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Posts posted by Topauto

  1. Yes , we frequently leave cars out side for after hours pick up . Sometimes we hide keys other times people have a second set . We lock keys and receipt in the car. 
    We do have cameras outside the shop but have never had a issue. We are in a large metropolitan area. Traffic can be a issue so people tend to be late or pick up next morning on the way to work. 

  2. Our shop is located in Orlando- we have decided to stay open . Business is down Considerable. Worst in 38 years. 
     We feel it is important to stay open for our fleets and Department of transportation accounts. We furloughed our part time tech @ the onset . More out of concern for his age and health concerns . 
    As long as we can bring in enough revenue to meet payroll and contribute to rent we will remain open . We have enough retained earnings to ride out the storm. 

    We spoke with our banker about the payroll loan  his response was it is a loan do not think otherwise. 
    As we shy away from debt we will not pursue at this time. You really need to educate yourself on the fine details. Top line sounds wonderful but my gut reaction is it it sounds to good to be true is it ?

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  3. We also stock Delco  Batteries from Cold Air . Typically we stock the PS  series -30 month free replacement . The PG series has a 42 month free replacement and usually the cost is not that much more . In Florida batteries seem to go bad between 24 to 36 months . Which is why I usually do not give the customer an 18 month option . 

    I try to educate the consumer on the benefits of a free replacement versus a pro rated warranty in the same time frame. They may save $10 or $20 up front with a cheaper battery from a big box store but when the battery fails - they get a prorated warranty coverage they just lost money.

    We have never had a issue getting full coverage on the warranty. Actually, several times when it was the right thing to do for our customer we have gotten replacements even though the battery may be several months out of warranty . 

  4.  Several other shops recommended Indeed to me .  They  had hired excellent  technicians  from the applicants provided. My experience was not good. After several hundred dollars spent not one viable applicant was produced. After two months  I followed the directions provided on the web site to cancel our account. Yep, next Billing cycle on our credit card was another $115 dollar charge. When I called for an explanation , I felt like I got a BS response. No refund . So, lesson learned 

  5. We use Dharma Merchant service out of California. It Took two weeks of research to finally understand the shell game of credit card changes. Everyone pays the same % for the bank /service charges and each card has different processing fees. What you pay over that is the scam . When we switched to Dharma the first month we saw a $200 savings.  Still cost a lot money each month to process C/C. We feel it is cost of doing business.

  6. We call those customers 1 % 's . They do not fit our morals valves etc... We bend over backwards to keep customers happy . But their is a very small percentage you should avoid. I believe direct unemotional communication is the best defense. Sorry we are not the shop for you if you want to supply your own parts.... haggle the price after you agreed to the estimate. nice to meet you , though have a nice life!

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