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Everything posted by kenk

  1. Well if you think about it for the most part if we didn't have all these EPA regulations there would be cities in the us where you could not breath the air. Like it or not we needed this, but the price we have to pay for all this is overwhelming! But some of it is more then just to keep our air clean. That's the part I could do without.
  2. Story has a nice ending, which is not always the case. Interesting that the service writer would call the customer to see if things are ok, when in reality most of the time it is the customer that has to initiate the call, as most shops are way to busy. Maybe not everywhere, but that's the way it is in my area.
  3. Some parts you just don't want to have any problems with so I tend to by higher quality. Other parts if the price is so dramatically different I am willing to gamble a bit and try to save some money. At least the first time around!
  4. well, what a wonderful story to tell. I think he is right. Luck, could bring in lot's of customers, the first time, but in order to keep them, it has to be more then that!
  5. Gonzo: This might tseem a little odd, but have you or someone you know ever run into a situation where the customer turns out to be right, about his car and yes there was a mistake made by the shop mechanic, but usually in these cases the customer is not "off the wall", but was there ever one that would try to pissin’ off a mechanic, knowing he was right! Have a story like that to tell?
  6. I guess the moral to the story is know your business and above all stay in your business!
  7. You need to give oil change discounts only to those customers that patronize your shop for other work done. This should help with getting the right customers.
  8. It's because people don't want to be the one responsible for their own car repairs. My guess is that it is so expensive to keep a vehicle running today. They are always looking for an out to paying for what has to be done. Maybe when the economy improve will see less of this!
  9. you know those that have to have breath analyzer's in their vehicles are going to be problems one way or another. Perhaps it would be best just to tell the customer I don't sevice those types of cars and on with the next job. Not your normal way of doing business, but then again like you said they are "STUPID, inconsiderate person of all times".
  10. `Twas the night before Christmas and all through the dark Not a car was still broken, all those plugs had there spark Wrenches were stashed all snug in there boxes While me by myself was having Christmas party leftovers, some bagels and loxes Out in the lot there was such a clatter I sprang to my feet and yelled Hey what's the matter! Now what to my blood shot tired eyes should appear But some crazy old guy with sleigh with reindeer He approached the front door with a smile so bright I quickly unlocked it and turned back on the office light Excuse me kind sir but I am having some trouble The left rudder on my sleigh has started to rumble The balancing was wrong pulling much to the right Those reindeer have been working too hard, this cold night I have so much to do and little time to do it Could you could please get right too it! Without saying a word I went to work right away Too bad the alignment machine had no specs for a sleigh Meanwhile the reindeer were prancing around That Rudolf and comet what a couple of clowns In a matter of time the rudder was straight and the alignment done too I helped him load up all the presents, but one He wanted to pay me, but cash he had none I hope it was from Sears a one half inch air gun He started the sleigh by calling their names Come now, Dasher! , Prancer and Blitzen! Get off your butts Comet and Vixen! It started to idle and float in the air Then Rudolf lit up the sky with his nose extraordinaire I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to 'AutoShopOwner', and to all a good-night!
  11. How appropiate. The economy has not changed a bit. They created an illusion that were in better shape in 2013 but not! They will be after Santa forever as will never see interest rates rise again and Santa will always owe money.
  12. Gonzo: good takeoff on the original 12 days..!
  13. Complain, complain, what would they say if you gave them some service for free? They still find a way to complain-right?
  14. Today it not so much looking out for "Dr. Murphy’s elixir" but trying to determine if this product that is advertized will do what the guy says it does. I hear so much story telling how this product did this for this car and that. They don't push products like they are miracle's anymore, they just try to make seem more plausible.
  15. Gonzo; It's not olny cars from years ago but appliances, clocks, radio's tv's etc, that were made to be repaired back then. You probably remember going to drug stores with your dad to check out a tv vacuum tube! It's were everything is going to and will only get worse, if that's the way you think of it!
  16. For me, it's a bit of all decades, as I can appreciate what each one had to offer. What you think it would be like if possibe to have a car with a bit incorprated from each decade? That's my decade! The best from each one, in a vehicle.
  17. Reminds me of a story told by another shop owner once. While the car was in the shop for some other repair the technician noticed a headlight was out. so he replaced it and when the lady showed up she refused to pay for the headlight bulb , saying I didn't ask you to do this and I am not paying even though the price was very resonable. After she paid for the repair job minus not paying for the bulb, the owner of the shop said hold on there, and let me walk you out to your car. As he passed his work bench he picked up a hammer and when he got to the car he smashed the headlight he just put in! The lady said, now why did you do that? Mame, it's my bulb, beacuse I paid for it and I will do what I want with it! I got a good laugh out of that story!
  18. you did not mention what gasoline prices run where you stayed. I am sure they were high compared to the us! good to see you back too!
  19. Gonzo: It should have been the customer responsibility to know that the battery is still under warranty and the customer, should have found a shop that would honor that warranty. Dad should have told the daughter to hold up on buying a battery, until it get's taken care of under warranty. Yes, it was a bad shop not to tell the customer were they could take it to have this done, and try to upsell them one based on it's the wrong size battery.
  20. “What’s the difference between a doctor and a mechanic?" A doctor only has to work on two models! Male & Female and a mechanic works on as many models as the car manufactures come up with! So True!
  21. Years ago on the older cars near the radiator supports or up on top of the hood you would find information such as timing spec. idle speed, etc most of the stuff you would need to do some servicing. You don't see that anymore, probably because everything is fixed and not adjustable, but they could have a sticker that tells you the amount of oil it takes, besides telling you what type of oil! Something like this I used to see.. http://www.google.com/imgres?start=120&sa=X&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS336US337&biw=983&bih=497&tbm=isch&tbnid=018redUyj5ejgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.libertyautollc.com/charlieandtomschargers/emissions_sticker76.htm&docid=GbIclOSHsu1STM&imgurl=http://www.libertyautollc.com/charlieandtomschargers/67844780.jpg&w=1092&h=632&ei=0wDiUZajEpHG4AOR5IDIBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=449&vpy=192&dur=1422&hovh=171&hovw=295&tx=195&ty=110&page=9&tbnh=140&tbnw=262&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:27,s:100,i:85
  22. gonzo: over the years have you ever seen a bad spring(s) that were once pretty standard to hold the car hood up? Seems to me we started having problems when they went to locking hoods and also the ones with shocks holding them up.
  23. The story reminds me of the term "Frankenstein cars" Cars fixed or built from peices. How about a story on that Gonzo?
  24. Yes it's all about communication in this business. Who's the boss, maybe there is not one boss and that's a good thing. Who wants one person calling all the shots? what if they are wrong, being wrong costs, customers and shop owners!

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