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Workshop for service writer training?

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Anyone know or recommend a company that offers a 3-5 day workshop to train a service writer/manager to learn how to SELL and manage tech workflow? Not looking for a consulting firm wanting thousands of dollars. We have an awesome personable approachable person who was one of our techs and wants to move up front but needs help. Thanks so much for your input

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Highly recommend Barry Barrett with RLO. I was a technician with 0 sales experience who moved up front and he taught me everything I know about sales. PM and I'll pass along his contact info or answer any other questions you may have

Edited by mmotley
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Anyone know or recommend a company that offers a 3-5 day workshop to train a service writer/manager to learn how to SELL and manage tech workflow? Not looking for a consulting firm wanting thousands of dollars. We have an awesome personable approachable person who was one of our techs and wants to move up front but needs help. Thanks so much for your input


In my experience you pay for what you get. Seminar style classes are good but do not leave lasting results. You need behavioral changes which requires a course. Generally these are not cheap. You are looking at huge possible increases in sales and productivity even if a course costs you thousands of dollars you will make it back in ROI 1000%

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Highly recommend Barry with RLO. He has had a huge impact with several of our advisers and our average RO has gone up. However it does take the right individual with the right attitude so I have always had Barry interview the adviser first prior to sending them because there has been times where you find they need help in different areas first before a 3-5 day intense class.

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There are many options. It can be confusing, especially when everyone is

advertising, "Service Advisor Training."

There are a number of things you want to find out when you're interviewing
sales trainers.

The most important thing you want to determine is:

What is the training company's philosophy on how customers should be treated?

In other words, does their selling philosophy match how you want YOUR
customers treated?

Here's an easy test: Would you feel good about using their word tracks and
sales methods on one of your family members or a good friend?

Here are some questions and other things to consider before you plunk down
your hard-earned money:

Hope this helps.

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  • 2 years later...
On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 11:27 AM, bbosselait said:

I recommend Jonnie Wright with Buyosphere 515-480-4190, he is month to month and can help you with a lot of different areas. We have used Barry with RLO in the past.

The Buyosphere  is an amazing program, it changes how you interact with everything you do with a client. Anyone can answer the phone, but this training how important the correct type of communication will make a difference in customer service. 

Big thanks to Rob Bouwens at Buyosphere for all the exceptional guidance you have shown me.


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Re service writer training: I just had an article published in an auto trade magazine on getting customer approval through trust and not the typical "selling" via safety and value, but I don't want to break any Forum rules by putting in link, since I'm a free member.

Moderators: can I post the online link to the magazine article?

And I have a few more short articles on the auto part of my personal website.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Victor! Great article! As far as I'm concerned you hit the nail on the head! A couple of things you said I think are really important. You talked about how the customer "feels" and what most don't realize is that a customer will often forget what you tell them - but will NEVER forget how you made them FEEL! 

I've been trying to drive this point home (the issue of Trust) because of a recent AAA Report claiming that 2 out of 3 US Drivers DON'T TRUST THEIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP! The good news - a whopping 22% of drivers are totally satisfied! Ha! 

The other issue you mentioned (and I agree with - but I think you'll take a little heat on") is your last statement about "persuasion". Yup! There's strategies you can use to persuade - NOT MANIPULATE - but just persuade. I'm willing to bet there's 100's - if not 1'000's of guys and gals that will dump on that idea saying that it's being "sneaky".

But I'm sure you know that the fact is that, we're all wired the same. In a lot of cases, we all react the same in similar circumstances - and if you can control the situation, you can persuade people. 

Great article! Thanks for sharing. 

Matthew Lee
"The Car Count Fixer"
Get More Car Count, Income & Profits @ Car Count Hackers on YouTube




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