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Status Updates posted by Gonzo

  1. I've been working on my backyard project...trying to get the sheathing on the roof. the heat was unbearable but I started putting some of it up... now, it's raining all day... geez ... can't get a break

  2. I've got a lot of relatives in the northeast section of the country. Man, are they getting hit with a lot of water run off. Super flooding taking place. Anyone else up in that area experiencing flooding?

  3. I've got one more car to get picked up and I'm OUT OF HERE! Long weekend with family and friends... and some golf time.

  4. I've got this cold weather figured out. It's cold and I don't like it. That's enough I figure.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      It's so cold I forgot what warm is


  5. I've seen slow, and I've slower. But, in all my 30 plus years I haven't seen it this slow. It's all over town too. weird.....everybody said it's slow.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. skm


      Been slow for 2 weeks, now today I am slammed


    3. Jeff


      Talked to the tool rep and 2 parts guys yesterday. It is slow everywhere here.Hope it picks up next week!

    4. Gonzo


      now, I'm covered. every bay full, and not just little projects. crazy how it goes from dead to super busy. never get used to it even after all these years.


  6. If you're looking for any of the latest published articles Babcox has added "Gonzo's Toolbox" to their header on the website. You now can go directly to the page and check out which stories were printed.

  7. If you're wondering where I went. I was on assignment to Kansas for the Vision convention, and to make matters worse.. we are switching internet providers so I only have access at the shop. Should be back up by this Saturday or Sunday

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Missed you, glad you are back, hope you had a good time at Vision.

  8. If your wonder why there was no story this weekend, well... I was on assignment for ACtion magazine. I got back Saturday night and didn't have time to post. Don't worry, I'll be back next weekend as usual.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Hey, not a problem...but we will miss your weekly story, we have all become used to looking forward to your articles!


  9. internet down at the house... will post new story as soon as possible.

  10. Internet finally straightened out. The receiver box was the problem. Internet for about an hour, then nothing for about 3 hours. Well, back to work. Gotta pay for it now... LOL

  11. internet. down.... AGAIN!!!! chat tonight might be a problem...

  12. Interstate battery stopped by to restock my shelves. The drivers big truck wouldn't start, so I checked it out for him. Ah, dah, it was a dead battery. Needed a new one. Hmm, now I wonder where a battery would be? Just too freakin funny.What's on your mind?

    1. CARMandP


      How much do you charge him for his battery. LOL


  13. It's Saturday, time for a new story... check it out.

  14. IT"S TONIGHT! 7 CST Coast to Coast Car Chat with your host of host "GONZO" I'll be there... stop on by even for a minute... It's a great stress reliever for next weeks workaholics.

  15. Just bought an IDS Ford factory scanner... awesome tool, who else has one?

    1. Brianp


      I looked at them but got scared away when I heard they were going to be no longer using them.

    2. Gonzo


      there is a new one coming out but the IDS will still be useable, all the way back to 95... anything older I've got the NGS to cover that. I had to get the reprogramming part and to complete my information on the BCM info. I do more body mods and electrical systems. not near that much in engine or transmission. so I had to spring for it.

    3. Brianp


      I agree its still an awesome tool. great for 6.0diesels also.

  16. Just came back from Kansas. I was at the Vision HiTech Training Expo lots of new equipment, scanners, and other tools. Lots of big name trainers giving classes and lots and lots of people at the convention. Super day to go window shopping for new equipment

  17. Just finished up my ASE tests using the new computer based testing. Goes much faster than before. I like it a whole lot more than the pencil and paper method.

  18. Just got back from a week in Florida shooting video spots for AVI. Glad to be home again.

    1. xrac


      Glad you are back!


    2. Gonzo


      Thanx Frank, glad to be back. Rough flight back into Tulsa. We got diverted to Wichita because of the severe storm at the time we entered Tulsa's air space. Hell of a ride home.

    3. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Welcome back Gonzo!


  19. Just got back in town from an extended Memorial day weekend. Got the boy back from college, played some golf, and stopped in at a few automotive repair shops. Pretty cool. Hopefully the shops I stopped at will check out ASO now that they know about this site.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Spread the word! ASO is the number 1 source for shop owners around the world.

  20. Just got my copy of Shop Owners Magazine. Really nice write up about Joe Marconi... Gee, i wonder if I know that guy... Awesome story. nice photos. good job JOE!!

  21. Just heard that ASE will be considering a new classification. L3 Hybrid/Electric ... Sometime in 2015. End of 2014 actual tests dates will be posted.

  22. Just heard that ASE will be considering a new classification. L3 Hybrid/Electric ... Sometime in 2015. End of 2014 actual tests dates will be posted.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Good idea, stay current with new technology

  23. Last full day at the shop before the start of my vacation/book tour... already starting out fun... 4 scanners flashing new programs for 4 other shops all at the same time... good thing they have a 10 minute delay for the security systems... LOL I'm running back and forth... come on vacation! !

  24. Long weekend, still on vacation. Got to see a lot in DC, tomorrow I start the long trip back to Oklahoma. Saturdays story is up and posted... check it out, leave a comment... I'd like to say THANK YOU to all the members of ASO for reading my stories. It means a lot.

  25. LOOK OUT WORLD!!! My son Mitchell passed his driving test today.

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