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Too many choices in SMS..

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My current software expires in April and I'm shopping a new management software.


I am looking at ROwriter, I liked their ecat, eliminating inputting work order numbers seems nice. I've read some negative things as well...



I am strongly considering gem car, newer software that has a lot of features I am looking for.


Considering Mitchell1, as well, still waiting for a demo.



Auto vitals is $750 a month? What the heck, for that much I will go to Eastern Europe and hire my own programmers



Hoping to get some input and advice, a lot of these take some time to learn so there is only so much you can research

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We are a current ROWriter user and have been fairly happy with it. We use The Back Office as our integrator to Quickbooks. We also utilize an outside Payroll company to manage benefits and payroll. I say we have been happy with it until here recently when ROWriter did a major update and appears to have no desire to want to play with AutoVitals. I am not sure where you are getting pricing for AutoVitals but that is not consistent with most pricing unless you are using their marketing, retention and website programs. We have been very happy with AutoVittals and have been using the program for close to 3 years. I would not want to run my shop without it or maybe even Bolt-on Technology (which I am never used).


We are currently running a demo version of MaxTraxx alongside our ROWriter to compare functionality. My manager likes the software and feels it's what we need to move to even though it is going to be quite a bit of work. I am evaluating the accounting functions of it as I really want to move away from QB and bring our payroll back in house. The one thing that I have found out is that MaxTraxx does not offer EFT for Payroll. I don't want to go backwards and have techs waiting around for a payroll check so they can go to the bank, which also means that we would have the same issue with 401K funds, garnishments, and tax payments. They also don't offer an easy way of importing payroll data from an outside vendor other than going in and building the GL entry. This could be a deal killer for me as I am all about minimizing maintenance and am trying to build a solid platform for multiple shops.

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My current software expires in April and I'm shopping a new management software.


I am looking at ROwriter, I liked their ecat, eliminating inputting work order numbers seems nice. I've read some negative things as well...


I am strongly considering gem car, newer software that has a lot of features I am looking for.



AutoVitals base package is just under $300/month. I had not heard of Gem-Car, but they've been around since 2001. What Gem-Car features are compelling to you? I'm meeting with another shop owner friend of mine tomorrow to discuss why he's chosen RoWriter and AutoVitals both as his system of choice. I'm going to definitely try to understand which of the two he values most given that RoWriter sees AutoVitals as a competitor and isn't being very friendly-like. I have a hard time seeing this overlay system add more value than confusion. But, it's working for him and Marksas, so there's something to learn about it.

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