? Is this a bad idea all together? Should I just start off with a shop? Any success stories?
  13. never need it as in never have customers return with warranty issues? is there a secret to this or is it a simple do it right the first time approach?
  14. Any update as to how its going? im currently in the works on opening my own shop and trying to learn as much as possible. any words of wisdom after about 2 years?
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