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Punishment for Reward

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So I have this young tech. He thinks he's a hot shot (What tech doesn't other then real good ones) He's been with me about a year. He WILL be a great tech in a few years. He had asked about going to a BMW training class. I researched it. I think it is slightly over his head at this point but I agreed. I am paying for everything but accomodations.


The other day I was out of town and my manager was scheduled for all day training. He was told he could not be late under any circumstances. Well lo and behold he shows up 45 minutes late. My number 2 sent him home and wrote him up. I know we all take our lumps with young techs. I cancelled the training.

I told him if he keeps his nose clean for 6 months and shows me responsibilty I will have no problem sending him to the next one that comes up.


Looking for wisdom

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Out of 8 employees, we had 2 that could never get to work on time, period. We have meetings in the morning 2x a week and they would come straggling in. Let me say they are both good Techs in most other ways. I had tried everything to get them here. I can't stand being late and I think if they want their job they should be on time. Finally, I did the following, not sure it would be good or right for everybody. It has worked for me. If they are late I will deduct 1 hour for each day they are late. This was for flat rate technicians. The 1st two weeks I deducted 4 hours. He came in and asked me how come. I told him we had a meeting and this was my last resort. He said well, I didn't think you would really do it. When you hit them in the pocket book, it makes a difference. I also had told him if he was on time, he would also get a raise, which he deserved. He then made the effort and is on time. He came in and now wants his hours back. I will give them back after he proves he can come to work on time for more than 2 weeks.


But did I make the decision

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
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